當前我國食品和包裝機械的一個突出問題是新產品開發(fā)周期長、模仿多、創(chuàng)新少,這不僅與設計人員的知識水平有關,也和相關行業(yè)的發(fā)展有關。 國際先進的作法是運用仿真技術,由計算機自動合成三維模型,將過去曾經發(fā)生過的生產線故障數據輸入計算機,即可演示實際工況,在用戶面前根據需要進行修改,最終完善。包裝機械作為一種產品,它的含義不僅僅是產品本身的物質意義,而是包括形式產品、隱形產品及延伸產品3層含義。形式產品是指包裝機本身的具體形態(tài)和基本功能;隱形產品是指包裝機給用戶提供的實際效用;延伸產品是指包裝機的質量保證、使用指導和售后服務 等。所以包裝機的設計應該包括:市場調研、原理圖設計、結構設計、施工圖設計、使用說明書編寫及售后服務預案等。
新型包裝機械往往是機、電、氣一體化的設備。充分利用信息產品的最新成果,采用氣動執(zhí)行機構、伺服電機驅動等分離傳動技術, 可使整機的傳動鏈大大縮短,結構大為簡化,工作精度和速度大大提高。其中的關鍵技術之一是采用了多電機拖動的同步控制技術。其實 掌握這種技術并不很難,只是一些設計人員不了解包裝機械的這一發(fā)展趨勢。如果說以前我國包裝機械設計是仿制、學習階段,那么現在 我們應該有創(chuàng)新設計的意識。
“十五”期間,我國包裝機械工業(yè)發(fā)展迅速,近幾年進口的設備都是國內不能制造或者制造水平相差甚遠的,從進口可以看出我們的差距所在。 食品安全問題舉國關注?!笆晃濉逼陂g應提高食品安全領域的科技和裝備水平,研制快速、準確鑒定食品中危害因子的技術和裝備,進一步研發(fā)病原微生物的抗性、病原的控制等預防技術及儲藏技術和裝備。 食品和包裝機械形成行業(yè)已20年,相對于食品包裝,還是一個新行業(yè)。這20年又是世界技術發(fā)展最快的時期,新技術不斷在行業(yè)上應用,而國內行業(yè)的基礎薄弱,技術及科研力量不足,其發(fā)展相對滯后,在某種程度上拖了食品和包裝工業(yè)的后腿。總體發(fā)展雖然較快,但食品包裝機械工業(yè)發(fā)展更快。
“十一五”的目標是要縮小這個空間,為食品工業(yè)趕上世界先進水平,為使包裝大國向包裝強國邁進,提供先進的技術裝備,讓進口設備在國內市場上只起到拾遺補缺的作用。這就要求國內食品和包裝機械的年發(fā)展速度超過18%,新產品產值率達到25%。 國際上包裝和食品機械的發(fā)展是以大客戶的要求為目標,帶動相關機械的發(fā)展。大客戶的要求主要體現在以下方面: 一是對生產效率要求越高越好。這樣可以降低產品的成本,滿足交貨期。高速包裝機要求與前道工序要有相關銜接,不需搬運環(huán)節(jié),包括控制銜接,整個生產線按生產及包裝工序排列要做到倒序啟動,順序停機。如冷灌裝生產線從塑料原料自動上線到飲料灌裝、大包裝碼垛全部自動在封閉車間內進行。 二是可適應產品的更新變化。包裝機械要具有很高的柔性和靈活性,生產線允許在一定的尺寸范圍內包裝物大小可以變化。因為產品的生命周期遠短于設備使用壽命,變更產品及包裝不至于更換昂貴的包裝生產線。 三是設備常見故障迅速排除。解決方案預先輸入電腦,當設備出現常見的故障時可以自行診斷,亦可實行遠程診斷并排除故障。 四是要求具有自動識別功能。一方面可以自動識別包裝材料的厚度、硬度、反彈力等,通過電腦反饋到機械手調整動作幅度,保證不反彈。另一方面,各種不同的產品,如形狀各異的巧克力或點心等,裝到同一盒中,其排列是有規(guī)律的。生產線傳遞的產品是無序的,可用探頭掃描,確定不同形狀的物料位置,再反饋到不同的機械手,它會準確無誤地將物品按準確的位置及方向放入托盤中,快而且準,排除人工操作的視覺及手指的疲勞。 五是可以盡量減少環(huán)境污染。減少包括噪聲、粉塵污染,并盡量減少廢棄物,這一點在食品加工過程中尤為重要。食品原料在加工時不僅收獲主要產品,如玉米加工,產品除了玉米淀粉外,還有玉米油、色拉油、人造黃油、葡萄糖、玉米蛋白及飼料,以及污水處理等生產全過程,均為自動化。沒有廢棄物、沒有污染,其它產品的價值已大大超過玉米淀粉的價值。
包裝機械設計方法的改進思路:首先在設計理念上要借鑒先進國家的經驗,以用戶的需求為設計的目標,并結合柔性設計、模塊化設計的理念,一機多用,或更換少 量的零、部件就可以完成不同的功能,或滿足不同的產品需求。
隨著科學技術的發(fā)展及市場競爭的加劇,客戶的需求也越來越高。這種需求體現在以下幾個方面:一是提高生產效率,以滿足交貨期 和降低生產成本的需要,對一些產品,還要求包裝機械和生產機械相銜接;二是為適應產品更新變化的需要,包裝機械要具有高的柔性和 靈活性;三是當設備出現故障時,要求能進行遠程診斷服務;四是利于環(huán)境保護,噪聲、粉塵和廢棄物少;五是設備購置投資盡可能少, 價格要盡可能低。所以,一定要在市場調研的基礎上,充分了解、認真分析用戶的需求,確定包裝機應該完成的功能和各項技術指標,制 訂初步的原理設計方案。
現代包裝機的設計過程應該包括:市場調研、用戶需求分析、包裝機功能的確定、可行性論證、制定設計方案、用戶效益分析、方案 的可行性論證、原理圖設計、結構設計、施工圖設計、樣機制作(虛擬制造)、技術驗證和施工圖修改、制定售后服務預案及遠程診斷方 案、改進設計、系列化設計等。
市場調研是一切包裝機設計的基礎工作。沒有市場調研,我們所做的所有設計工作都可能等于零。市場調研,可以根據政策導向、行 業(yè)供求信息、專家分析、行業(yè)展會、技術交流會等線索,找到用戶的需求信息,并加以整理分析后,確定包裝機應該完成的功能。在原理方案設計過程中,首先要充分了解相關的信息產品、電子產品的功能,了解氣動元件的性能,并用以簡化機械傳動系統(tǒng),還可 采用多電機拖動來縮短機械傳動鏈。對于必不可少的機械傳動系統(tǒng),應盡量利用現代化設計手段,在對產品功能分析的基礎上,通過創(chuàng)新 構思、系統(tǒng)建模、動力分析、動態(tài)優(yōu)化,從而得到最佳設計方案。技術設計是將原理設計結構化,確定零部件的數量、形狀、尺寸、材料等,對主要部件中關鍵零件進行動力計算、功率計算、強度計算、剛度計算。
總體設計時,要全面考慮整個包裝機系統(tǒng)的布局、運動協調性、造型設計、人-機環(huán)境以及裝箱運輸等。模塊化設計是一種先進的設 計方法,它的核心思想是將系統(tǒng)根據功能分為若干模塊,將包裝機中同一功能的單元設計成具有不同性能、可以互換的模塊,通過模塊的 不同組合,使包裝機多功能化、系列化。采用這種方法的優(yōu)點是:(1)使包裝機更新換代速度加快。因為新機型的替代,往往是局部改 進。將先進技術引進相應的模塊,比較容易實現局部改進;(2)縮短設計周期。當用戶提出要求后,只需更換模塊,或設計制造部分模 塊,即可得到新的機型,滿足用戶需求;(3)降低成本,便于維修;(4)性能穩(wěn)定可靠。因為模塊設計時,對包裝機的功能劃分和模 塊設計,進行了精心的研究,保證了模塊的性能,如:凸輪機構、伺服機構、檢測系統(tǒng)、傳動系統(tǒng)、控制系統(tǒng)、計量機構、下料機構等。
另外包裝機械系列化、模塊化的行業(yè)標準,也到了該制定的時候,包裝機械已成為我國十大機械行業(yè)之一,而系列化、模塊化的行業(yè) 標準的制定必將促進我國包裝機械行業(yè)跨上新的臺階。較發(fā)達的國家的包裝與欠發(fā)達的國家起著不同的作用,原因很簡單,他們不明白,各自包裝的重點是完全不同的,有時有困難。同樣,解決發(fā)展中國家試圖向北美市場出售令他們無法理解圖形的商品包裝是我們的當務之急。顯著的區(qū)別是,包裝在市場中起著不同的作用,產品價值將單獨出售,因為它是可用的。在北美市場上,消費者可能會面臨由五個不同的公司提供各種不同范圍的選擇。如果所有的產品是好的,都不遜色,賣家如何讓消費者產生對自己產品的偏好?他是如何區(qū)分的?包裝在這一過程中起著很大的作用。
Packaging machinery development
Packaging is necessary for products entering the circulation field,and packaging are the main means of packaging machinery.Simply put ,the packaging machine is the production packaging up the machine,plays a protection role of the beautiful. The packaging machine in two main areas ,the overall production pipeline packaging products periphery packaging equipment.With the development of the times,the progress of technology ,packaging machinery is playing a more and more greater role in the packaging area.Our country packs the machanical profession start in the 20th century 70's,and the 90's intermediate stages obtains the rapid development in the end of the 80's. Has become in the mechanical industry one of 10 big of professions,regardless of is the output,in the variety,has all obtained the amazing achiecement,packed the industry for our country the fast development to provide the powerful safeguard. At present,our country has became the world packing mechanical industrial production and expends one of great nations.The new packing machinery often is machine ,the electricity,the gas integration equipment .The full use information product newest achievement,user air operated separation transmission technologies and so on implementing agency,servo motor-drive,may cause the complete machine the transmission chain to reduce greatly the structure is greatly the simplification,the work precision and the speed enhances greatly.The essence of the electromechanical integration is from the system point of view,By using the principle of the process control,Machinery and electronics and information detection and related technology of organic combination, realize the whole optimization.
Packaging machine development trend of the 21st
1.Highly productivity. The productivity of the vacuum packaging machine from a few pieces per minute development to the number 10 ,thermoforming-fill-seal machine productivity up to 500/min or more.
3.Standing alone multi-function can easily expand the scope of use. Achieve stand-alone multi-function must be modular in design,transformtion and combination of function modules,for different packaging machine. Representative products HESSER production plants in Germany BOSCH company belongs spindle round multi bag vacuum packaging machine,bag,weighing filling,vacuum sealed,and a variety of functions to be completed in a single.
4.Be composed of the production line.All the features concentrated in a single machine when a growing number of the functionality required marking a very complex structure,operation and maintenance is not easy,this time function can be different,and efficiency to match the combination of several machine successfully,more complete production line.
The development status of foreign packaging machine:
German packaging machinery in the measurement of all belong to world-class performance in manufacturing technology,For beer filling production of complete sets of equipment production rate high degree of automation has good reliability.They mainly manifest in:Process automation of high production efficiency, meet the short delivery time and reduce the process cost;Equipment has higher flexibility and flexibility.Mainly reflects,in the production of flexibility structure flexibility and the flexibility of the supply,To meet the needs of the product upgrading;Using a computer and simulation technology to provide complete sets of equipment,Low failure rate can be remote diagnosis service;With less pollution to the environment, including noise pollution of dust and waste material。
Italy in the production of packaging machinery, 40% are food packaging machinery,Such as candy packing machine for tea packaging machine, filling packaging machine and so on.The characteristics of the product is elegant appearance good performance price cheap.Italian packaging machinery industry is the biggest advantage is can according to the requirements of customers design and production,And can ensure well completion design production experiment, implement supervision and assembly adjustment and user demand analysis, etc.
Our country packs the mechanical profession start in the 20th century 70's, and the 90's intermediate stages obtains the rapid development in the end of the 80's. Has become in the mechanical industry one of 10 big professions, regardless of is the output, in the variety, has all obtained the amazing achievement, packed the industry for our country the fast development to provide the powerful safeguard. At present, our country has become the world packing mechanical industrial production and expends one of great nations.
Current our country food and a packing machinery prominent question is the new product development cycle long, imitates much, innovates few, not only this with designs personnel's state-of-art related, also concerns with the correlation profession development. The international advanced method utilizes the simulation technology, by the computer automatic synthesis three-dimensional model, will pass has occurred production line breakdown data feeds the computer, then will demonstrate the actual operating mode, according to will need to carry on the revision in front of the user, finally will consummate. The packing machinery took one product, its meaning is not merely the product itself material significance, but is includes the form product, the stealth product and extends the product 3 meanings. The form product is refers to packaging machine itself the concrete shape and the basic function; The stealth product is refers to the packaging machine the actual utility which provides to the user; Extends the product is refers to the packaging machine the quality assurance, the use instruction and the post-sale service and so on. Therefore the packaging machine design should include: Market investigation and study, schematic diagram design, structural design, construction drawing design, instruction for use compilation and post-sale service predetermined plan and so on.
The new packing machinery often is machine, the electricity, the gas integration equipment. The full use information product newest achievement, uses air operated separation transmission technologies and so on implementing agency, servo motor-driven, may cause the complete machine the transmission chain to reduce greatly, the structure is greatly the simplification, the work precision and the speed enhances greatly. One of key technologies has used the multi-electrical machinery dragging synchronization control technology. Actually grasps this kind of technology not very difficultly, only is some designs the personnel not to understand the packing machinery this trend of development. If beforehand our country packs the machine design is the imitation, the study stage, then we should have the innovation design consciousness now.
“十五” period, our country packs the mechanical industrial development to be rapid, in recent years imports the equipment all is domestic cannot make or the manufacture level is far from, may see our disparity from the import to be at. Food security problem whole nation attention. “十一五” period should enhance food security domain the science and technology and the equipment level, the development fast, in accurate appraisal food harms the factor the technology and the equipment, further researches and develops the pathogenic microorganism resistance, cause of disease prevention technologies and the preserve technology and the equipment and so on control. Food and the packing machinery form the profession already for 20 years, is opposite in food packing, a new profession. This 20 years also are the world technological development quickest times, the new technology applies unceasingly in the profession, but the domestic profession foundation is weak, technical and the scientific research lack of strength, its development relative lag, has towed food and the packing industry hind leg to a certain extent. Although overall development quick, but food packing mechanical industrial development is quicker.
the goal is must reduce this space, catches up with the world advanced level for the food industry, for causes the packing great nation to make great strides forward to the packing powerful nation, provides the advanced technical equip, lets import the equipment the role which only plays in the domestic market appropriates lost articles fills a vacancy. This request domestic food and the packing machinery year development speed surpasses 18%, the new product output value rate achieves 25%. On the international packing and food machinery development is take the big customer request as the goal, the impetus correlation machinery development. The big customer request mainly manifests in the below aspect: One, is higher well to the production efficiency request. This may reduce the product the cost, satisfies the date of delivery. The high speed packaging machine request must have the correlation engagement with the first working procedure, does not have to transport the link, including the control engagement, the entire production line must achieve the inverted order according to the production and the packing working procedure arrangement to start, smooth engine off. If Leng Guanzhuang the production line makes something a matter of political line automatically from the plastic raw material to the drink fills installs, the big packing piles buttress completely automatically in seals up in the workshop to carry on. Two, may adapt the product renewal change. The packing machinery must have the very high flexibility and the flexibility, the production line permission the packing material size may change in certain size scope. Because product life cycle far short in useful life of equipment, change product and packing not as for replacement expensive packing production line. Three is the equipment common breakdown rapid elimination. The solution inputs the computer in advance, when the equipment appears the common breakdown may diagnose voluntarily, also may implement the long-distance diagnosis to eliminate the breakdown abreast in row. Four, the request has the automatic diagnosis function. On the one hand may automatic diagnosis packing material thickness, degree of hardness, the counter-tension and so on, feed back through the computer to the manipulator adjusts the movement scope, does not guarantee the resilience. On the other hand, each different product, like shape each different chocolate or the dessert and so on, install to the identical box in, its arrangement is orderly. The production line transmits the product is a disorder, the available probe head scanning, determined the different shape the material position, feeds back again to the different manipulator, it can accurately unmistakably puts in the goods according to the accurate position and the direction in the tray, moreover, removes the manual control quickly the vision and finger weariness. Five, may reduce the environmental pollution as far as possible. The reduction including the noise, the dust pollution, and reduces the reject as far as possible, this point especially is important in the food processing process. Food raw material when processing not only harvests the main product, like corn processing, product besides corn starch, but also has the corn oil, the salad oil, the margarine, the glucose, the corn protein and the feed, as well as the sewage treatment and so on produces the entire process, is the automation. Does not have the reject, not to pollute, other product value has surpassed the corn starch greatly the value.
Along with the science and technology development and the market competition aggravating, the customer demand more and more is also high. This kind of demand manifests in following several aspects: One, enhances the production efficiency, satisfies the date of delivery and reduces the production cost the need, to some products, but also requests the packing machinery and the production machinery links up; Two, is meets the product renewal change need, the packing machinery must have the high flexibility and the flexibility; Three is when the equipment appears the breakdown, the request can carry on the long-distance diagnosis service; Four, favors the environmental protection, the noise, the dust and the reject are few; Five is the equipment purchase investment are as far as possible few, the price must be as far as possible low. Therefore, must certainly in the market investigation and study foundation, the full understanding, analyze the user earnestly the demand, the definite packaging machine should complete the function and each technical specification, draw up the preliminary principle design proposal.
The modern packaging machine design process should include: The market investigation and study, the user demand analysis, the packaging machine function determination, the feasible proof, the formulation design proposal, the user benefit analysis, the plan feasible proof, the schematic diagram design, the structural design, the construction drawing design, the prototypical manufacture (hypothesized manufacture), the technical confirmation and the construction drawing revise, the formulation post-sale service predetermined plan and the long-distance diagnosis plan, the improvement design, the serialized design and so on. .
The market investigation and study is the foundation work which all packaging machines design. Without the market investigation and study, we do all design work all possibly is equal to the zero. The market investigation and study, may according to the policy guidance, the profession supply and demand information, the expert analyze, the profession unfolds clues and so on meeting, technical meeting, found the user the demand information, after and reorganizes the analysis, the definite packaging machine should complete function. In the principle project design process, first must understand fully the related information product, the electronic products function, understood the air operated part the performance, and uses to simplify the mechanical drive system, but also may use the multi-electrical machinery dragging to reduce the mechanical transmission chain. Regarding the essential mechanical drive system, should make the best the modernized design method, in to product functional analysis foundation in, through innovation idea, system modelling, mechanical analysis, dynamic optimization, thus obtains the best design proposal. The technical design is the principle design structurization, definite spare part quantity, the shape, the size, the material and so on, the essential components carry on the power computation, the power computation, the strength calculation, the rigidity computation to the major component in.
When system design, must consider the entire packaging machine system comprehensively the layout, the movement coordination, the modelling design, the human - machine environment as well as the packing transportation and so on. The modular design is one advanced design method, its core thought is divides into systematically according to the function certain modules, the identical function unit designs the packaging machine in has the module which the different performance, may exchange, through the module different combination, causes the packaging machine multi-purpose, the seriation. Uses this method the merit is: (1) makes the packaging machine renewal speed to speed up. Because of the new type substitution, often is the partial improvement. The vanguard technology introduction corresponding module, compared with easy to realize the partial improvement; (2) reduction design cycle. After the user proposed the request, only must replace the module, or the design manufacture partial modules, then obtain the new type, meets the user need; (3) reduces the cost, is advantageous for the service; (4) performance stable reliable. Because time module design, to the packaging machine function division and the module design, has conducted the careful research, has guaranteed the module performance, for example: Cam gear, servo, examination system, transmission system, control system, measurement organization, yummy treats organization and so on. .
Other packing machinery seriation, modular profession standard, also arrived should formulate, the packing machinery has become our country one of ten big mechanical professions, but serialized, the modular profession standard formulation will certainly to promote our country to pack on the mechanical profession cross new stair.The significant difference is that packaging plays a different role in a market where rice will sell solely because it is available. In the North American market, the consumer may be confronted by five different companies offering rice in 30 or so variations. If all the rice is good and none is inferior, how does a seller create a preference for his particular rice? How does he differentiate? The package plays a large role in this process.The package-intensive developed countries are sometimes criticized for over packaging, and certainly over-packaging does exist. However, North Americans also enjoy the world’s cheapest food, requiring only about 11 to 14% of our disposable income. European food costs are about 20% of disposable income, and in the less-developed countries food can take 95% of family income.