| . Vocubular^ nn 2、lm” ^ie 瞄代
A* containing
C- including
2. I heir earnings are in
A. rnnk
D> having
to their skill.
11 share
G touch
LX proportion
3. When he nyoved to Gmndn. the children 2 ihc change very well.
A? adjusted
U adopted
hei 血前浦血皿
Aw fumilijtr with
C? innorrnt nf
B* adhered
f). appran?d
hr lived there nboul 10 yenrs ago.
K familiar to
IX Inrnaus for
S? Did ihey any meals on ihr ir?in?
A. service Et ew
C. svrvont D. served
G.【'』like to have coffee with you. bul Pm nfraid l#vr got to Ret
C. to go
7. Some doctor-, surges! you
B. going
IX to be go
n hrgr riniout 4、H of vitnrnins ftt the beginning ol
gelling cold.
A. t^kt?
C\ hbvr tJikrn
B. enn u>kc
IX took
8. I ran' l niakr
A. up
C. for
uiy ndnii.
K on
D. in
9. I goniR ki I nrorHo. I hai ?
A- whiTT de I livr H< whftrc 1 live
C. whm dn 1 live Ik whnl I live
!0> i fe wonhl rathvr die rlwin.
A> 5、Aiirr surrender
C< surrefidcring D. ^urrrntlvred
|| Situationnl Dijilouues
hirer!ionn: ( h 6、 h>i)k tm whcl?? wt rk.
< \ Oh. it wo5 really n Im of fun.
12?一 Oo ynu know whrre Liberty Streiri
Il、rd{ ( Ink Sirc? i ? near the park.
1 山m'l know vxnrily. P??rh;ips every live iniiiiiivs or so<
A. Tim park? *hirh one de you nirnn?
B. I>a you have uny id槌 where Pint* Strcci is9
C- By tlic w? 7、y ? do yon kn6w hnw nfirn the Xurnlit r 5 bu5 runs nnrin^lly?
13. Could you fell me which bus go<> tex ihc binr Ans Museum?
A# Sorry* Inever hvrfi ih??m 11 You can ;ilwnys mke n uixl
C J think \h. 16、OK.
1 I — I ? vr j:ot : in kt-1s lor ihr :nairh. yon hkc to gu with me?
A. Ilau 仆oui tIh in.iii 8、 h hist nigh": I lw n;:ilrh niu^i hr cxcning.
C Wliy nm . Let S g(% trtgvllier
15< Do you rnitKl d I inkv o(l my coal?
A> 0( ronm* f?ot ? n?nk< vnur^lf nt hntnr>
IL tluinks. I hE、n ^lly nicr nF you.
C I h/sttoo khsd of ytm>
揀. l>n yoki gvl ijIujiu wnh ymir >i5lcrM
A. Yo most nf lla fimc>
B. 9、She * s coming to wt tn( ihi# weckciHl
C< I ynu u>t ^vt rilorijd vJicil yr?u w<;rc youu^t r?
\7. Ditl I Irll yoir> My bu-Iv nd job :- tnonih
A. I'm snrry M be:ir that. 1 hnl rvnlly I" bmL
B. Whi: rv is he now/
'C. You Hid?
18< — How docs iKk *nntiil? " Sunny one bedroon) nwir irnn^p(ai;ttioiii 10、 ccntrnliy
IdeaterL "
A. Nn> Td rutlafr have niy own phir<\
fl I)o(m n 州 how rrmch it 15
C. Do ynu hnppvn in know bow oficn n runs durinn rn^h hour) )P. Could you tvll nir where I he I issues nrr. plvasc?
A. h'y nndvr n hig trvi. in front of the nit buihlmu-
11 I'll go to ihr 5tpr>f aihI 燈1 so 11、me mon.
(\ ?\!l the way in the buck ? ^giiinsc I hr wall.
:"h - Wv^rr going co a party at l)Qvr nnd Sally'-
A> Do you know how Ioiik Jmk W rohic to hr in town?
B")h? yenh- 1 forpai. h *s nt eight n'Hwk. im、il?
C> Which nnr7 Bob i< crunii^u m talk id m< dbont die interview.
Ill. Close l est
Ih 12、rcrlions: f or racli minilivml blank in Ihc followinu passu^et there are four choices murked A t Bt C and L). Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEKF(20 points)
I liddrn paxhen^ers iravehng in r-hips, trains^ or even curs tan bt a terrible trouble esprctally when ihry nrr innec 13、i^ As for this# 1 here is 8 grcni diffurencu Between humnrt xtml inficcis ! hr formrr 21 every possible effort to avoid bvin^ discovereiL uhile lhe laitrr quickly dr*w xilttMHiou la ihcmstlves.
We dnn only show merry to the 22 man who hnd lo Aiop hts rnr soon after srlhng om from n country village 14、to drive to London< Ucariu^ o range noise from du 23 of the cjir. he naiurnlly got out to examine the wheel* careiully? but he lound nothing
wron^. so he 2/ his way. Again thr nni5e brgnn irntneclintrly nnd became even louder. Quickly 25 his head, thr mnn saw what appeared to be a great black clnu 15、d following the car. When lie stopped nt a village fuithet aru he wn5 told that a queen bre must b< hicblvn tn his eax as there were ihousands o( b< 16、car ?)nt>ide a 27 and wrnl in< h wns no! long la-ffirr a rustornrr who hnd srrn him ^rrtvt1 28 in to infonri him thut his car wh> revered with heese Flw poor driver wa>29 thnl the wa> ■hould hr to call a het; keeper- In a ultnrt period of tirnr the mnn nrrived. Hr IouikI the unwclromc jMsstngcr hid 17、den ncA? ibe wheels nt the back nf the cnr.
Very thankful <0 lh( driver for tlu> 3。 gift ? the heekreper took the queen and hff thousands of followers home in n hrgr box.
2L A< dn
& take
C< niake
22< A# tinfoniinote
K careless
C unplensam
IX hopeless
23. A. front
11 buck
C. left
I 18、X rigln
:?L A flopped
K (orccd
C. pushed
IX rnntmiicd
25. A. hiding
B< lurning
C? shaking
l>. raising
26. A. below
B. ahead
C nenrby
I), behind
?7. r\. hnrr!
K miiseum
(L hospital
IX schcxjl
2& /\? broke
B. Ktoved
C. dropped
D. Inirritul
39t uhnsril
仕 requiretl
C\ ordered
D. 19、roque^red
30. A< unfnmili:jr
B. unknown
C. unexpected
IX unrertnin
|\ ? RcjkIhik Comprehension
Directions: Each <)l ihr passages lielov is followed h> some questions? For vuch question there ure four Hnswrs nuirketi A t Bt C nnd 1). Rca 20、 each of Ihr <|uestions Mark your ansner on I hr ANSSS ER SIIEE I ( 20 points)
{)tic\tions 31 are Irakcd on the following pa^sa^e.
I low rriari iitsX IvnrtH to mvciit wotiln is htiknowru ni othe r words, the origin of IflUEd/iKt* is ii niysieTyt All vvv re?illy know i夜 that niAiit unlikr ;inirnn1s 21、t snm 22、st wheihrr spoken or written in letler^t we call wards
I ht power of words, then lies in -heir :is>ociii!inn with ihr things they bring up before our minds. Words became filled wnh meanings for us by exptrtrn(?ei znicl ihr longer we live, the n)ore certain words recall Io us (he and sad weiiis of o 23、ur pnst: inti d伸 morr wr rexfl anil hMrru ihr more the Dumber nf wonl> that nirnn 24、rds carefully And um? them exactly, or they will make our speech silly nn
25、he reasons why men invented cerrain pounds in express ihnuglns nnd /tenons was 血I they could .
A. Agrue with cffiain ^tgTis
' mile them down
L ■ make themselves nmkrsratui each otln r
Il combine ihtm
33. What is tnje dbout th( wi rds?
A. I hvy nrr used io express feeling nnly>
B I ht^y r?>nei 26、 wntn 仍 down.
3 li<-y nr” ypokvn or wrmrn 河md<
I). I hey irv smindh ?華rv
31. A lirval wntrr in djic who.
A. Jui5 KTun! dviiighis
11 is good al deeply impn^Bing u< with ihc power of correcl words
(\ is cundiil in choosing eorrrvt w(inl<
D. I)oil> A and li
35. Il is nrx^ssary tn < lioosr nur w 27、ont4 rarrfnlly wlivii wt ujrak or write iu order
A< to >how that wr are politt
B. to mHow ihm we arc good n\ usihr ihem
C. ti? “xpro txnctly whm wr menn
I), io prove that we are not 28、 ?hey rely nn drpositor?;(儲戶) not to drtnanil payment all at tin weu timc^ H depositors should come io fc/ir thnt n hank is not sMe ihat it cannui pay off all ii> d「pQ 山 then ihal four miffhT cause nil I he ckjposiiors to npprar on the ■八me day. Il they did. the bank could not pay nil accounis< I lo 29、wcvrr. if they did not nil nppenr m onrct ihru ilwrc would nlwoys br enough mr>nry tn pny ih.isr wltn w;inir(E thru monry when they wnnietl il.
Mr* K1>h Vnughi hm? told u> of .: h rrifying hnnk run ihm ^h<- rxprnt nrt il l >rv day it. IhTrnilirr of )925 ^cvrrnl hnnks hilv(l la open in j niy where M 30、rs- X^ftighi HvclL 1 he other banks expected n run the next cUy< nn 31、d pn ihc
Mcb wnlk 32、quite nil nghi and could p^y all ilrpo5itorst drew ihcir own manry from I hr bdhk. Mrs. Vnii^ht 5Hys thjitIwil ihffiruhy keeping lit-rsrlf 1mm doin^: the same.
36. A bunk run happens when
A. a batik is closet I for one nr morn rinvs
H loo niHny drposiinr> try b> tlr*w 33、it
<\ ihrrv i> !?>1 enough money io pny nil its drpo^iiors nl onr nmc
I), tellers of a bank take ihuir own money ffnrn the batik
37. The irllers in Mb \ ?ughlf s hwnk were toki to.
A. explain why rhey cuubl noi pay oui al)時(shí)roimix
B. jwiy nul accounts a> requested
C> iniikv lhe dupion or:, bvli 34、eve t h;n ihr l^nk was stnml
I h pay oui money ns slowly n5 [Hossihle
3K l he mnin rnusc of n hank rtm i% ?
A< loss of confidence li. power of panic
t\ t rowf prnpkt LX itirxprncnecd tvllrrs
:<9. Which nf the Inllnwitig 35、She Ivnrcd (hat too mfiny depoiiiurs clrnwing their money would close the bank.
C \ Sht waf nol able tr> draw out her money.
I L She wa5 rvmplrtl io ilruw mil h 36、w wuh whirh they could Rf i liuir money
It i otilidcrux tlut Mrs- \曲時(shí)(shnwcil
C. I ?dwri rj several otlu r b;mk> tn e|>Mi
II cnnficlvnrt shown hy mher ih pernors of lhe bank
W Translation
Directions: Put each of the followin^ sentences into English or Chineset using the Wurd(§) given in the bra 37、cket IT any. VXrite your answer on the ANSXNEK SHEET. (20 points)
IL Many scientists brlievfc ilut the ancestors of these people migrated to Amtinea from Asia abnut 11.300 years ago.
12. If there arv a number of ulrnsih< those farthest fwm the plate* urr supposed to lx used first.
13. ChineM: b s 38、o very difficult from other languages I studied? hjhI of coune the writing system is completely different.
X .訪問別人時(shí)?■好惜點(diǎn)禮物,但■禮物不宣太說重.否則Sr).主人會△得很■為信 的.
將.無論種澄的二人川皆還呈小型聚會,ii里的摑敏人淞?xí)鼓愀械皆鴱d的 環(huán)境及啜& ft I他們的ft擋一樣品質(zhì)優(yōu)良,
I ? (20% .2 points for 39、 B
7. A
& A
10. A
points for each item.)
12. C
15. A
16. A
17. A
l?, B
!9. C
20. B
III. (2。%.2 for each )
21. C
22. A
23. B
25. H
27. A
2& h
29. A
30. C
IV. (20% ,2 polntx (or each Hem.)
31. Ii
35. C
36. 40、 B
37. B
38. B
39 J)
10. c
V. (20 %, I poinK for each Item.)
偵個小臨瞽案并不-定廖求與所給答"全?樣. M停)璇,符合制息?無皿法ffiiH.fy
4?3分;基衣符臺句?! .無Jft大語法儕誤.得3?2分I不分件含句盛?有卵城倡法ttKJJJ I 分;不符合句SS?W K無常憤僮,得。分.其他忡況,怕情扣分■
M?W果(| ?列的WII <刀叉) .應(yīng)供< 偵w”?d)尤從漓以T Ht遠(yuǎn)的川也.
11- You should bring botnething when you visit ? but ii ^houldn' i hr too rxpvnj.tvc dr youi host will be uncomlortablc.
I5? 1'he altciHion to detail assures you llut iIjc srttinK and service nr< ns perfect n$ yrjur
meal, vv het her ilTs a quirt dimirr fir two or n nchhII pftny.
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