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1、2021國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大??啤毒C合英語(yǔ)(2)》期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2159) | . Directions: (Vocabulan& Structure) Bincath wuh of (he rolhming sentences > I here arc four chutccs marked X. B.(nndl>. C Iunisc the one thnt best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEE I. i 2;J poin(s) Example: The homeless couple

2、nt la

3、heard 2. You eat the hamburgers if you dan fi wnnt ta A. aren*! supposed to B. dont have to Q mustnt D> can*t 3. Oh you fell down the stairs} Did you yourself? A. injure H. hurt C- wound D? damage 4. Don * i 印v。yourself heavy workloads ns much work you can. A. Take over B> Take for C. Take

4、 oh D. Take out 5. Im really a bad rnootL I fee! Ukc quilting my job. A< in He on G wnhm D. under 6. hr studies hard, hr will never pass the exBm< A. H B. Unless C. When D. Until 1. The doctor told rnr It easy and anythtng heavy. A< to inker nor to lift K ,*

5、t D. uke> not to lift 8. Mr< ThompMin much tlecji lately. Hr needs to take omr lime o(L A. KHting Ik getting C honet been 11 hadnef been getting 9. H 1 hmc neit werke I will phy tetinit with you< > will have & hitd C would have IX have 11*. I 小 you know? A. whrrtj I、bank Hmund here It whrrr

6、in ? Ixnik nround hrrr il in ilirrr a hunk around hrrr It il ih( r< ih k bnfik nrnund hi!re II. IHrvcdoii%: < btHtsr \ B or C to cumpleU cuvh convcrsathm ? UMine I he enlvnrc% bdiiw. Murk y

7、\ one of the grerttrnt (nlk sni^rr-i in ihr world! A, WhoS that? F vc never heard of hen H? Surr# Pm in njwn< (\ Yext r(n glad >hce earning. Annwvr A corrret beenuse the convcrMUtion Khoulii rend. “ (lh< look. Joni Mitchell i in rowth WAn、flcH? / .版 Ma rd <>/ hrr. WivU、thn!? She1 one of ihr grr

8、utr^t (ulk ningcrM in thr world!H I I I * in guinu downtown lur wnnr whuppniK* Wrllt the book5tnrr will be closed by rhe hme I there. I WhiU you orr could you get rm a hook ol hr^t clnM mm”" B Whib y)u nre downfowiu would you pirate nr nd this Irltrr fnr mr? ( Whilr yon utc downtown>

9、do you think y my god. I lave you rnllrd the pohrr? A< I w心 making a cnli to my mother when somepn<* robbed me o( my phone! K No. rnt (inv. C. Why do you sny so?

10、13. 一 Actunlly 1 dont think 1fve ever snid> 1 never know how to answer that question. in fact. We moved nrotind a lot when I wns a kid. A. Where did you say you were from? K Where did you wy y

11、h? Well, youd better have something to cal ! could pick tip n sandwich fur ynu to hnvr ” your desk. A. Im nfraid so- You fd heller go without me. FL Nch Actually lfvr already hud my lunch- (\ On the contraryf Ive been ready to go out enting with you. 15< —I rr.illy apprreigtc your coming with t

12、nr> I Always hnvr s(i nnich trouhlr picking out A. I want to get her something that shell like. B. Iki you know if 5he i> coming to the party tonight? C< Well, tnke your timee Lrwk nround nnd maybr youfII get inMpirrd. I6> 1 thought yuur meeting wa tomorrow night. A. Excuse me- 1k)you happen to

13、 know the time? 11 Gee< that、kind of late for a work nights C. Welk it was supposed to be. but they changed the day- 17. Karen 2 wilhnu to drive to the picnic, but she * s not supposed to

14、11 havt to drive at night B- She won f t drive Bt nikhl. (.Shr f(l belter drive nt nighu 18. —What did your stater tell your mother? A. She told her not to conic over. B. She tbdn11 Tell her to conic oven C. I just called my listen 19. I wish you didnt have to travel mu much. You f re gone mure

15、 oltcn than you * re hnnm A. hbeen hard for both ol us-1( I could frnd another job> you know Id take it hi a minute- R. When、youf nvxf trip? Did you say Monday? (:. When hnvr you been working mnee you quit yuur job at the bank? 20. - Whfit do you think about Thni food? A. I ditln4 f haver a lot

16、 of simr tD prepare foodt so much ul my exprnente comt:、from eanng in rr^tourftntju It A hig change w&n using public traTwponfliion in Tokyo. (* (JvcralL the die: therr is a healthy one— low int. Ill ? hirct-UniB: F“r nuh numlMTvd bhmk hi (hr fnllowlni: passagethere nrr four choke% marked A. Ik

17、< nndl). < Ihmimv lbe hvst mn the .\\SU ER SIIEKT. (2(1 p (iE< >i Tlicfrf s ai tradition of u ^rond tour a journey that teaches young people nbout (lit itnpcinoni cuhuE nf their fimr- Whxt should todayll Rronrl tour 21 。 Theroux( People should truvcl not only to Rtid

18、 out about the preatrH 22 to find out iibout div future^ A Rrnrid rotir todny should bv the 23 of what it wm in ihr phM> I ravrlrrs ?Jioniii avoid uhjm tnns. <:n

19、be 2 good traveler? 1 hcrouxi Courage- Curiosity. IVnvclrrs have to be 癸 ? They h^ve to take risks. And they hnvc to br 26 things vastly different from ihose they have carnr fronu You 0 k" d people who Trave! ^re only Inokmg for nn idealized verMnn ol homp. T hey travel to "r”: home 27 better (ood^

20、 honw plus more sunshine? home plu^ easier parking? hnnu ph卜 n crime, home plus the possibility of romance^ The point is. thry 0 re not lucking (nr v< ry antch. Theyf rr fiar looking far the furrignt the strungct lhe really outhndiMh. People hrtvr alwnyfi Imveled 28 two There hove nlway* been explnr

21、rrst And there have always been vocalionrrn^ The explorer has the instinct to be the 29 prrson to sm 5%unictiiinn. or the hfib Only rxplnrrr^ will tell you thist but itf 1 a fact; There ire many ? mnn> place* uti rnrth where no one h心 ever 30 ? The huM is. thrrr arc partK of the Arnazoti whrM nmni^l

22、- will w;ilk tip and lirk your hand because they * vc never seen a hinnan being before. You enn still see things Htrnngc as Columbus ever saw. 21. A< be B. like Cis D. are 22. A< and K aJjw C. ago in D. but 23. A. same R oppositr (L objrdion FX thing 24. A# that B. which C< where D.

23、wh:ii 25. A< lonely R alone C. ^eparnted D. tngether Z6. A. bciwern Kin C. amung D. upon 27. A. with Rof C,Mm只 D-in 28. A. of K from (:? on IX in 29. A< Inat K first G only D- most 30. A. ro B. gone C. been 【)? wen! [\\ Dircclions: Each of the pussuues below ix followed by

24、some questions. For each question Ihrrv arc four nnvuen marked At B. C andD. Read the passages carvfully und choose the best answrr Io each of the questions Mark your nn\Hcr

25、lhe gifts ol a good art nr 1 you musl he able ta hold the attention And interest of your audience 1 you muM be n clear ^ptAkcr? with a Rood. strong? pleaKing voice which is fully under your rontroh and you musl be “l(fā)ilt? to net wlwt vou nrc tenthnig. nt order to make it* meaning clean Watch it goo

26、d eeaeher? nnd you will mc thnt hr does not nit still before hin rlasni he *tnnds tbr whole rime lie 15 teachingi he walks about ? u^ing his nrms hamin and fingern to hdp him in hi> cxplanntiofijiw and his lace to express frclingiu Listen to him. and you will hear ihe loudness> thr quality < 告色)and

27、the mustcal note of his voice always changing uccnrdmg io what hr i talking about. The fart tha! a good teacher has same of the gifts of a good actor cnnf t menn thm he will indeed l)c able to act well on the 引agj for there are very imporUct differences between thr teacher1 wurk and the actorf

28、The actor hntt to sprak words which he has learnt by hv^rt i hr ho fo repeat exactly the same words ench time he play> A certain part even his movements and the wny^ in which he unen his voice are usually fixed beforehand < Ki it)? What he has to do is to muke all these carefully learnt words and ac

29、tions neem natunil on the sMge< \ good reachcr works in quile a different way, H>s nudicnre rxkm on Active pan in hts pinyi they ”k hoc! answer questions# they obey ordcr5< and if they don 1 t understand scinirthin. they 5ay The tracher lhereforv has to meet the needs of his audience^ which is his

30、class. Hr cannot Icam his part by heart < hut must invent it as hr goen along. 1 hnvc known many teachers who wrrr finr nrtors in class but were unable to take pan in h;心 play because they could not krrp strictly to whnl another had written> 3I Whar is the Text obout? A- How to become a good teac

31、her. K Whnt a good trhchcr should da outside the ejassrnom. (L Whm trarher* nntl uctors could learn from rach other- Il 丁he ^imiUrnic^ and

32、not on the stage 11 people who h^ten to wniething 23. A good teacher? A. knnw3 how to hold thr interest of his students K dfprnd% on a good voice G knuw^ how to nd on the stnge [X ^innds or、il羿 still while teaching In shnt wuy l?? teftchcr work dif(errnt from Rn m tor A. Thr teacher nuint leu

33、rn everything by hearts It Hr kriuwn how io control his voice heller than(ih

34、K nfudcntw rriunt krrp nijrnt whilr thratre Audirrurr nrrdn * I (\ rici nirinory work in needrd for ihf KtudrniR IX thr itudvtHR muni uk- pnrl in I heir trachrni1 play Qurftiun% 3(1—40 tfrr based on thv fullnwin^ paitag^ Shundugarh ■ village on India f f eaMl-facing cortMh h) a village of nimplr

35、 mud and rths> hoiiRrn huih on lhe beach iust above the waterline. I he Khndrn Hilh riM inimvdintrly behind the vinnge# to n height of nnc hundred and fifty meters. A simple* good hcrtrd old Enn? whn” nnmc was J/ilpurt farmed two smnll fields on rhe very rdgr of fhcsr hilk. Hrom hi,(irld^ hr could ^

36、rr thr fhhln只 hcin" that tn veiled up and down thu coast. He could

37、ed in the world were the clothra hr wore day in nnd day our. the murernble( ffi H. 1B 腳的〉hut thm he 血 pt in at night ? a lew tools a nd cooking pots and hw ficldju I hc corn thnt hr grew wns all thwt mndv life poftRiblr. If lhe wcafhnr wa* km

38、ough not well, but hn|ipily< When thr *tih fiercr? and ihrrr wns liitle or no nun. ihrn hr came close to thr line between h(r and d函h. Lnst yrar lhe weather hod been mi kind.

39、 non /nrlhrr up the coamg He had been thinking about doing this for some yranu It wbm his drarest wt Bui he would Rn only if he could givei hr would not go if it mennt tnkinR food out of the mouths of his grandchtJdreru Hr would rRfhrr

40、nn dn thin. On thr day when Jaipur deenkd thnt hr would hwrveM hie cornt sell it* and move up th*1 cwi\〔? hr luokrd out to sea nnd saw a huge WAve> several kHonietcr?< out. advanang on the coaai nnd on ihc vdlogc ol Shundngnrh. Wuhin ren minutes everyone in Shundagarh would be dniwnrcL Jaipur woul

41、d hftve shouted? but the people were too (nr awny tu hcar He would hnve run tluwn thr hill, but hr wa too old to run. Ht wm prepared to do nnything to *avt thr people of Shundagarht o he did the only thing that he could do: he set fire to his corn. In u matter of Mccondh thr flames were rising high

42、nnd smoke wb5 riRtng highen Within a mmtitc tbfi people of Shundagnrh were racing up the hill to see what had happened. Thrre? in the middle of hi,blackrned curnfieldt they found Jaipur; and thrre they htiried him. ()n hii gravrt they wrote thr wordst Here 1ie Jaipur* a trutn who gAvct living! a ma

43、n whv died* giving. 3B? Which of the loUnwing cnuld Jaipur NOT >cc from his Fields? A. Mothern washing cloiheK B. Fathers taking their corn to market (\ Fishing boai, travrhng on the sea. I). Children ploying on the sandic. 37. Why didnt Jaipur live well? A< He didnat work hard. B< He hod to

44、o many children to feed. C. Hr only depended un gixxl weather and harvesl (or survivaL D? The villagers kept MkinR hii cam. Jaipur19 duarrnl winh wn> to A. movf hwny from hts ^on B. hku n vucdtkni up the cui*i C tnnk< i urrat dad of ntoney in urdrr Io livr tin

45、iyn with hin non nd hib wife 邛.Wh2 did Jaipur do when hr ww the hu" w*vc? A. Hr MJ Fire to h corn Hw proplr of Shiin(hH

46、vl)lnK< wi rr thankful to Jaipur "頃冷c lir hod Kivrn hi lift in oedrr to Mnvr ihcirs Il lrvcti

47、hh or Chitmc# using the ward ghrrn In the hrucket if uny. Write piar nntwer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 polntx) I L Annfhrr ihhig 1 hnd to gel (o wn* living in ? culture whrrf th runjurttv |K!Dpk lookvtl nr< krrw here but thry nrr no Iriemh. J3, It in Rrmmlly ngrred thnt

48、the city wni built duritiM the fiftrchth cemury. 44. 如果我必你,我就不會(huì)這么f KML.I:作. 45. 我敬曲定你也會(huì)網(wǎng)佯為我讓邱做. 試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (僅供參考) I . (20%) 1.1) 2.B 3. H 1. C ,?A 6.H 7. A H. C 9. n 10. D 11.(20%) 11.C 12. A 13. A 14. A In. C 0C I7.A IB. A 19. A 20.(: 111 ?(20%) 21. A 22.

49、 D 23. H 2t.C 25. B 26. C 27. A 28.D 29. H 36 C 3hD 32.A 33. A 34. C 3x D 3S. H 37. C 38. D 3S, A 40. A V.now) J卜不一定眼求與所法蓉塞完全一仃.符分句。,無(wú)iA法俐謨,印3分,本荷普句 恩?無(wú)重大僵法悒供.捋z分,不太的合句st,存酬顯訛法ftiaj.flj 1分8不符合句崽?何干無(wú)狀 甫0分.算伽況,的悄加分?) 試(S愀腐I, 4 Anoihrr ihinw I hl to rE umcJ Io wrb living in n culture wher

50、e the niN/nrity ol pKaple lonlud dlUrrenC from me. 「:? He nru ? knrw her. but they arc mi longer friends l.k h ifi nvralb thni thr ciry 心,huih during ihr (Hrccnrh o nrury. 44. 皿果我是你,我就不會(huì)這么辛苦地工作. 45. 我敢肯定你也會(huì)同樣為我這樣做- 參考答案8 4L另外.我還需要適應(yīng)的是,我要生活在一個(gè)大部分人看似與我不同的文化背戒中? 42 .他以前認(rèn)識(shí)恤,但他們已經(jīng)不是朋友了. 43.人們普遍火為,這座城也于十五世紀(jì). IL !f I were you? I wouldnt work su hard. 15. Im sure youd

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