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1、單擊此處編輯母版標題樣式,單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,單擊此處編輯母版標題樣式,單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,現(xiàn)在完成進行時,Aug 15th 0:00,My younger brother,has been accessing,the net.,now,Aug 15th 12:00,The baby,has been sleeping,for 1 hour.,now,11:10,They,have been playing,basketball all the day.,Now,Now,The boy,ha,s,been,re

2、ading,a book,for,almost 4,hours.,10:50,He,has been talking,with his girlfriend.,now,The telephone,has been ringing,for almost a minute.,The sound,has continued about one minute,.,The telephone,is ringing.,2012-8-15 1:00,2012-8-15 11:00,The young boy,has been watching,TV.,now,TV,2012-8-15,The two rob

3、ots,have been dancing,and singing,since they have been made.,Now,in the morning,I dont know why the pig,has been running,.,now,run,They,has been playing,games in the school.,now,Play games,Oh,you have come at last!I,have been waiting for,you for two long hours.,(,我等了你足足兩個小時,),13:00,15:00,I,m sorry!,

4、You,have been crying,.(,你一直在哭,.),I,have been knocking,.,I don,t think anybody,s in.,(,我一直在敲門。我想沒人在里面。,),No person?,You are here!I,have been looking for,you long.,(我找了你老半天),我一直都在這,現(xiàn)在完成進行時,1.,構(gòu)成形式:,hashave been doing,2.,用法,1,敘述某一動作從過去開始一直繼續(xù)到現(xiàn)在仍在繼續(xù)之中或剛剛停止。經(jīng)常與,for,since,all morning/day/week,用在一起,。,1)You

5、,have been studying,for four straight hours.Why don,t you take a break?,2)The telephone,has been ringing,for almost a minute.Why doesn,t someone answer it?,2,敘述從過去某時開始一直繼續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,但不再繼續(xù)下去的事情。帶有濃厚的感情色彩,強調(diào)持續(xù)了,“,那么久,”,或做得,“,那么辛苦,”,1)Oh,you have come at last!I,have been waiting for,you for two long hours.(,我

6、等了你足足兩個小時,),2)You are here!I,have been looking for,you long.,(我找了你老半天),3,敘述,“,最近,”,一直從事的工作或活動。,lately,recently,What,s the matter?Your eyes are red and puffy.,Have you been crying,?,(,你是不是一直在哭?,),The weather has been changeable,lately,;,Ive been having,a lot of colds.,(,最近天氣變化無常,我時常感冒。),4,敘述從過去某時到現(xiàn)在,

7、或最近,,一再重復的動作,。,I,have been knocking,.I don,t think anybody,s in.,(,我一直在敲門。我想沒人在里面。,),I,have been writing,letters since breakfast.,(,我從早餐起就一直在寫信,),現(xiàn)在完成進行時和現(xiàn)在完成時的比較,:,A.,未完結(jié)性,Ive cleaned,the windows,.,我把窗戶擦干凈了。,Ive been cleaning,the windows.,我擦窗戶來著。,(,可能窗戶尚未擦完,),B.,短暫性,現(xiàn)在完成時與現(xiàn)在完成進行時都可以表示延續(xù)至今的狀態(tài),但完成進行是

8、常表示短暫性。,A.,They,have lived,in New York,.,B.,They,have been living,in New,York.,句,A,具有長期性,而句,B,具有短暫性。,C.,剛完結(jié)性,與現(xiàn)在完成時相比,現(xiàn)在完成進行時有時可以表示剛剛完結(jié)的動作。有時它是現(xiàn)在事件的直接原因,或者是得出結(jié)論的證據(jù)。如,:,My hands are dirty.,Ive been painting,the car.,(我的手很臟,我在油汽車來著。),Your eyes are red and puffy,.,Have,you,been crying,?,(你的眼睛又紅又腫,你是不是哭

9、來著?),D.,連續(xù)性或重復性,現(xiàn)在完成進行時常常用于表示延續(xù)至今的連續(xù)性或重復性動作。如:,Jim,have been phoning,Jenny every night for the several,months.,All these days he,has been writing,articles to our magazine,.,結(jié)論,:,現(xiàn)在完成進行時主要用于表示,A.,過去開始而且現(xiàn)在仍在進行的動作。,B.,過去開始,現(xiàn)在剛剛停止的動作。,C.,現(xiàn)在看到其直接結(jié)果的動作。,現(xiàn)在完成時主要用于表示已經(jīng)完成的動作及其與現(xiàn)在的關(guān)系。,In pairs,take turns to r

10、ead the statement and turn it into a question using the present perfect continuous tense.The words in brackets may help you.(P41),e.g.S1:Mrs.Smith,learned to drive,three years ago.(how long),S2:,How long have you been,driving,Mrs.Smith?,1.Sam has just finished learning to fly an airplane on a six-mo

11、nth course.(how long),How long,have,you,been learning,to fly an airplane,Sam?,2.He swam till he felt very tired.He has just stepped out of the swimming pool.(how long),How long,have,you,been swimming,?,3.Sally and Zhou Xin have been busy all day.(what),What,have,you,been doing,Sally and,Zhou Xin?,4.

12、They have argued with each other for years about the best way to grow potatoes.(what),What,have,you,been arguing,about for years?,5.Jiao Yang uses a particular kind of washing powder and his clothes have always been clean and soft.(what),Jiao Yang,what kind of washing powder,have,you,been using,that

13、 makes your clothes so clean and soft?,Consolidation,1.,Hi,Tracy,you look tired.,Im tired.I _ in the living room,all day.,A.painted,B.had painted,C.have been painting,D.have painted,2.There is so much snow these days,isnt there?,Yes,it _ for a few days.,A.was snowing,B.has been snowing,C.had been sn

14、owing,D.snowed,3.Although these scientists _ on the project for nearly four years,I dont know how long it will last.,A.have been working,B.had worked,C.were working,D.are working,4.Now that she is out of job,Lucy _ going back to school,but she hasnt decided yet.,A.had considered,B.has been consideri

15、ng,C.considered,D.is going to consider,5.The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he _ in the mud all morning.,A.has played,B.is playing,C.has been playing,D.was playing,6.I _ to see the film last week because I _ it twice.,A.didnt go.had seen,B.dont go.have seen,C.hadnt go.had seen,D.didnt

16、 go.have seen,8.Ill phone you if she _ this evening.In fact she didnt tell me if she_.,A.would come.,will come,B.will come.,came,C.comes.,would come,D.come.,came,7.Who do you guess _ where I _ just now?,A.lie.,lay B.is lying.,lay,C.lies.,lain D.lied.,laid,9.I _ into the bus when I _ a girl call my name.,A.had hardly got.,hear,B.had hardly got.,heard,C.was no sooner setting.,heard,D.did hardly get.,had heard,Thank you very much!,

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