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1、國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大本科《文學(xué)英語(yǔ)賞析》2022-2023期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):1062) tMH I Lltrrury Fundanicnlnl* [30 pnlnls】 Section L Mulch lhe with their writrn (10 網(wǎng)伽). Wwki L June Eyrr M. A (linUtttaA Carol 3. Vhe f >Li Man uni/ ihf .S<〃 lv / Haue a Drtufn 5. Kisfltne Wrllm A> Merlin laHhrr Kin B. I oyer C? Churlr* Dicken

2、* IX Rdbert IxiuiM Stevcnnn E. Harnld Pinter F, Thumos Ihrily (;. (Charlotte Bnnitt1 11. Krur^f HrfmnKwwy Sretinn 2. I let Ide Mhrlhcr ihr hilhminu ^UlrnwuK urr (rur ( l| or 13“ (H (IU W 血叫. (I. Robert FiciM in a hinwu* Americjin poS? 7. I ady Hiiuknvll z n comic iliArni.irf cn.-nivd hy Mmr

3、 Wilde in I)k ”【?y / Ar /wpur/a/f^r (if Ernri/; R. Ilum/r/ h n well known comedy by William Sliukcuprnrc. 9. The nuvcl T虹 Hrari uf l)arknr\i rtposri lhe corruption, rrudty and birml t>| ihr cnlnnUl nyAtern In Alrka# Io 1虹$5 筋(、w uj 〃,ja.v// “,|J Mr Hyde m n novel addrosin): queMum of cqunl n^hu

4、hrtwern the black* nurl whites. StTlbm 3. ( hiMiu the corrrct In ctimplrlr (hr (olbiwing Mrnlmrrs (I"伊HnM)? 11. A in a hiiiriccn lim lyric poem which rhyme% In a highly conrrollrd wny. N couplet Ht wonnrl C. ballnd hmku I2? _ i a Mperirtl kind of where n intninnntc (ihjcci i> Kivnn hiinun or

5、 antmofe charactcristk^ A. Pun*^meuphor It Similc^utirtMphur (匚 MEdphor???simile PrrM)nificatir nn essay ? FrAn

6、c> Bacon B> H Bpcct^h. Abr^bnni Linenltt C。fipccche Mnrtm Liifhrr King IX iin MirhrI dr Mnntnignr 14. All thr (ulluwittg were nwardrd the Nobrl Prirr lor Liirr^iiirr cxrcpi _ _ _ . A. John Steinbeck It Edwrd 扁?r C? Wilhnni Golding I). Harold Pinter l!i? Which liuurr of wpcech in uvd in thr (

7、ollowtnic linrn9 "With th" wr will bit ubh !t> work f<>gcthcr? to pr ry togetlirr? in M(rugxl< I0grt her > to RO to jttH together t to Mnnd up for frtvdcun toyrihrr ? knowing I hut wr will be free one doy.” 成i .Simile B> PcnK>ni(irAtii>n G Pemllclbm D. Pun Vurt || Kruell ns (ornprthcnilon [50 po

8、int*] Kettd llir rMlmcIv and rhoowc the bc*t uhhwit Co chcIi qur%tioih Teit | lii!iprrt(M < Youre not even M:if tv n(iw> wh( n ynu knuv. whnt hiippi ned to the Me lAirlinK,rry she should hnvr come to inch m horribh end Hm I ncccni nr> b|/ifn for ii t all Inspectori Whu z to hlamv rlicn? Mrn. H

9、irliriRr Eir^t ? I hr K>rl hrrnclla Shril" the (.Hhrr ol thr cliihl uhr wnn M”inM lu h“Vf? Ii ? nt,hr rl(n>H io Ivr cL n、. nurl iinnir drnnkrri yminu >Hlrr < i

10、hrn thnt 1 a nil thr nwire rrnnon why hr 5li4m|(hi0 f 氣wpc I lr should be tiindt nit cxnmplr <)L II the 只 w「? druth in dur to itnyUidy < il、dut tu In hl hupertor i And if hrr ictory true thut he wn MrnlinH tnonry Mrs. BirliriH (rather agitated how) TbrrrFs nn point in najiliming thut lri!pcctrjr:

11、But nupposr wr d<< whm thru? Me. BirhnKt Thrn hr *d 2 cnfirrly rrnponsiblr becaunr the irl wauldni hvc come to iM. ond been refunrd o^sistAOcei if n hmlnr t been (or him Insipeetari So he目 the chief culprii anyhow. Mrs. Ihriingt Ortnndy. And hr ought to be deutt with very severely SheHn (duirei^

12、d> t Mother ft top — tWp| Hirlingi !k quiet T Sheibl Shnlni Hur don11 you nee — Mm BirhnR mwr/y), Y(u * rr behAving like an hyRtrncal child tnrnghi. (Shfilo bc^ini crying quiftly. Mr*. Hirbnu 皿m io Intpfctcr ) And U youd tnke Name steps to (hid thm yuung nun ond (hen rnnkt sure he1 n compelled to

13、 confer in public hi> rrnpansilulity IniitcAtl ol Ataying here asking quite unnecejiaary questions then you would be duitig your duty. In^prrtnr ( grimly) i Dont worry. Mrs. Bir|ine 1 shall do my duly- C Hr bwkt a( hu walrA ■) Me Birhng (tnumphanily} i If nt gld to hear It Inspector: No hn^hinx u

14、p. eh? Make an example of thr young maru eh? Public ronfe^won of rrjipotMiihilny — urn? Mm Hidingi Certainly. I consider n your duty. And now no doubt youd tike to say good night. Inspector: Not ycL Im waiting. Mrs> Birlingi Waiting for whm? Inspector! To do my duty. Shcihi (dhtrmed) i Now. Mot

15、her — dont you e? Mrx Uirling (understanding now} i But surrly—l niean*eeit rtdiculous*^ (Sheand trehan^ts a frightened glance with hrr husband.) Bifling (frm/irJ nw): Look< !nupi?ctor> you*nr not trying to tell g that — thnt my boy - is mixed i)p in this ? Inrtpetior (Hrrrjy) t If hr is> then wc

16、 know whut to Birhng UhundrrMrucb) f My (i(id| Bui look herr Mr#t Birhng (agtiafud)i I dunft believe it. I wanfi bcltove itee< Mother — I begged you nmi begird you vu stop — (Zir u,u hsd. VV> A小,Mr frunl (>r 7*Ar v wai/ ? hwin "nvard,d

17、rri > Mo知rr/rrrrtr/y pair disfmird. /nrrf4 their inquinu^ uam Cur la tn /alh /y. ) QiiMtlnoM lrt*19 (12 pulnti) 16. Thr eitrAcI taken from ,, A. I hf /ni purtantf uf /Irinx 小:"《“ 收 An /n>/>rrior Calix C. Bimday Party 17. Whm Mhorrible endta han comr to the warking-eliift^ girl? A. She

18、h?? killed the fnthor of the child ho In going to hu K She hn ”nh?n money Irani Mr KirlinK* C? She in found dead l& Thr rrlatianjihip brtwrrn Mr iAtrllng and Sheila i. . A. Iirothet —l\ boylnend * girlfriend C. hthcr dutiKhter 19. hi thr bxiracte Mrs Birlmg t> |>onrAyrd uh A. self nghirOMh a

19、nd un?iu^pectitiK U AlArnird nnd dr-jxeriH儼 V. inaiyhtful und humorous Tcmi 2 The drnkr-i Hid not uUncr ot une another nv>r xt the ptutrl. Thr nun brhitul thr dmk iuuH. ? 1 hove put ? vMhie on this pmrL The owner hrtc tlcw> not think it fair t will auk ynu m rx/tminc iht thm (hn^ mid make nri of

20、fer. Nuticc dry an<| Mrlngyt aiccinrd now ki the gml (or thr lir^t iinw> Ik rok H up< roll rd if quickly briwcen ihunih And then co^t it coritmiptuounly back into the tray. U)o not i nr I mic mt in rhu

21、 diMUsnon> h。Maid dryly. * I will mkt no olfer ni nil. I cc

22、r rnAMnificnnon. I hrn hr hunHr * I know ihv^e things Tbir m wdi nrl chalky< it will lu,r il,color nnti

23、iihockcd at the atrnnge lookinR urfKcr< Fhc third de dvr look th pr^rl from Kina 1 ?< hnd>. e One of m> clirni^ hkc、Much things*1 hr Mirt e I will offer five hundred pees, and perhaps I ran ell it tu my client (or six huxidrcdL ? Kino re^chrd kly and >nnfdied thr jirarl Ironi hi- hnml. H- wrapped

24、n in thv tlecmkin and rhnim ii in hide hin nhin> The ttmn brhind thr di “Id. Tm a (ooL I knowt but my firti offrr 1 Wil ulfer n tiiuuniimh Whnt nrr you doing?1 hr asked?心 Kino thrust thr prurl out of Mghi. ? I am( hr"rd? Kino cric

25、ApiuL Now the denltf* wlnncrd quickly ni onr nnulhrr. They knew They hnd plnyrd too hardi they knrw they would be diftciplmcd far I heir (niliirrt und the niAn at fhd dewk mxi

26、dimly? Ihn Mitr blixx! iHiutidcd In hl?luul hr bur*l thmugh nnd Mnulc nway. lUAtm lullnwril. ironing niter hnih Quesiiont 20-22 (9 points) 20 I hr extract i、takrn (rum . A. The Pr They conspired toge

27、ther to cheat Kina 11 They were not interested in Kino *5 pearl 。They didnt know much alioui thr true value of KinoS pcjirL 22< By usmu a number of verbs nf violcni ndion (underlined al thr end of the eclracr>t thr writer surcv^iully Mhows thnt Kino . A< Is becoming arrogant and rebellious in h

28、i anger K has n violent temper and tends to get nngry eanily C is ungry beyond words nnd is becoming violeni in hi,anRer Text 3 Love Your Encm). Brought you hvrr in skvr ship5 and pitched over boani. Iswr yuyr rnrmy. Language taken away> culture taken I hr ynur enemy. Work from muh up to su

29、n downt /urt* yowr rnrmy. Work (\ Rope your nunher. I,* yaur enrm y. Lyrwh your Luher Loir ynur enemy. Bomb your churches. Low your enemy. Kill yuur children. Lpve ynur ffitmy. Fnrred to light h布 Low 印"mmy? Pny thr hmh

30、esil rent, ynur enftny. Sr 11 you rotten food% Lotx ynur Sell dope ta your chililren. Lum yuur r/irmy. Forced to live in the slumiie law your tnrmy. DiUpidntctl school? Lew your Put* you in jaiL Ltivr yuur rnrmy. Bitten by dog^ Low your rnemy. Water hoe*c you down. Low ytiur enemy. L

31、ovc< Love. Low. Ix>vc. , Love. Love for everybody rlnr. But when will we love ourwlves? (YuteF lmnn> > Qurth>n 23*25 (9 points) 23. The poem ran be CAtrgorijted .a ■ A. a love lyric R??n 財(cái), l\ n proten! poem 24. Which of lhr followinK in trur al the paem* A. I hr port iaII* lur

32、i mati tamnn cxchnnKr liriwrrn fhr white (w^iplrt nnd the black people. H The port In writing al>oul thr ft uf the dcccndAnti at the blnck |Jnve5 in the USA, C- The purm rif^rak I hr wruet1 % innrr frcling> at gulh through rqieatinH the line ?Lo” yciur rnrmv\ N5. 1 hr prominent drvh cm the pvwt u

33、nri in thin poem nn A. irony and repetition K nlliirrHtmn and per Hund icauun mid nuMfiphor Text 4 Krmi I he estracl and give brief amwen to thr qurttlcm 26*29 thut Mhme Plme note: Dth rvadhii: tsk will Ik rrlrvunl to the wrlllnit U

34、cl ro(I hiiH( na.M* nnd hiindn. l.ong brforr the rmir tluring which wr will know hinu he was n doctor nnd drovr n jaded whitr hofMV (rotn hnu^e fo houM through thr Airecia ol Win”hurR Ltrr he niarrkd m khI who hml money. She had hecn Ml n Grille (nrnt when her hihcr died. Thr Kirl wm quiet. ulL und

35、 dntlc. and (o many |>cciplc *hc wmed vrry beAuiiful. Everyone in Winzhur* wundrrvd why she mnrnccl th” docinr. Within a yw after the nurri?Mc *hc died. The kniwklc* ol the doctor** hands) Wrre rutraordhianly lnrr When the lurid* were dmrd they looked like clu>fcr of unpnintod wooden ImIIb a Inr^v

36、 m wdnuU 知imd ,nrrhvr 時(shí)"S ">dd Hr >friokcd a cob pipe nd Mr th.n he 3*5 mH nbow it Winruburg hud (orgatten the

37、 old mnn. hui in lh>ctor Reefy there were ihr rcds of wonirthin^ very hne. Alonr in bin niu^fy olficr in thr Heffner Block a hove thr Pnrin Dry < < oinpnny * ?scr? hr worked ccasdrHsly > building up ^ontrthinM th/it he htnincll

38、ked lherh dawn ngMin thin he mi|(ht hvc the truths io erect other pymmidd tXh tnr Rrrfy 心卜 a "II mnn who hnd worn one huh of clothes (or ten yzr? h wm (triyrd ot thr ^Irrvrn and little holo had appeared nt the krirr* nnd elhowM. In thr office he wore nko n hntn dtiMlrr with huge pock

39、he continually stufkd scrnpfi of paper. A(trr Homi* wcekn the crnp5 of |>叩& been me Htf le hard round bnllut nnd when tlw pockets were filled he dumped ilwni oui upon thr floor. For ten yenr-i hr hnd but unr frirntl. atiothrr uhl ttmn named Juhf) Spnnmrd who qwned n trrr nurNcry< SomrtimcMt in 月 phy

40、ful nxxxL cM Doctor Reefy took from his pocket* n handful ol the paper balk and threw them at thr nursery rnntu * Th” in to confound you you blithering old serifimeninlisj .M he rncth ?hnkinR with launhtrr9 Thr Atory of DorUir Rrc(y and hi,courtship of the tall dmk girl wh bernmr hm wifr and Ml her

41、 money 2 him h very curioii!* ntory< ll In dcliciouiie like the twisted little npplrs thni ktow in thr orchani^ of Wimbi心.In I hr fnll one Wrtlk in the orchard* and thr Ramnd is hard wnh froni undcrfiHJt< Thr Apple* have been taken from the trecM by the pirki-r>> They hnvr hern put tn burrch nnd sh

42、ipped to the cities where they will be enten in Apnrtmrntji thnt ure filled with [頓如. mngaxincA furniturct nd people. On the irres nre only n few gnarled Mpplrn thnl thr pickers hovr reject rd. They look like (lie knuckles of llocior Rerfyf u hanih. ()nr nlhblr% hi them and they rtrr deluiou!it Inlu

43、 o llttlr rouru! place nl thr /idt? uf thr 中pic hm hern K^thrrrd all of It* >wrrtficjint One runs from tree to ircc over the frosted grourtd pi( king thr gnnrlrd< twivtrd npplrs m nd Glling hi pockrtn with ihrni. (Inly thr few know the Kwc^tnesn of thr fwintcd 叩plrl and IXutor Rrrfy brKJi

44、n thnr vonrTfthip on a summer nftrnmoit Hr wm forty (ivr then And Already he hnd begun the prarticr of hlhr舊 hi!< pockeris with ih( sun" <4 Mjmr that brcnnic bard Imlh and werr thrown nway. I he habit hd brrn fornird or he nnf in h” huHKX behind the indcd white hog and wcni slowly nlotiM country roa

45、d、? On ihr pnper^ wrfr writlrn ihouxht、rnda of thoughtwe bc^inninK,ol ihoughtn- ()he by one the mind of lector Reefy had made the thoughOut of many of ihm he formed a truth that arose gigantic in his mind. The tnith clouded the world. It became terrible and then fnded way and the link ihaughts bega

46、n ngiti. Thf inll dark girl rnrnr to see Doctor Rrrfy because she was in the family w?y and hxd btcctmG frightened. She was in that condition because of n series of circum^tHnccM <1*0 curious. The dmlh of her (nthcr find rnothrt and the rich nrre* ut l/ind tlut hnd amc down io hrr hod a irnin of s

47、uitor# on her hcrls^ For twu yrnr% she 、弓w nuitofM Almost evrry rvrmnK, kxerpt iwo they were all alike. *1 hry talked to hrr of pnaAiun nn

48、rnu a slrndrr younK man with whitr hmdr dir un “fa irwelet in Winvburgf talked contniiully ol virH>nily When he wg with h< r hr whm never off the aubjcct. The other> a bhek hmrrd boy with lar^r wid norhing nl nil but Mlwuys mandrd lu get her into the th”knew、, whrrr hr brtfnn tn ki?、hrr. 1;nr n tim

49、e I hr lull dark girl thouhi %he would mnrty I hr “ wdrm Hu h”us nhf Mt it) Alienee liAtcntnK a he talked lo hrr und then *hr brgAn to be Alrniii cd MinirthinK. Bonenth )u mlk of virginity hc begun tn think ihrrv wa n lu*i greater than m mH the othrn. A。 tmir* it Rrcmcd to her thut a* he* lnlkcd hr

50、hnhhn* hrr ImmIv in hi? hundc. Shr imiiHtncd him turninu if >lowiv hi the whttr hnnd* and nUrmg nl n Al niRhi drrunird thl hr liad bitten into her Iwdy nd rha( htb jnwn were』rippir?n. Shr hud rhr dreutn three urncAt then hr became in ihr family wxy to thr one who ?md nothinn in ail bin who in thr mo

51、ment nf htn passion artUrtlly did title hrr ihouldcr to thul fcir ctor Krfy it MTmrtl to hrr thni he nr ver w/imtMl to Im炊 him AKoin. Shr wrnl into hiw i>lficr onr rruirning nnd withoni livr wnying anything hr uccmcd to k

52、now whnt hnd h叩prnrd to hrr. In ihr office of the dortor there wa ? wemum. the wife of th* ninn who kepi the bookntnrr in Winenburu. l.ikr nil old (athionrd reunify prAClilionrrn. l)(Ktor Reefy pulled one! the wunun who waited held m hruined. Her hiiRhfinri wot with

53、her nr Rmilr

54、rk girl ntul ihr doctor werr “,村 rihvr rvrry dny 7 Ih rendition that had brought her to him pnwd in on Hlrw”. Inn whe wow like orir wh< hm diUfuvrrcd the %wrrtneNn <4 ihr rwiitcrl upplr^t 、hc roti Id not grt hrr nini(J fixed usmn Hpun "比 round perfect Iruil that iw cufcn In the city upartmenia. In r

55、he fnll utter the I叫o4 her nct|uaintttrne%h<|i with him shr murncd Dotioi Rccly nn

56、 to become rnutiil Imrd bnllK Qur^lhmt 26-29 (20 poinln) %. Whrti do you think ibc title ^Pripcf refer tcT 27. Why d(> yuu ihmk I he lull dnrk Kiri mArnnl Doctor Kci4ty? 28. Whn( function dn the twisted npphr phiy in rhe nuvcl7 29. What did I hr wriT^r provulr tu infill u nl f Wtnr kinrlinrt^7

57、 Purl m WriliRt [30 Point#] 30w Suninturlxc I be Uory "1npcr Pllh0 in nbo5 lr>0 wnnl*< 試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (僅供參考) Purt I LKcrnry Fundiimcntulx [30 pointt] Section I. Mutch Ihr tvork* with Ihdr writer* (2 polnB eweh). LG 2.C &H 1e A 5.H Section 2. Decide whether Ihr r

58、or Fnlvr (F) . I 2 polnl、filth) 7.T 8. E l0t F Sretinn 3. ( hno*c the rorirrl mn^wcr% tu cumpltlc Ihr foIhmlnK %cntrncc (2 (MiintM curb) . IL B 12. I) !X A 15.C [50 p

59、24. H 25. A T函 t (2。(MdnlM) ? Ideas mtisl be correct Wording enn tw differrnL Point> iihuuld lie uhen when hlna* art sltnilnr l any other kind will lead to the rrductlon nf inr p

60、 should be gben when kkm urr Mmilur to ANY ONE of thv rymhn| lor aII lhe doctor IcrlingM and love for hh young wife> ? The "Pnprr Pil!sM arc a form of medicine vunng the girt ? 7 he Paper pills arr the piece* of paper

61、with the protagonist > private thoughts. She had been badly hurt by her experiences with the tsva youngvr men. Shr must have felt ^afr and protrvted by thr r^NcnttAl kindness and humanity af this older mnrk 2& Any Idvus similar to the following. The fwtsted apples ore niin^hapen but swerfer than

62、the most perfect ones. They serve as R symbol of rbe Doctor in rhe story: h” facial and body ftftturrs )rc u^ly< but there k nwcctncjs in his ehnrocter: he isi not handMimc or stylish hut hr is deeply sweei inside. This symbol pJny* an imponant rule in giving the navel an extended dimenMinn. In the

63、novel nw the unwunird wiiUcd apples*" are left on thr tree l<> ratten?is Doctor Rcr(y left ta waaie way. The writer showw deep gympAthy / respect to people who arc Mtwisted apples0 in ?ocirtye 29. (Award 5 point* For ANV TWO of the fallowing) ? He ts t^olaled in hi# musty office^ ? WinrM>urg hnd

64、forgcittrn the old rn^n9 ? Hr tend* to a dying medical practice alonr> ? He unburilenH his thoughts on wnip、of paper. . Hr ^ufirr^ from the tragedy of his young wik1* death who offered him n chantr to open up. to share hirnwlf with oihrm. Part {H Writing [20 Points] 30. 寫(xiě)作評(píng)分參考標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 作文倆分為20分.分為內(nèi)容(排分為H分〉,血言(滿分為10分)和書(shū).耳《潸分為2分)三部 分,三部分分值相加即為作文的您分.各部分參考怦分頊II如下, 郎分 評(píng)分現(xiàn)H 分仇 內(nèi)容 內(nèi)容充實(shí).切匙.篇幅適當(dāng). 8分 語(yǔ)言 婚」御伴Ji文流暢?旬『結(jié)向有變化,常用語(yǔ)法結(jié)構(gòu)無(wú)情誤. 1。分 滸寫(xiě)及懷點(diǎn)符號(hào)使用正桃?書(shū)寫(xiě)整沽.易于認(rèn)讀. 2分

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