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支承塊 注塑模具設計
摘 要
Design the injection mould of the support block
This design is plastic injection mold design, plastic injection mold molding plastics is for supporting piece, The design contents are parts of technology establishment:technology Analysis of part,The computation of volume and quality of part,Injection machine parameter is determined;structural design:the choice of parting surface,the determine of cavity number,the design of the gate and the core-pulling mechanism,calculating the size Cores cavity;the calculation mould heating and cooling system,The mold closed highly determined;Injection machine related parameter examination.
Plastics has the smaller dimension, use a two-cavity, single parting surface injection structure,choose the parting surface in plastic parts on the biggest section level umbriferous, use push structure,running calmly and safely, Launched in plastic parts won't leave ejection trace, due to the plastics side has holes, so we must adopt slanted-guide-pillar core-pulling mechanism.
The design of such a structure can be used to ensure reliable Die work to ensure that the other parts of the tie. Finally has carried on the examination to the mold structure and the injection machine match.
KEY WORDS: injection moulding,supporting piece,the structural design,Computer - Aided Design
目 錄
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 國際國內塑料成型模具發(fā)展概況 1
1.2 我國模具設計技術今后發(fā)展 3
1.3 畢業(yè)設計主要內容及任務 4
第2章 塑料制件的工藝性分析及工藝結構設計 5
2.1成型塑料制件結構工藝性分析 5
2.2 確定成型工藝參數 8
第3章注塑模的結構設計 11
3.1 分型面的選擇 11
3.2 型腔數目的確定及型腔的排列 11
3.3 澆注系統(tǒng)方案設計 13
3.4 型芯型腔結構設計 15
3.5 脫模機構設計 15
3.6 模架選取 17
第4章 注塑模具設計的有關尺寸計算 19
4.1 成型零件尺寸計算 19
4.1.1 脫模機構尺寸計算 20
4.1.2 楔緊塊的形式 21
4.2 注塑機有關參數的校核 22
4.2.1 模具安裝部分的校核 22
4.2.2 模具開模行程校核 23
第5章 模溫調節(jié)與冷卻系統(tǒng)的設計與計算 24
5.1 注射模冷卻系統(tǒng)設計的原則 24
5.2 塑料模具的熱平衡計算 24
結 論 28
謝 辭 29
參考文獻 30
第1章 緒論
1.1 國際國內塑料成型模具發(fā)展概況