(外貿函電)Chapter 1總結+補充

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《(外貿函電)Chapter 1總結+補充》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《(外貿函電)Chapter 1總結+補充(32頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。

1、單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,單擊此處編輯母版標題樣式,Seeking Business Opportunities,&,Establishing Business Relations,尋找商機,&,建立業(yè)務關系,世紀商務英語 外貿函電,Basic Knowledge Concerned,Letter-writing Guide,Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences,Sample Letters,Part One,Part Two,Part Three,Part Four,Contents,Part One,

2、It is fairly true to say no customer,no business.To establish business relations with prospective dealers is one of the important undertakings either for a newly established firm or an old one that wishes to enlarge its business scope and turnover.,Establishing business relations is the first step i

3、n transaction in foreign trade.If a new firm,or rather a certain corporation of ours,wishes to open up a market to sell something to or buy something from firms in foreign countries,the persons in charge must first of all find out whom they are going to deal with.We should not only do everything pos

4、sible to consolidate old customers but also seek new ones to enlarge our business.,1.The Significance of Establishing Business Relations,Part One,Usually,you can secure all the necessary information about a new customer with the help of the following channels:,2.The Main Channels and Methods for Est

5、ablishing Business Relations(1),banks;,periodicals;,advertisements in newspapers,magazines or on TV;,the introduction from your business connections;,the market investigations;,the commercial counselors offices;,the industrial chambers;,the chambers of commerce both at home and abroad;,inquiries rec

6、eived from the merchants abroad;,self-introduction by merchants themselves.,Part One,Sometimes,a kind of middleman is necessary to bring two companies together.,Having obtained the desired names and addresses of the firms from any of the above sources,you may start contacting the prospective custome

7、rs.The main methods include:,2.The Main Channels and Methods for Establishing Business Relations(2),communication in writing,;,attendance at the export commodities fairs;,contact at the exhibitions held at home or abroad;,mutual visits by trade delegations and groups.,Of all the above methods,the fi

8、rst one is widely used in business activities.,Part One,Generally speaking,the contents of a letter requesting a business relationship include telling the prospective customers how and where their names and addresses are known,self-introducing,indicating your desire to enter into business relations,

9、or sometimes making general inquiries and expressing your expectation for cooperation or early reply,etc.While for letters in reply to the letters requesting for business relations,the contents may include expressing your thanks for the incoming letter,expressing your agreement/desire/wish to establ

10、ish business relations with the addressor and indicating the action you are going to take.,3.,The Main Contents of a Letter for Establishing Business Relations,Part Two,Steps/Contents,Typical Expressions,For letters requesting for the establishment of business relations,1.Telling the prospective cus

11、tomers how and where their names and addresses are known,We were very pleased to obtain your name from.,(我們很高興從,處獲得貴公司的名稱。),We are delighted to learned from.that.,(我很高興,處得知,),We have your name and address from.,(,我們從,得知貴公司的名稱和地址。,),Through the courtesy of.,we are given to understand,that.,承蒙,我們得知,Fr

12、om,,,we know/have learned,tha,(,通過,我們得知,),Part Two,Steps/Contents,Typical Expressions,On the recommendation of,we have learned that,(通過,推薦,我們得知,),Your company has been kindly introduced to us by,(,把貴公司介紹給我們。),2.Self-introducing,We write to introduce ourselves to you as a.,(作為,特來函自我介紹,),Our lines are

13、 mainly.,(我們主要從事,),.fall within the scope of our business activities.,(,屬于我們的經營范圍,),We are mainly dealing in.,(我們主要從事,),We have been engaged for many years in the line of.,(我們已經從事,多年,),Part Two,Steps/Contents,Typical Expressions,2.Self-introducing,As you may know,we supply.,(如貴公司所了解,我們可供應,),We would

14、 like to take this opportunity to introduce,ourselves as.,(我們借此機會自我介紹,我們是,),We would like to take the liberty of introducing ourselves to,you with a view to.,(我們冒昧自薦,希望,),Our corporation is established for the purpose of.,(本公司是以,為宗旨而建立的,),Our corporation is specialized in.,(本公司專營,),We handle various

15、 kinds of.,(本公司經營各種,),Part Two,Steps/Contents,Typical Expressions,3.Indicating your purpose and desire,We are willing to.,(我方愿意,),We express our desire to.,(我們想表達,的意愿,),We are now writing you for.,(我們特致函,),We are desirous of.(,我方很希望,),With a view to.,we.(,本著,的意愿,我方,),We are interested in.(,我方有興趣,),W

16、e need a regular supply of.(,我方定期需要,),We are in a position to supply.(9,我方可供應,),We would be glad to.(,我們將樂于,),Part Two,Steps/Contents,Typical Expressions,3.Indicating your purpose and desire,We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to.,(我們借此機會,),If you need.,please(dont hesitate to)let us know.,(如果你們需要,請,(,毫不猶豫,),地告知我們,),Should there be anything else we can do for you,please,let us know.(,如果我們還能為你們做些其他事情,請告知,),Should you require.please dont hesitate to contact us.,(如果你們需要,請毫不猶豫地和我們聯系,),4.Expre

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