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1、 中國地質大學長城學院 本科畢業(yè)論文外文資料翻譯 系 別: 信息工程系 專 業(yè): 電氣工程及其自動化 姓 名: 學 號: 04309312 2013年 3 月 18 日 外文資料翻譯譯文 PLC應用于電梯的發(fā)展趨勢 (PLC)是以計算機技術為核心的通用自動控制裝置,在各行各業(yè)中得到了廣泛的應用。在電梯行業(yè)中,PLC的作用得到了充分的體現(xiàn)。本文介紹了PLC控制的五層電梯模型的構成、主要功能、PLC的I/O接口分配、PL

2、C的編程方法及對電梯系統(tǒng)的程序設計等。通過對電梯控制系統(tǒng)的程序設計,實現(xiàn)了電梯的開關門控制以及在電梯運行方式下電梯的呼叫顯示、上下行、起動、延時關門、平層、??块_門、信號排隊、順向截梯和報警等控制功能。通過對軟件程序的編譯、硬件的連接以及電梯模型與PLC控制系統(tǒng)的聯(lián)調(diào),使得控制系統(tǒng)在電梯模型運行過程中直觀的體現(xiàn)出來,實現(xiàn)了對電梯功能的控制。 21世紀將會發(fā)展多用途、全功能的塔式建筑,超高速電梯繼續(xù)成為研究方向。曳引式超高速電梯的研究繼續(xù)在采用超大容量電動機、高性能的微處理器、減振技術、新式滾輪導靴和安全鉗、永磁同步電動機、轎廂氣壓緩解和噪聲抑制系統(tǒng)等方面推進。采用直線電機驅動的電梯也有較大

3、研究空間。未來超高速電梯舒適感會有明顯提高。 電梯是標志現(xiàn)代物質文明的垂直運輸工具、是機—電一體化的復雜運輸設備。它涉及電子技術、機械工程、電力電子技術、微機技術、電力拖動系統(tǒng)和土建工程等多個科學領域。目前電梯的生產(chǎn)情況和使用數(shù)量已成為一個國家現(xiàn)代化程度的標志之一。 本次設計主要將可編程序控制器(PLC)和計算機應用到電梯的控制系統(tǒng)中去,以五層電梯為例來完成單臺電梯PLC控制系統(tǒng)的總體設計方案、組成及模塊化程序設計。通過三菱FX2N與計算機通信來實現(xiàn)對電梯系統(tǒng)運行的控制。首先確定電梯類型為客貨兩用梯,電梯載重量為1000千克,梯速為1.5米/秒,曳引電動機的轉速為1000轉/秒;再根據(jù)串聯(lián)

4、阻抗前后電動機的機械特性,選擇合適的電梯速度控制曲線,實現(xiàn)電梯的交流調(diào)速;其次是電梯運行控制部分設計,包括轎廂門控制電路、平層控制電路、顯示電路、集選控制電路、電梯消防運行回路;輸入口計算點為58,輸出口計算點數(shù)為35,選用三菱FX2-80MRPLC型的PLC,并進行了外圍接線設計;最后進行軟件編程。 隨著經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,高層建筑的日益增多,電梯已經(jīng)成為人們?nèi)粘I钪胁豢扇鄙俅怪苯煌üぞ?。更好的滿足用戶的要求,開發(fā)出高安全性、高可靠性、高效、低能耗、乘坐舒適的電梯,是國內(nèi)外各電梯生產(chǎn)企業(yè)和研究機構的主要目標。其中電梯控制系統(tǒng)的開發(fā)是達到以上目標的最重要途徑。 工業(yè)自動化技術的飛速發(fā)展為電梯控制系統(tǒng)

5、的技術更新提供了物質基礎。不斷的將工業(yè)控制領域最先進的技術和產(chǎn)品引入到電梯控制中,是電梯行業(yè)技術開發(fā)最重要和最有效的手段。本文將可編程計算機控制器——PCC,這一集計算機技術、通訊技術、自動控制技術為一體的工業(yè)控制領域的新型工業(yè)控制裝置,應用于電梯控制中。 在對我國電梯行業(yè)的技術現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展趨勢的詳細分析的基礎上,本文采用B&R 2005 PCC作為電梯的主控制系統(tǒng),完成了一個12層站集選控制客梯的硬件系統(tǒng)和軟件控制程序的設計,利用PCC自身所具備的邏輯運算和數(shù)據(jù)處理功能,通過適當增加輸入/輸出點和編制PCC控制程序,使本系統(tǒng)具有對電梯運行進行故障監(jiān)測和診斷的功能,并進一步介紹了PCC控制系統(tǒng)在

6、電梯的遠程監(jiān)控中的應用。 PLC(可編程控制器)作為一種工業(yè)控制微型計算機,它以其編程方便、操作簡單尤其是它的高可控性等優(yōu)點,在工業(yè)生產(chǎn)過程中得到了廣泛的應用。它應用大規(guī)模集成電路,微型機技術和通訊技術的發(fā)展成果,逐步形成了具有多種優(yōu)點和微型,中型,大型,超大型等各種規(guī)格的系列產(chǎn)品,應用于從繼電器控制系統(tǒng)到監(jiān)控計算機之間的許多控制領域。隨著社會的不斷發(fā)展,樓房越來越高,而電梯成為了高層樓房的必須設備。電梯從手柄開關操縱電梯、按鈕控制電梯發(fā)展到了現(xiàn)在的群控電梯,為高層運輸做出了不可磨滅的貢獻。PLC在電梯升降控制上的應用主要體現(xiàn)在它的邏輯開關控制功能。由于PLC具有邏輯運算,計數(shù)和定時以及數(shù)據(jù)

7、輸入輸出的功能。在電梯升降過程中,各種邏輯開關控制與PLC很好的結合,很好的實現(xiàn)了對的控制。 可編程控制器是60年代末在美國首先出現(xiàn)的,當時叫可編程邏輯控制器PLC(ProgrammableLogicController),目的是用來取代繼電器。以執(zhí)行邏輯判斷、計時、計數(shù)等順序控制功能。提出PLC概念的是美國通用汽車公司。PLC的基本設計思想是把計算機功能完善、靈活、通用等優(yōu)點和繼電器控制系統(tǒng)的簡單易懂、操作方便、價格便宜等優(yōu)點結合起來,控制器的硬件是標準的、通用的。根據(jù)實際應用對象,將控制內(nèi)容編成軟件寫入控制器的用戶程序存儲器內(nèi),使控制器和被控對象連接方便。 70年代中期以后,PLC已


9、 可編程控制器對用戶來說,是一種無觸點設備,改變程序即可改變生產(chǎn)工藝。目前,可編程控制器已成為工廠自動化的強有力工具,得到了廣泛的普及推廣應用。 可編程控制器是面向用戶的專用工業(yè)控制計算機,具有許多明顯的特點。 ①可靠性高,抗干擾能力強; ②編程直觀、簡單; ③適應性好; ④功能完善,接口功能強。 PLC的最大特點在于:電氣工程帥已不在電氣的硬件上花費太多的心計,只要將按鈕開關或感應器的輸入點連接到PLC的輸入點上就能解決問題,通過輸出點連接接觸或繼電器來控制人功率的啟動設備,而小功率的輸出設備直接連接就可以。 PLC的內(nèi)部包含了具有中央處理器的CPU,并帶有外部I/O口擴展的I

10、/O接口地址和存儲器三大塊組成,CPU的核心是由一個或多個累加器組成,它們具有邏輯的數(shù)學運算能力,并能讀取程序存儲器的內(nèi)容通過計算后去馳動相府的存儲器和I/O接口;I/O口將內(nèi)部累加器和外部的輸入和輸出系統(tǒng)連接起來,并將利關的數(shù)據(jù)存入程序存儲器或者數(shù)據(jù)存儲器中:存儲器可以將I/O口輸入的數(shù)據(jù)存入存儲器中,并在工作時訓調(diào)轉到累加器和I/O接口上,存儲器分程序存儲器ROM和數(shù)據(jù)存儲器RAM,ROM可以將數(shù)據(jù)永久的存入存儲器巾,而RAM只能作為CPU計算時臨時計算使用的緩沖空間。 PLC抗干擾是極其優(yōu)秀的,我們根本不用去關心它的使用壽命和工作場合的惡劣,這些所自的問題已不再成為我們失敗的主題,而留

11、給我們的是關心如何來利用PLC的內(nèi)部資源為我們加強設備的控制能力,使我們的設備更加的柔性。 PLC的語言并不是我們所想象的匯編語言或C語言來進行編程,而是采用原有的繼電器控制的梯形圖,使得電氣工程師在編寫程序時很容易就理解了PLC的語言,而且很多的非電氣專業(yè)人士也對PLC很快認識并深入。 PLC在智能建筑電梯控制系統(tǒng)中的應用 在20世紀80年代,第一座智能大廈在美國竣工,之后智能建筑引起了全世界的關注。隨著社會的發(fā)展,智能建筑有著不同的含義。早期智能建筑被認為是等同于智能大廈,但是現(xiàn)在智能建筑不僅涉及智能大廈,而且還涉及智能住宅小區(qū)。本文主要討論了智能建筑系統(tǒng)的一個子系統(tǒng):電梯控制系統(tǒng)。

12、 智能住宅區(qū)內(nèi)企業(yè)的信息管理系統(tǒng)主要是負責涉及到日常生活的事物,例如監(jiān)管住宅區(qū)內(nèi)的設備,車輛,處理緊急情況等等,電梯的監(jiān)管可控制系統(tǒng)對智能住宅區(qū)來說也是必須的。如何使人們感到安全,穩(wěn)定和舒適,以及如何節(jié)約能源資源和保護環(huán)境等是電梯控制系統(tǒng)的基本要求。 Plc可編程控制器是一種常見的工業(yè)控制設備,是一種特殊的工業(yè)控制計算機,具有完善的功能和簡單的框架。PLC具有強抗干擾能力等優(yōu)點,使得電梯工業(yè)一次又一次將PLC應用與電梯控制系統(tǒng),以取代傳統(tǒng)的使用繼電器控制電梯系統(tǒng)。PLC在電梯控制系統(tǒng)應用,減低了故障率,并有效地提高了電梯運行的可靠性與安全性。本文主要論述了電梯控制系統(tǒng)的工作原理,系統(tǒng)的軟件

13、和硬件實現(xiàn)方法等。 電梯控制系統(tǒng)工作原理說明如下:首先將使用者現(xiàn)場的輸入信息發(fā)送到plc中,然后plc控制裝置通過系統(tǒng)要求發(fā)出信號以驅動外圍設備,然后電梯根據(jù)控制要求執(zhí)行相應的動作,系統(tǒng)中的速度反饋裝置,采用的是測速裝置測出電梯運行速度反饋控制裝置,通常安裝在曳引電動機的后面,所以該系統(tǒng)是一個反饋控制系統(tǒng),可提高系統(tǒng)的控制精度。 電梯的PLC控制系統(tǒng)的接口電路不需要設計,我們要做的是將信號,包括梯內(nèi)外召喚信號,平層監(jiān)測信號,開門和關門信號等發(fā)送個plc的數(shù)字輸入端口。Plc中的直流電源,提供給指示燈。Plc的輸出點直接控制傳感器,以達到電動機正傳和反轉,停機的目的。 此為,電梯控制系統(tǒng)中

14、除了plc和主要控制裝置外還包括其它的輸入和輸出裝置。 控制柜是整個控制系統(tǒng)的核心部分,可以發(fā)送各種控制命令,通常安裝在電梯室內(nèi)。電氣設備和信號裝置。例如,接觸器,繼電器,電容,電阻,整流器和變壓器等,也都安裝在控制柜內(nèi)??刂乒裰械碾娫词怯呻娞菔覂?nèi)的主電源提供。電梯室內(nèi)的主電源還通過由軟電纜做成的導線連接到各個控制按鈕。電動機也是由它供電。控制線和信號線分別接至各個樓層。 設計包括兩個部分:硬件和軟件。硬件設計是軟件設計的基礎??紤]到控制的要求相對復雜,我們按照控制功能將程序分塊。此外電梯還必須遵循以下調(diào)度原則:當電梯上行時,任何反方向即下降的按鈕呼梯均無效;當電梯下行途中,任何上升的按鈕

15、呼梯均無效。順序功能圖SFC在設計過程中被采用,它廣泛應用于工業(yè)順序控制。順序功能圖SFC能夠詳細、直觀的描述系統(tǒng)的工作過程。 當所有的順序功能圖都設計完,I/O地址分配好,我們可以將順序功能圖SFC轉化成符號梯形圖(LD),考慮到嚴格的定時時間和互鎖,我們采用步來代表工作步驟。我們應當寫出各步的控制程序,通過限制條件來控制下一步的運行,結束上一步,這樣就可以將各個步連接在一起。因此,實際輸出是這些步的邏輯組合。 該控制程序目前已完全調(diào)試。模擬實驗闡述了該方案的設計方法是切實可行的,plc在電梯控制系統(tǒng)中的應用是一個有效的方法。它可以使工業(yè)管理中心的工作人員在遠距離的控制中心就可以實現(xiàn)對電

16、梯的監(jiān)測和控制,通過以太網(wǎng)個人專用網(wǎng)絡,如Lon Works,將電梯和控制中心連接起來,這樣一來電梯的工作狀況可以得到及時的監(jiān)視。這不但實現(xiàn)了電梯的科學集中管理,而且降低電梯維修費用。 電梯控制系統(tǒng) 電梯的控制主要是指對電梯在運行過程中的運行方向、轎內(nèi)指令、層站召喚、負載信號、樓層顯示、安全保護等指令信息進行管理,操縱電梯實行每個控制環(huán)節(jié)的方式和手段。 電梯的用途不同,可以有不同的載荷,不同的速度及不同的驅動方式和控制方式。即使相同用途的電梯,也可采用不同的操縱控制方式。但電梯不論使用何種控制方式,所要達到的目標是相同的,即根據(jù)轎廂內(nèi)指令信號、層站召喚信號而自動進行邏輯判定,決定出哪一臺

17、電梯接受信號,自動定出電梯的運行方向,并按照指令要求通過電氣自動控制系統(tǒng)完成預定的控制目的。 電梯控制系統(tǒng)分類 從控制系統(tǒng)的實現(xiàn)方法來看,電梯的控制系統(tǒng)經(jīng)歷了繼電器電梯控制、可編程序控制器(PC機)、單片微機控制、多微機控制多種形式,這些控制方式代表了不同時期電梯控制系統(tǒng)的主流,并且隨著大規(guī)模集成電路和計算機技術的發(fā)展而逐步推陳出新,這些控制系統(tǒng)在目前的在用電梯中都有存在。 PLC控制系統(tǒng):PLC是可編程序控制器的簡稱,它是一種數(shù)字運算操作的電子系統(tǒng)。它采用可編程序的存儲器存儲執(zhí)行邏輯運算、順序控制、定時、計數(shù)和算術運算等操作指令,并可通過數(shù)字式或模擬式輸入和輸出。 用PLC控制電梯的

18、方法是,將電梯中發(fā)出的指令信號諸如基站的電源鑰匙、轎內(nèi)選層指令、層站召喚、各類安全開關、位置信號等都作為PLC的輸入,而將其它的執(zhí)行元件如接觸器、繼電器、轎內(nèi)和層站指示燈、通訊設施等作為PLC的輸出部分。 根據(jù)電梯的操縱控制方式,確定程序的編制原則。程序設計可以按照繼電器邏輯控制電路的特點來完成,也可以完全脫離繼電器控制電路重新按電梯的控制功能進行分段設計。前者程序設計簡單,有現(xiàn)成的控制線路作依據(jù),易掌握;后者可以使相同功能的程序集中在一起,程序占用量少。 PLC用于電梯的控制系統(tǒng)具有可靠性高,穩(wěn)定性好;編程簡單,使用方便;維護檢修方便等優(yōu)點。 現(xiàn)在PLC產(chǎn)品,品種齊全,已成系列化,輸入

19、輸出點數(shù)從30點一直到8千多點乃至更多。完全可以滿足不同層高的電梯控制要求。 外文原文 PLC application in the development trend of the elevator Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a common control device which use computer technology as a core, PLC gets a wide range of applications in all walks of life. In the elevator industry, PLC’s

20、role has been fully expressed. This paper introduces the PLC-controlled model of a five-story elevator,include it’s composition, main function, the I/O interface distribution of the PLC, the PLC’s programming methods and procedures design of the elevator system. With procedures design of the elevato

21、r control system can achieve the elevator door’s opening and closing control, and the elevater’s indication under the call, moving from top to bottom, starting-up, delay closed, Ping layer, opening the door, making signals in the queue, close to the escalator and alarming control under the mode of t

22、he elevator’s operation mode. Through the process of compiling software, hardware connection and the conjunction of elevator model and the PLC control system, which makes the elevator control system model intuitive reflected in the course of operation and realized the elevater’s functional control.

23、 The 21st century will develop multipurpose, full-featured tower building, ultra-high speed elevator continue to become the research direction. Traction type super-fast elevator research continues to super capacity motor, high performance by the microprocessor, damping technology, new roller guide

24、boots and security clamp, permanent magnet synchronous motor, elevator car air pressure relief and noise suppression systems propulsion. Using the linear motor drive there is also a greater research space elevator. Future super-fast elevator intimacy will have increased significantly. Elevator iWi

25、th economic development, the increasing number of high-rise buildings, elevators have become indispensable in daily life the vertical transport. Better meet user requirements, development of high security, high reliability, high efficiency, low energy consumption, ride comfort of the elevator, the e

26、levator is the domestic and foreign enterprises and research institutions the main objective.Elevator control system which was developed to achieve these objectives, the most important ways. The rapid development of industrial automation technology for the elevator control system technology update p

27、rovides the material base. Continue to be the most advanced areas of industrial control technology and products introduced to the elevator control, elevator industry, technology development is the most important and effective means.This article programmable computer controller - PCC, the computer te

28、chnology, communication technology, automatic control technology for the integration of new areas of industrial control industrial control device, used in the lift control.In Chinas elevator industry, technology status and development trend of the detailed analysis, based on this paper, B & R 20

29、05 PCC as the elevators main control system, completed a 12-storey station set selective control passenger elevators in the hardware and software control program design , the use of PCC its own has the logic operation and data processing functions, through appropriate increase in input / output poin

30、t and the preparation of PCC control procedures, so that the system has run for the elevator fault monitoring and diagnosis functions, and further information on the PCC control system Elevator Remote Monitoring.s in close connection with the machinery of large-scale electrical machinery and electro

31、nic products. Mainly by the room, Wells Road, Car, door systems and electrical control system. Accompanied by the development of the construction industry, to provide for the construction of the elevator up and down traffic and transport industries are developing rapidly. Elevator is not only an imp

32、ortant link in the production of equipment, but also a life of work and the necessary equipment, can be expected that, with the development of society, elevator products in peoples material and cultural life and the car will be has become one of the important transportation equipment. The design ma

33、inly PLC (PLC) and computer application to the elevator control system, and to five-story elevator as an example to complete a single lift PLC program control system design, composition and modular program design . Mitsubishi FX2N through computer communications and to achieve operation of the eleva

34、tor control system PLC (programmable controller) takes one industrial control microcomputer, it is convenient by its programming, simplicity of operator its merits and so on high controllability, obtained the widespread application particularly in the industrial production process. It applies the l

35、arge scale integrated circuit, the miniature machine technology and the mechanics of communication development achievement, formed gradually had many kinds of merits and miniature, medium, large-scale, the ultra-large type and so on each kind of specifications serial products, applied to monitors be

36、tween computers many control domain from the black-white control system. Along with societys unceasing development, the building is getting higher and higher, but the elevator became the high-level building to the equipment. The elevator from the handle switch operation elevator, the push-button con

37、trol elevator develops to presents group control elevator, has made the indelible contribution for the high-level transportation. PLC mainly manifests in the elevator cuing controls application in its logical switch control function. Because PLC has the logic operation, counting and fixed time as we

38、ll as data feeds output function. In the elevator rises and falls in the process, each logical switch control and the PLC very good union, very good have realized to the fluctuation the control. This article main discussion studies uses Simens in the S7-200 PLC to carry on the control to elevators

39、 fluctuation, forms the lift control system. PLC Introduction Programmable controller is the first in the late 1960s in the United States, then called Plc programmable logic controller (ProgrammableLogicController) is used to replace relays. For the implementation of the logical judgement, timing,

40、sequence number, and other control functions. The concept is presented Plc General Motors Corporation. Plc and the basic design is the computer functional improvements, flexible, generic and other advantages and relay control system simple and easy to operate, such as the advantages of cheap prices

41、combined controller hardware is standard and overall. According to the practical application of target software in order to control the content of the user procedures memory controller, the controller and connecting the accused convenient target. In the mid-1970s, the Plc has been widely used as a c

42、entral processing unit microprocessor, import export module and the external circuits are used, large-scale integrated circuits even when the Plc is no longer the only logical (IC) judgement functions also have data processing, PID conditioning and data communications functions. International Electr

43、otechnical Commission (IEC) standards promulgated programmable controller for programmable controller draft made the following definition : programmable controller is a digital electronic computers operating system, specifically for applications in the industrial design environment. It used programm

44、able memory, used to implement logic in their internal storage operations, sequence control, timing, counting and arithmetic operations, such as operating instructions, and through digital and analog input and output, the control of various types of machinery or production processes. Programmable co

45、ntroller and related peripherals, and industrial control systems easily linked to form a whole, to expand its functional design. Programmable controller for the user, is a non-contact equipment, the procedures can be changed to change production processes. The programmable controller has become a po

46、werful tool for factory automation, widely popular replication. Programmable controller is user-oriented industries dedicated control computer, with many distinctive features. First, high reliability, anti-interference capability; Second programming visual, simple; Third, adaptability good; ④ functi

47、onal improvements, strong functional interface PLC language is not we imagine of edit collected materials the language or language of Cs to cany on weaving the distance, but The PLC biggest characteristics lie in: The electrical engineering teacher already no longer electric hardware up too many ca

48、lculationses of cost, as long as order the importation that the button switch or the importation of the sensors order to link the PLC up can solve problem, pass to output to order the conjunction contact machine or control the start equipments of the big power after the electric appliances,butthe ex

49、portation equipments direct conjuuctiou of the small power can. PLC internal containment have the CPU of the CPU, and take to have an I/O for expand of exterior to connect a peoples address and saving machine three big pieces to constitute, CPU core is from an or many is tired to add the machine t

50、o constitute,mathematics that they have the logic operation ability, and can read the procedure save the contents of the machine to drive the homologous saving machine and I/Os to connect after pass the calculation; The I/O add inner part is tired the input and output system of the machine and exte

51、rior link, and deposit the related data into the procedure saving machine or data saving machine; The saving machine can deposit the data that the I/O input in the saving machine, and in work adjusting to become tired to add the machine and |10s to connect, saving machine separately saving machine

52、RAM of the procedure saving machine ROM and datas, the ROM can can do deposit of the data permanence in the saving machine, but RAM only for the CPU computes the temporary calculation usage of hour of buffer space. The PLC anti- interference is very and excellent, our root need not concern its ser

53、vice life and the work situation bad, these all problems have already no longer become the topic that we fail, but stay to our is a concern to come to internal resources of make use of the PLC to strengthen the control ability of the equipments for us, make our equipments more gentle. the trapezoid

54、 diagram that the adoption is original after the electric appliances to control, make the electrical engineering teacher while weaving to write the procedure very easy comprehended the PLC language, and a lot of non electricity professional also very quickly know and go deep into to the PLC. App

55、lication of PLC in the Elevator Control System of Intelligence Building In 1980s the first intelligence mansion had been completed in America, then intelligence building has been a broadly taken attentions by the whole world. The concept of intelligence building has been put different meanings alo

56、ng with the development of society. The early stage intelligence building had been thought that it is equal to the intelligence mansion, but now the intelligence building not only includes the intelligence mansions but also involves intelligence residential districts. This paper mainly discusses one

57、 subsystem of intelligence building system: the elevator control system. In intelligence residential districts the enterprise’s information managing system mainly takes charge of the things which related to the daily life, for example supervising the district equipments, managing vehicles, disposin

58、g critical situations and so on.The elevator supervising and control system is also necessary to the intelligence residential districts. How to make people feel safe, stable and comfortable and how to save energy resources and protect environments and so on are the basic requirements to the elevator

59、 control system. PLC is a common industry control device. It is a special industry control computer which has the perfect function and simple frame. The PLC strong ability in interference and so on makes the elevator industry one after another to apply the PLC to the elevator control system, in ord

60、er to replace the relay being used in traditional elevator control system. The Application of PLC in the elevator control system reduces the breakdown rate and efficiently improves the operating reliability of the elevator with safety. This paper mainly discusses the elevator control system’s workin

61、g principles, the system’s software and hardware realization methods and so on. The Working Principles of Elevator Control System are stated as follows: The spot control information is send into the PLC from the customer input devices firstly, then the PLC control cabinet is required to send out th

62、e control signal to drive the equipments according to the system demands. The elevator can then perform the homologous action according to the control request. There are velocity feedback devices in system, which adopt measure velocity generators to provide the elevator velocities and generally are

63、installed in the tail of tow motors. So this is a feedback control system, which can improve the system’s control precision. It is not necessary to do interface circuit in the elevator’s PLC control system. What we should do is to send the signals to PLC digital input terminals. The signals inclu

64、de inside and outside calling signals, floor location inspecting signals, limiting location signals, opening and shutdown the elevator door signals etc. The DC power which is provided to PLC can be used as indicator light power. The PLC output points can be directly used to control transducers for t

65、he purpose of electrical motor’s positive turn and reverse, stop and control each segment velocity and so on. Moreover, input and output devices are needed in elevator control system, besides the PLC, system’s major control device. The control cabinet is the control center, from which we can send

66、out various control commands. The control cabinet often was installed in the elevator room. The electric devices and signal systems, for example the contactors, relays, capacitances, resistors, rectifiers and transformers etc, are centralized in the control cabinet. The Power of the control cabinet was imported from the chief power of the elevator room. This power was also introduced into control panel by soft cables and was linked with each control buttons. The power lines whi

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