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2010年國際研討會、控制和工業(yè)工程計算 研究雙嚙合無聲鏈傳動 Xue Yunna1, Shen Xuehui1, Wang Yong2 為減少Abstract-In多邊形的雙重作用,并給出了嚙合無聲鏈這種鏈的機制設計,包括雙嚙合。無聲鏈是一種新型的鏈條和鏈輪采用修正的漸開線圓柱齒輪齒廓。在開始一個嚙合的圓圈,內在與鏈輪齒廓網(wǎng)格齒廓。在中間嚙合的圓圈,雙方的無聲鏈鏈輪齒形的接觸。最后的雙重鏈條嚙合無聲鏈取決于其外齒廓象風一樣圍繞在鏈輪。嚙合理論的雙重網(wǎng)格無聲鏈傳動和這兩種方法的改進的漸開線鏈輪方法進行了研究。這個多邊形的雙重作用嚙合無聲鏈傳動和常規(guī)無聲鏈驅動器的比較。結果表明,振幅多邊形行動的雙重網(wǎng)格無聲鏈機制減少94%和雙嚙合無聲鏈傳動的影響基本上消除了多邊形的運動。 主題詞—雙嚙合;無聲鏈;進行修改;漸開線;機械裝置。 Ⅰ .介紹 在傳統(tǒng)的無聲鏈傳動,鏈輪齒型材是直的。在嚙合進步的無聲鏈和鏈輪,只有單面的齒廓網(wǎng)格以直齒廓鏈輪傳遞的運動和力量。當連接板網(wǎng)格和鏈輪接觸發(fā)生一次。在下面的嚙合過程中,不存在相關運動之間的連接板和鏈輪。然后網(wǎng)格上的下一個鏈接板塊與鏈輪咬合接觸會再次發(fā)生[1]。 近年來摘要看,漸開線齒廓的更廣泛的應用,鏈輪的小咬合接觸和共軛嚙合與傳統(tǒng)鏈輪。變化的連接板的結構和研究新的鏈接板的輪廓以減少對多邊形具有保形性運動和嚙合沖擊[2]。研究了一種新的無聲鏈機制與搖臂的鏈銷[3]。孟、馮借助于亞當斯建了一個參數(shù)化仿真模型 [4]。不過,這次改變的連接板結構的結果復雜的處理方法。不僅在傳統(tǒng)的無聲鏈傳動,而且在無聲鏈與傳統(tǒng)的鏈條驅動和漸開線齒輪的鏈輪,中線側鏈上的緊密交替的切向和節(jié)圓。所以多邊形的緊邊產(chǎn)生上下運動與橫向振動。進一步的在嚙合瞬間嚙合沖擊很大。 因此雙嚙合無聲鏈傳動提出,可降低多邊形的運動和嚙合沖擊。鏈機制的雙重網(wǎng)格無聲鏈組成。雙嚙合無聲鏈是一種新型的鏈條和鏈輪修改后的漸開線齒廓。在雙重網(wǎng)格無聲鏈傳動,,在開始一個嚙合, 內在的直齒廓的無聲鏈輪的側面。持續(xù)的嚙合, 無聲鏈和鏈輪齒雙方的鏈條接觸。最后,雙嚙合無聲鏈取決于它的外部齒廓鏈輪周圍的壓縮空氣。 II.雙嚙合無聲鏈 A.減少多邊形的行動 當傳統(tǒng)的無聲鏈網(wǎng)格的調查傳統(tǒng)的鏈輪或漸開線鏈輪、距離緊邊之間的鏈條和鏈輪中心持續(xù)的交替變化的咬合過程。位置變化的原因是,緊對側切向和鏈輪節(jié)圓。然后如果整個嚙合過程沿著切割狀態(tài),這個多邊形的運動可以避免或減少。基于這樣一種理念的雙重網(wǎng)格無聲鏈被提出。 圖1顯示減少多邊形理論的運動關于雙嚙合無聲鏈。 圖1所示的(a),隱藏線表示了緊邊的常規(guī)無聲鏈條和實際線路表示緊邊的雙嚙合無聲鏈。這離開了齒廓鏈輪齒3網(wǎng)格的調查對齒廓的接合點A。在傳統(tǒng)的無聲鏈合適的齒廓的聯(lián)合是外面齒廓剖面的鏈接1。但在雙重嚙合無聲鏈對齒廓的關節(jié)一個內在的齒廓的鏈接2。因為內在齒廓的連接板嚴密,平行和工程外的外部齒輪的剖面作為雙嚙合無聲鏈是深入到各行各業(yè)的一個線。所以在雙重嚙合無聲鏈傳動較緊的一面的鏈條仍然可以切向的鏈輪節(jié)圓在圖1中所示的位置(a)定義了特別的關系的內部和外部的齒廓。 這個特殊的關系可以被顯示在圖1(b)。調虧定位是指的半徑內齒圈的輪廓, 位是指的半徑內齒輪和表示半徑外齒輪。減去等于,它關系多邊形的運動振幅。因為靜態(tài)特性的鏈傳動,接合點A的位置的一個影響是由接合點B。 因此該參數(shù)也與運動,接合點A的頂尖與鏈輪齒距的節(jié)圓在一定距離內緊密聯(lián)系[5]。所以參數(shù)f達到要求,使一些條件內在的齒廓與外齒廓的網(wǎng)格 與鏈輪齒嚙合。 圖1理論減少多邊形的運動 B .連接板的雙重網(wǎng)格無聲鏈 該齒嚙合連接板的二元顯示在圖2。內在的齒廓是完全的下通過兩線聯(lián)合中心的連接鋼板。角齒廓的角度.仍等于正常的空間之間的內部齒廓和對稱線外齒廓可以計算 (1) 多邊形運動振幅和定義為 (2) 當鏈條的壓縮空氣在鏈輪齒周圍緊邊距離運動,當鏈鏈輪周圍沒有壓縮空氣, 的緊邊移動沿著這條線切向的鏈輪節(jié)圓,鏈輪轉動過程中有一半的螺距角度。 坐標的連接板被顯示在圖2,在軸向的橫坐標和架子上中線外沿齒廓是同樣的路線。中線的架子上內齒廓的底下的外齒廓和定義為 (3) 圖2 .連接板的雙重網(wǎng)格無聲鏈 C.多邊形的運動的振幅 在傳統(tǒng)的無聲鏈傳動,隨著緊邊鏈側切向到鏈輪的垂直距離中央線之間的緊邊鏈的一方和鏈輪中心是節(jié)圓半徑。當鏈輪轉動約一半的螺旋角為鏈切割緊側的鏈輪節(jié)圓垂直距離是齒輪的齒頂圓的半徑。所以節(jié)圓的半徑和齒頂圓在整個傳動過程之間的距離是交替變化。在傳統(tǒng)的無聲鏈傳動的振幅多邊形運動是如下 (4) 在是節(jié)圓所在圓的直徑是齒頂圓。是無聲的鏈傳動咬住和z是鏈輪輪的齒數(shù)。因此,當與傳統(tǒng)的常規(guī)鏈網(wǎng)格或漸開線鏈輪波動了起來緊邊鏈運動不大于。 D.運動行程緊密的一面 當雙嚙合無聲鏈網(wǎng)格和傳統(tǒng)的鏈齒輪嚙合,鏈節(jié)固定和鏈齒輪最后一次旋轉。 這個鏈節(jié)不是在同一生產(chǎn)線上的下一個鏈接。當那些鏈的壓縮空氣不在圍繞鏈齒輪但能繼續(xù)移動,無聲鏈驅動像齒輪和鏈條一樣傳動。齒輪旋轉驅動器在架子上移動。鏈輪之間的關系旋轉角度和距離為線性。在其他情況不是線性的關系因為鏈齒輪周圍需要壓縮空氣。在這個過程中當鏈輪轉動角度,它是假定接合點A總是在線切向的鏈輪節(jié)圓和接合點A的運動距離是。運動參數(shù)間的關系,對接合點A和B的頂尖的中心位置的紐帶,位置從到被顯示圖片3。 圖3關于兩關節(jié)運動參數(shù)圖結合接合點頂尖A和B 為了滿足在圖3的要求緊邊總是切向鏈輪節(jié)圓和鏈齒輪周圍有壓縮空氣,接合點A與B周圍運動類型是不同的。接合點B與鏈齒輪旋轉從位置到。接合點A 一個動作沿著這條線切向的鏈輪從位置到位置。在這個過程中, 鏈輪的旋轉角等于。接合點及被定義為點lp。接合點,被定義為點lx。角度A1B1路線之間及線A2B2被定義為。 距離參數(shù)的關系,分析了lx和lp ,角度和接合點A2橫坐標是這樣的。 (5) 當鏈鏈輪周圍沒有壓縮空氣,但保持運動沿著這條線切向的鏈輪節(jié)圓,嚙合型的鏈條和鏈輪lp1共軛、運動距離可表示為 (6) rx的半徑沿著圓圈。當?shù)扔谝话氲穆菪堑木嚯x,Lp的距離等于L1和Lp1的距離等于L2。從方程(1)、(5)、(6)L可以被定義為 (7) Ⅲ. 新型的鏈輪 漸開線鏈輪可以降低鏈輪嚙合碰撞當雙嚙合無聲鏈網(wǎng)格與漸開線鏈輪可能會干擾齒頂高。為了避免干擾漸開線鏈輪必須加以修正以正確嚙合與雙重嚙合無聲鏈。信封上寫的是獲得這兩種可以改進方法的理論[6]。 基于信封, 根據(jù)鏈輪齒形的理論可達到內在的齒廓和它的運動定律。距離的功能和運動鏈輪轉動角度可源自方程(5)。 標準的投擲角鏈輪是對稱的分開和相應位置的內在的齒廓。一個數(shù)字的位置內在齒廓被顯示在圖4。視圖的粗線和影線是表示原漸開線齒廓和鏈輪齒。 圖4修改漸開線鏈輪 在圖4所示,在位置0內的齒輪切向漸開線齒形輪廓的鏈輪。 當內在齒廓達到位置1,這會影響到與鏈輪齒廓和削減鏈輪的一部分齒。內在的齒形更接近的附加物,干擾部分比較大。在位置0,切削率是等于零,在上一次位置mn切削率fmn是最大的。最大切削率fmn,也就是說,這是最大改進一個函數(shù)的鏈輪齒數(shù)量和咬住。當p = 6.35mm最大修改所顯示的是不同Table.1齒數(shù)。當z = 20時,最大修改的不同咬合顯示Table.2。從Table.1和Table.2計算結果表明,該模型改進是提高最大齒數(shù)減少咬合的不斷增加。 Ⅳ.減少POLYGONG運動 雙重的特殊地位嚙合無聲鏈驅動并舉例說明了其在嚙合的進步。在圓圖的最小嚙合點的指鏈接和鏈輪。在圖(a)緊側切向到鏈輪節(jié)圓和內在和外在的齒輪剖面的接合點B都嚙合與左側的鏈輪齒2。然后接合點B旋轉和鏈輪。緊邊鏈上的拆下來,直到與接合點B內在的齒廓嚙合與左邊的一個網(wǎng)格鏈輪齒1,也就是說,這是鏈條和鏈輪網(wǎng)格的位置顯示在圖(b)。在那個時間的多邊形運動振幅是最大和緊邊不落下來,不過與往上移動的鏈輪繼續(xù)嚙合。后來在圖(c)緊邊鏈輪節(jié)圓切線。 圖5特殊地位的雙重網(wǎng)格無聲鏈傳動 因此多邊形的運動振幅雙重作用嚙合無聲鏈傳動系統(tǒng)之間的垂直距離緊邊和鏈輪中心。通過分析雙重網(wǎng)格劃分的無聲鏈振幅傳動等于±0.01毫米,通常無聲鏈傳動等于0.178mm,當p=6.35毫米和Z=28時,比較兩個無聲多邊形鏈的傳動,驅動器被顯示在圖6在一個嚙合圈。 圖5當p = 6.35和z = 28在兩個無聲鏈驅動器,比較圖的多邊形行動振幅 Ⅴ.結論 在論文中,研究齒廓的無聲鏈減弱了傳動,也就是說,多邊形鏈的雙重網(wǎng)格無聲探究。根據(jù)包絡理論, 沒有干擾齒廓的內在聯(lián)系的基礎上提出了一種新型的 修改后的漸開線齒廓,可以實現(xiàn)確認的運動規(guī)律之間的連接板和鏈輪。分析結果表明,當鏈輪用修改漸開線網(wǎng)格與無聲鏈和多邊形振幅的傳動雙重嚙合和無聲鏈傳動的振幅被降低并且有效提高無聲鏈傳動裝置的流暢性。 2010年國際研討會、控制和工業(yè)工程計算 研究雙嚙合沉默鏈傳動 雪Yunna1 Xuehui1,王建民Yong2,沈先生 1。機械工程學系、山東輕工業(yè)學院;2 .機械工程學系, 山東大學,, Abstract—In order to reduce the polygon action the dual 為減少Abstract-In多邊形的雙重作用 meshing silent chain is presented and this kind of silent chain 并給出了嚙合沉默鏈這種默默的鏈 mechanism is designed, which comprises the dual meshing 機制設計,包括雙嚙合 silent chain and new kind of sprockets with modified involute 沉默是一種新型的鏈條和鏈輪采用修正的漸開線圓柱齒輪 tooth profile. At the beginning of a meshing circle, the inner 齒廓。,在開始一個嚙合的圓圈,內在 tooth profile meshes with the sprocket tooth profile. Abstract—In order to reduce the polygon action the dual 與鏈輪齒廓網(wǎng)格齒廓。為減少Abstract-In多邊形的雙重作用 meshing silent chain is presented and this kind of silent chain 并給出了嚙合沉默鏈這種默默的鏈 mechanism is designed, which comprises the dual meshing 機制設計,包括雙嚙合 silent chain and new kind of sprockets with modified involute 沉默是一種新型的鏈條和鏈輪采用修正的漸開線圓柱齒輪 tooth profile. At the beginning of a meshing circle, the inner 齒廓。,在開始一個嚙合的圓圈,內在 tooth profile meshes with the sprocket tooth profile. 與鏈輪齒廓網(wǎng)格齒廓。 Abstract—In order to reduce the polygon action the dual 為減少Abstract-In多邊形的雙重作用 meshing silent chain is presented and this kind of silent chain 并給出了嚙合沉默鏈這種默默的鏈 mechanism is designed, which comprises the dual meshing 機制設計,包括雙嚙合 silent chain and new kind of sprockets with modified involute 沉默是一種新型的鏈條和鏈輪采用修正的漸開線圓柱齒輪 tooth profile. At the beginning of a meshing circle, the inner 齒廓。,在開始一個嚙合的圓圈,內在 tooth profile meshes with the sprocket tooth profile. 與鏈輪齒廓網(wǎng)格齒廓。 Keywords- dual meshing; silent chain; modified; involute; 主題詞—雙嚙合;沉默鏈;進行修改;漸開線; olygon actionKeywords- dual meshing; silent chain; modified; involute; olygon actionKeywords -雙嚙合;沉默鏈;進行修改;漸開線; olygon action olygon行動 i .介紹 In conventional silent chain drive, the sprocket tooth 在傳統(tǒng)的沉默鏈傳動,鏈輪齒 profile is straight. In the meshing progress of silent chain 型材是直的。在嚙合進步的沉默鏈 and sprockets, only the single side of tooth profile meshes 和鏈輪,只有單面的齒廓網(wǎng)格 with the straight tooth profile of the sprocket to transmit the 以直齒廓鏈輪傳遞的 movement and the power. When the link plate meshes with 運動和力量。當連接板網(wǎng)格 the sprocket, engagement contact happens once a time. In 鏈輪、敬業(yè)精神接觸發(fā)生一次。在 the following meshing process, there is not relevant 下面的嚙合過程中,不存在相關 movement between the link plate and the sprocket. Then 運動之間的連接板和鏈輪。然后 when the next link plate meshes with the sprocket, the 網(wǎng)格上的下一個鏈接板塊時,與鏈輪 engagement contact happens again[1] 訂婚的接觸會再次發(fā)生[1] In the recent years, the involute tooth profile of 摘要近年來,漸開線齒廓的 sprockets is more widely used because of the small 更廣泛的應用,鏈輪的小 engagement contact and the conjugate engagement 訂婚的接觸和共軛嚙合 compared with the conventional sprockets. The change of 與傳統(tǒng)鏈輪。變化的 the link plate structure and the study of new link plate 連接板的結構和研究新的鏈接板 profile were also presented in order to reduce the polygon 簡介和發(fā)展方向進行了展望,以減少對多邊形具有保形性 action and meshing impact[2]. Zhang investigated a new 行動和嚙合沖擊[2]。研究了一種新的張 silent chain mechanism with rocker pins[3]. Meng and Feng 沉默機制與搖臂的鏈銷[3]。孟、風 built a parametric simulation model by ADAMS[4]. 建了一個參數(shù)化仿真模型,亞當斯[4]。 However, the change of the link plate structure results in the 不過,這次改變的連接板結構的結果 complexity of the processing technique. Not only in the 復雜的處理方法。不僅在 conventional silent chain drive but also in the silent chain 傳統(tǒng)的沉默鏈傳動,而且在寂靜的鏈 drive with the conventional chain and the involute tooth 與傳統(tǒng)的鏈條驅動和漸開線齒 profile sprockets, the center line of the chain tight side is 簡介鏈輪,中線側鏈上的緊 alternately tangential and secant to the pitch circle. So the secant交替的切向和節(jié)圓。所以 up and down movement of tight side develops the polygon 上下運動的緊邊發(fā)展的多邊形 action and the transverse vibration. Further more the 行動與橫向振動。進一步的 meshing impact at the meshing moment is large. In the recent years, the involute tooth profile of 在嚙合瞬間嚙合沖擊很大。摘要近年來,漸開線齒廓的 sprockets is more widely used because of the small 更廣泛的應用,鏈輪的小 engagement contact and the conjugate engagement 訂婚的接觸和共軛嚙合 compared with the conventional sprockets. The change of 與傳統(tǒng)鏈輪。變化的 the link plate structure and the study of new link plate 連接板的結構和研究新的鏈接板 profile were also presented in order to reduce the polygon 簡介和發(fā)展方向進行了展望,以減少對多邊形具有保形性 action and meshing impact[2]. Zhang investigated a new 行動和嚙合沖擊[2]。研究了一種新的張 silent chain mechanism with rocker pins[3]. Meng and Feng 沉默機制與搖臂的鏈銷[3]。孟、風 built a parametric simulation model by ADAMS[4]. 建了一個參數(shù)化仿真模型,亞當斯[4]。 However, the change of the link plate structure results in the 不過,這次改變的連接板結構的結果 complexity of the processing technique. Not only in the 復雜的處理方法。不僅在 conventional silent chain drive but also in the silent chain 傳統(tǒng)的沉默鏈傳動,而且在寂靜的鏈 drive with the conventional chain and the involute tooth 與傳統(tǒng)的鏈條驅動和漸開線齒 profile sprockets, the center line of the chain tight side is 簡介鏈輪,中線側鏈上的緊 alternately tangential and secant to the pitch circle. So the secant交替的切向和節(jié)圓。所以 up and down movement of tight side develops the polygon 上下運動的緊邊發(fā)展的多邊形 action and the transverse vibration. Further more the 行動與橫向振動。進一步的 meshing impact at the meshing moment is large. 在嚙合瞬間嚙合沖擊很大。 Thus the dual meshing silent chain drive is put forward, 因此雙嚙合沉默鏈傳動提出, which can reduce the polygon action and the meshing impact. 可降低多邊形的行動和嚙合沖擊。 The dual meshing silent chain mechanism is composed of the 鏈機制的雙重網(wǎng)格沉默)組成 dual meshing silent chain and the new kind of sprockets with 雙嚙合沉默是一種新型的鏈條和鏈輪 the modified involute tooth profile. In the dual meshing 修改后的漸開線齒廓。在雙重網(wǎng)格 silent chain drive, at the beginning of a meshing circle, the 沉默鏈傳動,,在開始一個嚙合,朱拉隆功 inner straight tooth profile of the silent chain engages with 內在的直齒廓的無聲的連鎖經(jīng)營 the sprocket profile. With the continuing of the meshing 鏈輪的側面。持續(xù)的的嚙合 progress, both sides of the silent chain contact with the 進步,雙方的無聲的鏈條接觸 sprocket profile. In the end the dual meshing silent chain 鏈輪的側面。最后,雙嚙合沉默鏈 depends on its outer tooth profile to wind around the 取決于它的外部齒廓風周圍 sprocket. Thus the dual meshing silent chain drive is put forward, 鏈輪。因此雙嚙合沉默鏈傳動提出, which can reduce the polygon action and the meshing impact. 可降低多邊形的行動和嚙合沖擊。 The dual meshing silent chain mechanism is composed of the 鏈機制的雙重網(wǎng)格沉默)組成 dual meshing silent chain and the new kind of sprockets with 雙嚙合沉默是一種新型的鏈條和鏈輪 the modified involute tooth profile. In the dual meshing 修改后的漸開線齒廓。在雙重網(wǎng)格 silent chain drive, at the beginning of a meshing circle, the 沉默鏈傳動,,在開始一個嚙合,朱拉隆功 inner straight tooth profile of the silent chain engages with 內在的直齒廓的無聲的連鎖經(jīng)營 the sprocket profile. With the continuing of the meshing 鏈輪的側面。持續(xù)的的嚙合 progress, both sides of the silent chain contact with the 進步,雙方的無聲的鏈條接觸 sprocket profile. In the end the dual meshing silent chain 鏈輪的側面。最后,雙嚙合沉默鏈 depends on its outer tooth profile to wind around the 取決于它的外部齒廓風周圍 sprocket. 鏈輪。 II. DUAL MESHING SILENT CHAINII. DUAL MESHING SILENT CHAIN II。CHAINII雙嚙合沉默。雙嚙合沉默鏈 A. Reduction of the polygon action 答:減少多邊形的行動 When the conventional silent chain meshes with the 當傳統(tǒng)的沉默鏈網(wǎng)格的調查 conventional sprocket or the involute sprocket, the distance 傳統(tǒng)的鏈輪或漸開線鏈輪、距離 between the tight side of the chain and the sprocket center is 緊邊之間的鏈條和鏈輪中心 alternately changing with the continuing of the meshing 持續(xù)的交替變化的咬合 process. The reason of the position variation is that the tight 過程。位置變化的原因是,緊 side is tangential and secant to the sprocket pitch circle. Then 對側切向和secant鏈輪節(jié)圓。然后 if the secant state is avoided and the tangential state exits in 如果secant沿著狀態(tài),避免了國家出口 the whole meshing process, the polygon action can be 整個嚙合過程中,這個多邊形的動作可以 avoided or reduced. Based on the idea the dual meshing 避免或減少?;谶@樣一種理念的雙重網(wǎng)格 silent chain is put forward.A. Reduction of the polygon action 沉默鏈是把故障率。減少多邊形的行動 When the conventional silent chain meshes with the 當傳統(tǒng)的沉默鏈網(wǎng)格的調查 conventional sprocket or the involute sprocket, the distance 傳統(tǒng)的鏈輪或漸開線鏈輪、距離 between the tight side of the chain and the sprocket center is 緊邊之間的鏈條和鏈輪中心 alternately changing with the continuing of the meshing 持續(xù)的交替變化的咬合 process. The reason of the position variation is that the tight 過程。位置變化的原因是,緊 side is tangential and secant to the sprocket pitch circle. Then 對側切向和secant鏈輪節(jié)圓。然后 if the secant state is avoided and the tangential state exits in 如果secant沿著狀態(tài),避免了國家出口 the whole meshing process, the polygon action can be 整個嚙合過程中,這個多邊形的動作可以 avoided or reduced. Based on the idea the dual meshing 避免或減少?;谶@樣一種理念的雙重網(wǎng)格 silent chain is put forward. 沉默鏈被提出。 Fig.1 shows the theory of reducing the polygon action 圖1顯示減少多邊形理論的行動 about the dual meshing silent chain.Fig.1 shows the theory of reducing the polygon action 關于雙嚙合沉默的理論chain.Fig.1顯示減少多邊形的行動 about the dual meshing silent chain. 關于雙嚙合沉默鏈。 As shown in the Fig.1 (a), the hidden line denotes the 圖1所示的(a)、隱藏線表示了 tight side of the conventional silent chain and the real line 緊邊的常規(guī)沉默的鏈條和實際線路 denotes the tight side of the dual meshing silent chain. The 指緊邊的雙嚙合沉默鏈。這 left tooth profile of the sprocket tooth 3 meshes with the 離開了齒廓鏈輪齒3網(wǎng)格的調查 right tooth profile of the joint A. In the conventional silent 對齒廓的關節(jié)答:在傳統(tǒng)的沉默 chain the right tooth profile of the joint A is the outer tooth 合適的齒廓的鏈的聯(lián)合是外面的牙齒 profile of the link 1. But in the dual meshing silent chain the 剖面的鏈接1。但在雙重嚙合沉默鏈 right tooth profile of the joint A is the inner tooth profile of 對齒廓的關節(jié)一個內在的齒廓的 the link 2. Because the inner tooth profile of link plate is 鏈接2。因為內在齒廓的連接板 profiled to parallel and project outward of the outer tooth 嚴密,平行和項目外的外的牙齒 profile as the dual meshing silent chain is stretched into a 剖面作為雙嚙合沉默鏈是深入到各行各業(yè)的一個 line. So in the dual meshing silent chain drive, the tight side 線。所以在雙重嚙合沉默鏈傳動,緊的一面 of the chain can still be tangential to the sprocket pitch circle 的鏈條仍然可以切向的鏈輪節(jié)圓 at the position shown in the Fig.1 (a) by defining the special 在圖1中所示的位置(a)定義了特別的 relation about the inner and outer tooth profile. As shown in the Fig.1 (a), the hidden line denotes the 關系的內部和外部的齒廓。圖1所示的(a)、隱藏線表示了 tight side of the conventional silent chain and the real line 緊邊的常規(guī)沉默的鏈條和實際線路 denotes the tight side of the dual meshing silent chain. The 指緊邊的雙嚙合沉默鏈。這 left tooth profile of the sprocket tooth 3 meshes with the 離開了齒廓鏈輪齒3網(wǎng)格的調查 right tooth profile of the joint A. In the conventional silent 對齒廓的關節(jié)答:在傳統(tǒng)的沉默 chain the right tooth profile of the joint A is the outer tooth 合適的齒廓的鏈的聯(lián)合是外面的牙齒 profile of the link 1. But in the dual meshing silent chain the 剖面的鏈接1。但在雙重嚙合沉默鏈 right tooth profile of the joint A is the inner tooth profile of 對齒廓的關節(jié)一個內在的齒廓的 the link 2. Because the inner tooth profile of link plate is 鏈接2。因為內在齒廓的連接板 profiled to parallel and project outward of the outer tooth 嚴密,平行和項目外的外的牙齒 profile as the dual meshing silent chain is stretched into a 剖面作為雙嚙合沉默鏈是深入到各行各業(yè)的一個 line. So in the dual meshing silent chain drive, the tight side 線。所以在雙重嚙合沉默鏈傳動,緊的一面 of the chain can still be tangential to the sprocket pitch circle 的鏈條仍然可以切向的鏈輪節(jié)圓 at the position shown in the Fig.1 (a) by defining the special 在圖1中所示的位置(a)定義了特別的 relation about the inner and outer tooth profile. 關系的內部和外部的齒廓。 The special relation can be shown in the Fig.1 (b). rdi 這個特殊的關系可以被顯示在圖1(b)。調虧 denotes the radius of the locating circle of the inner tooth 定位是指的半徑內齒圈的 2010 International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering 2010年國際研討會、控制和工業(yè)工程計算 profile and rd denotes that of the outer tooth profile. rd 簡介和采訪表示外部齒profile.采訪 subtracted from rdi gives f, which is related to the amplitude 給減去rdi的f,它關系振幅 of the polygon action. Because of the static characteristics of 多邊形的行動。因為靜態(tài)特性的 chain drive, the position of joint A is influenced by that of 鏈傳動,關節(jié)的位置的一個影響是由 joint B. Thus the parameter f is also related to the movement 因此該參數(shù)的聯(lián)合b . f也與運動 distance of the tight side when the center of the joint A keeps 緊密的球隊以距離的中心聯(lián)合一個保存 on the line tangential to the sprocket pitch circle[5]. So the 在線上的切向的鏈輪節(jié)圓[5]。所以 parameter f may be satisfied with some condition to make 參數(shù)f感到滿意,使一些條件 the inner tooth profile and the outer tooth profile all mesh 內在的齒廓與外齒廓的網(wǎng)格 with the sprocket tooth. 與鏈輪齒。 Fig.1 Theory of reducing the polygon action 圖1理論減少多邊形的行動 B. Link plate of dual meshing silent chain b .連接板的雙重網(wǎng)格沉默鏈 The tooth profile of the dual meshing link plate is 該齒嚙合連接板的二元 shown in Fig.2. The inner tooth profile is completely under 顯示在圖2。內在的齒廓是完全的下 the line through the two joint center of the link plate. The 通過兩線聯(lián)合中心的連接鋼板。這 angle ?? of the tooth profile is still equal to 60??. The normal ??齒廓的角度60??.仍等于正常的 space f between the inner tooth profile and the symmetrical 空間f之間的內部齒廓和對稱 line of the outer tooth profile can be calculated asFig.1 Theory of reducing the polygon action 外齒廓線理論可以計算多邊形asFig.1降低的作用 B. Link plate of dual meshing silent chain b .連接板的雙重網(wǎng)格沉默鏈 The tooth profile of the dual meshing link plate is 該齒嚙合連接板的二元 shown in Fig.2. The inner tooth profile is completely under 顯示在圖2。內在的齒廓是完全的下 the line through the two joint center of the link plate. The 通過兩線聯(lián)合中心的連接鋼板。這 angle ?? of the tooth profile is still equal to 60??. The normal ??齒廓的角度60??.仍等于正常的 space f between the inner tooth profile and the symmetrical 空間f之間的內部齒廓和對稱 line of the outer tooth profile can be calculated as 線外齒廓可以計算 公式 (1) Where h is the amplitude of the polygon action and l is 哪里的振幅,h和l是多邊形行動嗎 defined asWhere h is the amplitude of the polygon action and l is 定義asWhere的振幅,h和l是多邊形行動 defined as 定義為 l=l1-l2 (2) Where l1 is the moving distance of the tight side when the 在l1是運動行程的緊邊當嗎 chain winds around the sprocket, l2 is that of the tight side 鏈鏈輪茶莊,二語是緊密的一面 when the chain does not wind around the sprocket but move 當鏈鏈輪周圍沒有風,但移動 along the line tangential to the sprocket pitch circle in the 沿著這條線切向的鏈輪節(jié)圓的 process when the sprocket rotates a half of the pitch angle. Where l1 is the moving distance of the tight side when the 當鏈輪轉動過程中有一半的螺距角度。在l1是運動行程的緊邊當嗎 chain winds around the sprocket, l2 is that of the tight side 鏈鏈輪茶莊,二語是緊密的一面 when the chain does not wind around the sprocket but move 當鏈鏈輪周圍沒有風,但移動 along the line tangential to the sprocket pitch circle in the 沿著這條線切向的鏈輪節(jié)圓的 process when the sprocket rotates a half of the pitch angle. 當鏈輪轉動過程中有一半的螺距角度。 The coordinate of the link plate is shown in Fig.2, 坐標的連接板被顯示在圖2, where the axis of abscissa and the rack midline of the outer 在軸向的abscissa和架子上中線外 tooth profile are along a same line. The rack midline of the 沿齒廓是同樣的路線。中線的架子上 inner tooth profile is underneath that of the outer tooth 內在的齒形的底下的外的牙齒 profile and the distance h′ is defined asThe coordinate of the link plate is shown in Fig.2, 簡介及距離h′為坐標的定義是連接板是顯示在圖2, where the axis of abscissa and the rack midline of the outer 在軸向的abscissa和架子上中線外 tooth profile are along a same line. The rack midline of the 沿齒廓是同樣的路線。中線的架子上 inner tooth profile is underneath that of the outer tooth 內在的齒形的底下的外的牙齒 profile and the distance h′ is defined as 簡介和距離的定義是h′ h'= f / sin(á / 2) (3) Fig.2 Link plate of dual meshing silent chainFig.2 Link plate of dual meshing silent chain 圖2 .連接板的連接板chainFig.2雙嚙合沉默的雙重網(wǎng)格沉默鏈 C. Amplitude of the polygon action c的振幅多邊形的行動 In the conventional silent chain drive, as the chain tight 在傳統(tǒng)的沉默鏈傳動,隨著鏈吃力 side is tangential to the sprocket the vertical distance 側切向到鏈輪的垂直距離 between the central line of the chain tight side and the 中央線之間的鏈吃力的一方和 sprocket center is the radius of the pitch circle. When the 鏈輪中心是節(jié)圓半徑。當 sprocket rotates about a half of the pitch angle, as the chain 鏈輪轉動約一半的螺旋角為鏈 tight side is secant to the sprocket pitch circle the vertical secant緊側的鏈輪節(jié)圓垂直 distance is the radius of the addendum circle. So in the whole 距離是由齒輪的齒頂圓的半徑。所以在整個 drive process the distance is alternately changing between 開車過程之間的距離是交替變化 the radius of the pitch circle and that of the addendum circle. 節(jié)圓的半徑和齒頂圓。 In the conventional silent chain drive the amplitude of the 在傳統(tǒng)的沉默鏈傳動的振幅 polygon action is as follows 多邊形行動是如下 Where d is the diameter of the pitch circle and da is that 在d是節(jié)圓所在圓的直徑和達是誰的呢 of the addendum circle. p is the pitch of the silent chain drive circle.的附錄p是球場上的無聲的鏈傳動 and z is the tooth number of the sprocket. Thus when the 數(shù)量和z是牙齒鏈輪。因此,當 conventional chain meshes with the conventional or the 與傳統(tǒng)的常規(guī)鏈網(wǎng)格或 involute sprocket the fluctuation value of the up down 漸開線鏈輪的價值的波動了下來 movement of the chain tight side is not greater than h. Where d is the diameter of the pitch circle and da is that 側鏈吃力的運動不大于h。在d是節(jié)圓所在圓的直徑和達是誰的呢 of the addendum circle. p is the pitch of the silent chain drive circle.的附錄p是球場上的無聲的鏈傳動 and z is the tooth number of the sprocket. Thus when the 數(shù)量和z是牙齒鏈輪。因此,當 conventional chain meshes with the conventional or the 與傳統(tǒng)的常規(guī)鏈網(wǎng)格或 involute sprocket the fluctuation value of the up down 漸開線鏈輪的價值的波動了下來 movement of the chain tight side is not greater than h. 側鏈吃力的運動不大于h。 D. Moving distance of the tight sideD. Moving distance of the tight side d .運動行程緊密地站。運動行程緊密的一面 When the dual meshing silent chain meshes with the 當雙嚙合沉默鏈網(wǎng)格的調查 conventional sprocket, the engaging link is rooted on and 傳統(tǒng)的鏈輪的迷人鏈接是根植在和 rotates with the sprocket at last. So the engaging link is not 旋轉與鏈輪的最后一次。如此的迷人的環(huán)節(jié)不是 in a same line with the next link. Then as the chain does not 在同一生產(chǎn)線上的下一個鏈接。當那些鏈所不了解的東西 wind around the sprocket but keeps moving, the silent chain 風在鏈輪但繼續(xù)移動,寂靜的鏈 drive is same to the gear and rack drive. The gear rotation 開車一樣到齒輪和齒條傳動。齒輪旋轉 drives the rack moving. The relation between the sprocket 驅動器架子上移動。鏈輪之間的關系 rotating angle and the rack moving distance is linear. 旋轉角度和距離為線性。架上移動 Otherwise the relation is not linear because the chain is 否則不是線性的關系因為鏈 needed to wind around the sprocket. In the process when the 風在鏈輪的需要。在這個過程中當 sprocket rotates about the angle 2 θ , it is supposed that the 鏈輪轉動角度θ的2,它是假定 engaging joint A is always on the line tangential to the 迷人的聯(lián)合一個總是在線切向去的 sprocket pitch circle and the moving distance of the joint A 鏈輪節(jié)圓和運動行程的聯(lián)合 is p l . The relationship of the moving parameter about two 是p l。運動參數(shù)間的關系,對兩個 2812 2812 joints center A and B of the engaging link from the position A和B的關節(jié)中心位置的迷人紐帶 A1B1 to the position A2B2 is shown in Fig.3.When the dual meshing silent chain meshes with the 這個職位A1B1所顯示的是Fig.3.When A2B2鏈網(wǎng)格的雙重網(wǎng)格沉默的 conventional sprocket, the engaging link is rooted on and 傳統(tǒng)的鏈輪的迷人鏈接是根植在和 rotates with the sprocket at last. So the engaging link is not 旋轉與鏈輪的最后一次。如此的迷人的環(huán)節(jié)不是 in a same line with the next link. Then as the chain does not 在同一生產(chǎn)線上的下一個鏈接。當那些鏈所不了解的東西 wind around the sprocket but keeps moving, the silent chain 風在鏈輪但繼續(xù)移動,寂靜的鏈 drive is same to the gear and rack drive. The gear rotation 開車一樣到齒輪和齒條傳動。齒輪旋轉 drives the rack moving. The relation between the sprocket 驅SGZ730-400刮板輸送機設計【含CAD圖紙文檔】.zip |
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