1、按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,*,*,家樂福採購談判技巧,Negotiation Techniques for,Carrefour Buyers,1,對業(yè)務員不要表現(xiàn)熱心,Never show enthusiasm to any salesman,你的第一個反應,應是否定的,Your first offer reaction should be negative,提出不可能的要求,Make impossible requests,不要接受第一個提案,讓業(yè)務員哭,這是最好的技巧,Never accept first offer,let sales
2、man cry,this is the best trick,2,總是使用座右銘,你還可以做得更好,Always use the motto,:,“,You can do better than that”,總是強調你不,是,老闆,Always be someones subordinate,智慧思考讓自己像個白癡,Be intelligent make believe you are an idiot,不要做任何讓步,除非得到相對的回饋,Never make any concessions without getting something in return,3,扮演公平及不公平,Play
3、 fair and unfair,不要猶豫去爭論,甚至他們是無禮的,Do not hesitate to use arguments,even if they are unfounded,持續(xù)重覆同樣異議,Keep repeating same objections,別忘記,百分之,80,的收穫來自最後談判部份,Dont forget,80%are gained during latter part of negotiations,4,不要忘記,我們必須得到最多的資訊有關你對手的個性及他的要求,Never forget,we have to get most information about our intermediarys personality and his requirements,總是準備停止談判,Always be ready to break up negotiations,在僵局中,不要被對手識破!,Never get caught in a stalemate,傾聽,LISTEN,5,