1、國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大??啤揪C合英語(yǔ)(2)】期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2159) 2022盜傳必究 L . Directions: (VocabularyA Structure) Hencath each of the following senlcnccs, there are four choices marked A. B. C andD. Choose thv one that best completes the sentence Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Example: The homeless roupl
2、t? at \aa\ in Finding h flat to renL
A. managed R did
G finished D, succeeded
The sentence should re&d. " The homeless couple succeeded at last in finding a FUt to rent. " Therefore you should choose II
L I ent spicy (ood^ ! am allergic to them.
A. amn 4 supposed to 3、\ D? cun*!
2. Rose is some infortnAtion in the library.
A. looking out H. looking back
G looking for IX looking over
3. The Kims are rhrtr way to the theatre.
A. At K in
C. on wunder
{. I rvnlly like this ?weatrn
A< wool new blue B. blue new wool
(X new blue wool new wool blue
5. I wi 4、ll have ro George when 1 sec him.
A. Apologise to & apologize for
C. apologia on D. apologue of
6. 1 won11 rd cumping H stops rainrng.
A. tl B. while
C when D? unless
7. Ple?x wake him upL He for 4 Hours.
A. w? ?lccpin? B. had been slceptnff
C> ha. Bern deepmg I、?leepin<
H? Thr huu)iv 隊(duì) 5、very nicr> but ihr rnmpound ih toci mnlL
A? lum^clf H HmcII
C> hernclf D. oneself
9. Thr cat id gDing Again now. 1 otn
A. hH? been repninng
K Iiaa Imjcfi rrpairrd
C. hits repaired
IX w〞 rrpairinK
10. Could I ask you
A. if wot it
K how mony it we
(\ how much it was
II. Directional^
ChooM? A. B ur C to complete ciich ennvenation. using the srntcncc* below. Murk your Answer
<>n the ANSWER SHEK1. (20 poinU)
Eiuimpki—(*ht lonk> Joni Mitchell \n in town.
Whnt? Shr% otic of thr 筋fie" folk Ringers in the world!
A< Who** that? Pvc never heard of her.
Surct Pm in town#
V. Yes. P 7、m i(hd shrra corning.
/XnMwrr A corrrrt becaunr thr ronvcrsutian should re/ h,,?
Wluit、thrtt? Sh/' one of the Kre-AteMt fulk in the world!
I l. 一 Steve) I hnverr I nrrn you in werk*! What huvr you been up lof/
A< I1 vr hern w 8、riting an importani letter thu whole morning.
H. WtlL Pvr been fltudy&ng (or entrance cxnrn^ (nr thr two rnontha.
(二 1 * vr hrrn irnvchng ? l 9、
A. Do you know if there、i b?nk ?round hrre?
K playcn
B. We shouldn't have given her a swcatrr<
C? I guefi* I s 10、hould have looked it uvrr morv carefully.
14. —You mean she decided to take a two- week vacation -starting today? I did〞、know that.
A. Welle she staid she only dreidrd at the last minute.
H. Really? I thought you'd be excited about it.
C. No. I don11? but that*5 a good qnc^riona
15. Could I see 11、 that shirt, please?
Which one?
A. You have good unie< xm K This is a beauty.
t\ Thr plaid one-
16. Would you like \a hcc a menu?
A. No# thankx I have n lot of homework tu da
隊(duì) No. thnnk^ I already know whit to order
(L No> pleHAc don * t bother me.
17. Arc you Rcing to take it vacation thl> 12、 yenr7
A- Not if I enn save jK>mr moncy>
K Well, not if it stop* rntninga
C. Nut 1 cun *nv(t Home money#
IB. Sorry I cun'l conic to your party tonight. 1 hnve a big exam lo Htudy for.
—Oh. “r? I know how thal i?. WelL good luck oh your tc"?
A. Thank you for your coming. K Thnnkft lor bcinx no 13、undrKtnndmg.
C. The wimr to you.
1?.-Last night 1 was aleeping in bed when 1 was awakened by a ioud crush in the
A. That * s exnctly what it was.
K You must have been scared to death,
Q My sister showed up for a surprise
20. Would you like me to show you around?
A? Welcome. & 喝咄 Thf 14、lt,* lerrib,c-
Ce Yen. please!
Dl> OlrriihiiKi
For each numbmd blank In the following piM^Mge. (herr arc four choke* mnrkcd A.虬 C undl). ChiMMt the br?l 15、cufcturncr in 21 ?hr brgnn to take ?n mrerenr. Me whr a rni(k1l 16、ing 24 breadi il co?t a lol Icsih thMii (rr?h brmd.
"nrr MiftR Elwrt 2:: n red mid brown itain on hi# finxer. Shr wun ?nrr thnt he w〞 an ?n 17、Eberl mH down to her evening rnrale ehc would ?igh nnd wiuh thr e山hi ?hiwr her IocmI 27_ of cntinK his dry brend. Onr d?y the cuttornrr canie ln_ 2M ubun! nnd asked (or hH Male breach As the Midden noi*c of the fire engine made him hu〞y to the door. Miw Khrri_2p the opportumiy. She cut each of the l 18、oaves with a knifee inserted Rome huiter uncle when thr cuutomer 30 t she wait putting them into n paper ba*
2L A. who
K. whrn
IX t hut
22? A. in
H. wiih
H for
23. A. bcm
It wtt?
<-? Rrrmcd
11 hud
24. A. but
H. whilr
C? cl?r
1). from
25. A. nutihrd
11 noted
(? nonccd
I 19、X knew
26. A. and
Ik to
a off
27. A< enough
Ik instead
(-in spite
D. lack
28. A. as
B. at
(:? such
D. by
29. A. sAvctl
K barrnwed
D. planned
30. A< ran sway
|V . Dirretiofu:
li AtQ(>d up
lumped up
D. turned round
Ench of the piiKMgew below h followcti by nonir qurn 20、tlon% bor each quest Ion there art four uniwen nuirked A. H. C tindl). Kcud the pn、Migz carefully and chinwe the beM ?n?wcr la each of lhe qucutiunx. Mark your nnsiwcr on the ANSWER SHEE I. (20 point*)
Questions 31 35 are baud on thr /allowing
In 1009 an English newapuper offered £ 1 <000 to the ( 21、int man to fly *cro?s the English Channel in an arroplanr- Tod?yt nindern jet* croM it in minute Hut at that time it still uremrd ■ kocmI distance* ( he rncr to win the money MH)n breninr a ravr brtwren two men# Both were very colourful
One wan Louia Blcrtott He owned ? factory in France that made 22、motorcar hmpn. He wnw iilrrndy well known “ a piiol (乜行(ft)because he had hn(i Accidents wrvrrnl Some piroplr 1bukIic(I ?< him. ()nr mwii tuiid. "Hr may not he the hrsit to lly acrosji the ( hnnne! but he will certainly be the fir〞 to 23、 He oho hfld mnny 慕?!? idran about ucroplnnr dcHign*
The other mnn wan I!ubrrt t.nilum. He wm hnlf brrnch and hull 卜:nghnh. Ht rofik up riyinu when his ductors tuld hirn he hnd only a yenr to live "()h? wr||eM he wd?"if 1' m going to die booru I think I nhull have a dunucrou* and infcrr*ting Ide no 24、w. 〞 l^ithnm wan the (irM to try thr (light acri>h? ih< ChnnnrL Ten kilometres from thr Frrnch couatt his plane hud M)rnr trouble^ It Irll liown info the water And begMn to Mink undrr thr wutrr. A boat rrachrd Ijithum ju^t in nme. He wnii nitung calmly on tho wins und was coolly lighting ? cinntctiK 25、 (香圳)? Hlrnof took off %tx dayx Ifttcr. He (lew into wnrie very h*d wenther und vrry low cloud* Hr somehow got to the En?li?h wide nrid bi ruled in a fnrnicr1 a field. When he did k<)? ? cuntoni* (海關(guān))officer rushed up to his plane. Plnne& have changed ainrr thrnt but custorriR oHiccrji have note HHn 26、vr you anyihing (ci 27、uite rich
C hr had mnny good idcAS about ? a dnnRcroiw one
C bin firwi one D. an eany one
34. Why did Hubert Lathnni want to fly across the Channel?
A. He thought he could marmge it easily>
ll He want 28、rcl to be the first one to cross ihr ChanncL
C< He knrw he only had a year to live.
D. He had alwHyn been interested in (lying.
35. Why did the cu^tumeM officer rush to the plane?
A. To wre if everything wun nil right with the plane.
B. To make ^nrc rhat the pilot not hurt.
C. to ?hk why the p 29、lane hnd landed in a farmerfji ht?!d.
lit None of ihr nbcwcu
Q,"Hi"rrs 36~4O arr bated on the following passage.
A contract is an ti?rrtmerit which i套 rnforccAblr by law. It enn br long ar ?hort? (ormal nr informnL simple or compllcairdi und verbal or written. Without a conirnct or ngrecmenl to b 30、ind the conirnctinx parties? any internauonnl bunineAA nr innuaction (£ D ) would be nnpoHsibke Lonj; Ago. people exchnn?ed prainisen in rnnking bargainfi nnd binding thr conduct of others^ Fhit exchange of promises came to be knuwn a? MagrrcmrniH nnd brranu tnor< And more important tn the field' of 31、 husineas. A promise or ngreemcni i* reached a? n result of thr procr5> of offer and acceptance^ Whrn iin Agreement is reached9 a contract i、 furined. Uncc a ronfruct in officially signed by thr concerned partiest it creates IckhI obligations ni ihr nrnjir o( taw.
A convrACt ir thr i)nly docunicnt 32、between thr pnrtlr^ in whu h they m心 ‘rhu fur ehrificBtioti of rnuiunl reBpunAibilttic^ Il should not be viewed 心 merely n do< nment ihnl inmate tranMction nnd them filed find forgotten by the contracting parties It mum be drtficd with nn nwarcnrMv of thr iHirkRrnund nl thr inw in whirh th<, tranN 33、Actlon Mk,、 It h proper to ohlnin legnl Nd vice m* lo the be?t wt of rnnfrnciunl termn npprnpnwtc tn flu- product ?nd type of hu?lnr 34、or preprinted farm of the cnntr/irtt there nre errtAin key pruvision* fhnt rvrry eontruct fhoukl contain io Avoid nmhiguily nnd possible future conflicth. WhrfhtT to inclurlr niher npriific proviMon-^ drprnrift on the fypi of RO(?d*> shipping and msurnnee complexitie!it nnd tlvgrrc ul triiNi .nd mut 35、ual canfidencr rxintin^: between buyer and seller.
36. According to the pn?na^e the mnin purponc of maktnK a contract n io ?
A. Icgzilixc a promise between rrlaictl pttriie*
Fl bind thr contrartinft pnrtie^
(\ initiate a trariJMirtian
Fl moke UorRains
37. A cantrncl rnnnot erratr kgd nbligAtio 36、nn tn ihr .cm u( l.w unlrM .
A it is ogreed on by conccrnrd particu
B. the contracting portirs Accept it
(:.it in enforced by Ihw
D. the contracting parntji eigned it ofGciiiUy
39. Which of the following itatemenu about the contract in true?
A. It must b「an ^gteernenf in the written form.
K. 37、|i in n way ol nnnimuinx conHiciii in intcrnntional bufiine^s or irftn^ncttan.
C hh mnin function in coinmcrcr in to begin a trflnsaction<
D It shnnld enntnin a> mnnv deuih N? possible^
39. In drnfting n contract of Inicrnnttonjil Hnm^cUon. one need not uike nno connidrrAttan .
A. the nature o( 38、thr kooHa
Ba the pnxluct And !ypr d( hufumr.
C. thr Uw? of it n|>eeifir country when* thr bumicn i? io l>r done
【). ihr phynical hmlth t?l cnrirracliriH pnnicu
ID. Aw to enntentM of ji contrari. which ol iht (oIIowirk in r)ot true?
A. It differ* from one Another dur to the difference existing i 39、n the nature of gtiodn.
H. It should be presented in laiiuuuHe thnt i? vlcrtr and prcci?re
C. Apart Irom thr key prnvinionn that mu?f be inrludrih whether to indudr m)y other Hprcrnl prnvinonh depend* on ? lot of Monu
IL When 40、 ?nd thr Frllrr? thr inclusion of thr key provinionB in not requtred,
V ? l)irrction?t
Put each of the follow inp; wnlcncr^ into b:n((lbh w ( hlnrMr? nuinR (he word givrn In I he brNckrt
If *?ny. Write your unnwer on lt?c ANSWER SHEET. (20 pulnls)
11 ? You ucce a lot of jKople who travd nrr only 41、 looking for an idcnlued vermon of hotrin.
」:!. I ccHiklnvt hiivc lived through ChriMmnji without giving you a prcncnU
43. Dr. Herbert nxrcto that lAtrneM can Iw ujird ns a wenpon with which 10 Htnke out at
I ? (2(1%)
2. C
42、n. a
H. 1)
R. B
II.(2(?% >
12. \
1 .C
11. A
1 h c
16. B
H>. H
2u. C
III. <20% >
21. C
m b
24. A
26. H
37. B
2& A
3L A
33, B
36. n
s, l>
(W?n卞?金理求勺峭治并 43、*4個(gè)4T Mg 尤?松MlOh愣21 s U 3" 。.X1XiftULtfttt.俾2偉i b tnfri>j.e?
IJ. I tuiililt/1 hnvi livid (limuKh ChnWimz wiihoul gi%mg ymi n |iir?vnl.
I ;. I >r. I IrrLr 44、ri ngrrcw ilmt Lin nt run In u*c
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