1、國家開放大學(xué)電大??啤毒C合英語(2)》2024-2025期末試題及答案(試卷號:2159) 1. Directions: (VocabohryA Structure) Beneath each of the following sentences. thenr arc four choices marked A. B. C and I). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your anwer an lhe ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Example: The homeless couple
2、 砒 last in fading a (Ut to rent. A. nuuiAgcd 匹 did C* finished 嘉 貯鑿禳 The sentence should read. “The homeless couple succeeded at lam in finding a Hat to rent " Therefore you should choose [). L They met .r. a hurry yEerday. They planned a time to A< get together R. get along C get over D. get
3、through 2> r ve never anyone doing that. A. hwird from K heard of Q heard out D> heard up 3. Anita wan accepted thm fall oi U. C. Berkeley ? so she is some time to get a masier degree^ A< tnkingMton uking…off Q takifiR—over IX taking—away 4. week I my old friend Bob. A? ran away B? ran o
4、ut Q ran into D- ran off 5. We must prevent the children dongerse A. on B, in C. of D. from 6. Yoir ve never been to Pm ? A. dont you do you C. have you D? you 7. I ae tired after a long ”ight? A. so…HO B? ^uch—such C.Midr??5O IX ao-such 8? I mi” my old (rirndiu A# BeciriK Q to seei
5、ng 9. The Woman Warrior 2 wrote (\ hnn wriitrn FL to ACC IX nee by Maxine Hong Kingstoiu B> w written 11 hnd written 10. I will go by n post office ns I hnvc umc leltcrn . A> to go to II to mail ;C to Mtudy D. to attend 0 ? IHrvctioni: Chotwe A t B or C to complete each converuitlont
6、 milng I be rntcncc!i below. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Examplei— ()ht look. Joni Mitchell hi in town. — Whrit? ShceH one of the graiteMf (oik Binffers in the world I A. Who, that? 1rve never heard o( her. B- Sure# Pm in town. C Yet Im glad coming. Answer A i correct bc
7、causic the convenqition Rhauld rendt ■i Oht look Joni Mitchel! i* in town. 一Who、that? Hve never heard of her. Wlwt that? Shell onr of the grcAtc^t folk r* tn thr world!H IL —Carol) Hif — HL Anitaf How uro you? A. Junt fine# thnnkiu What new? B. Not badt thank you- Whmn wrann? C How re you? l
8、x)ng time no ?ee| 12 —Do you happen to know M?riiTii ftddrcxn? A. Not oirhand* but ! cun look it up in my address book. K No. I dont. 1 thought youd be excited about ih Q No* I donftt but thatra ■ good question> 13. —Would you like to tec a menu? A. Not thank> I hnvc a lot of homework to da K
9、 No# thanks I already know what to order. !Q No< please dont bother me. 14. —In anything wrong? You look in a panic What happened? A. I w心 making a caII to my mother when wmeone robbed me of my phone! R. No. Krn finr> ;G Why do you say so? 15 — Jill. Im going to the cafeteria for lunch. Want t
10、o join rnc? A. Let me see. 1 thought ! got more stuff thnn 1 thought. O? K. 1 really should take up some siporL G Oh. Id like to. but Ive got to go to the library to look up tiome rhing5 before my two o^clock claaiu I tk 一Arc you too busy to have lunch? — Welk youd better have something to vnt>
11、 I could pick up a sandwich for you to hnvr nt your desks
A. Im itfraid w. Youd better go without me.
K No. Actually lfvc already had my lunch.
On the contrary* Kve been ready to go out eating with you>
17. Karen is willing to drive io
12、nfl see very well when dark —If the picnic ends l?te? one of ub can drive back A? She doesnt hiivc to drive At night. K She wont drive at night. G Shed better drive at night. 18. 一You know. I really don1! (eel like noitiR to Chuck9 party tomorrow nighi. A. All I want to do is stay home and nlr
13、ept tk Roily? I thought youd be excited about it C< She wont be nblc to go unlrMA uhr can find a bAby-ittrn 19. —【)o you know if thcrcfA Airport tranaportation nvmlMblr? A. Yes# we do. The buiiineiis rate u $ 100 a niRhT< That ? 1()% dmcount o(f the rcgulitr ratcu 11 Ycai there in ? buwinc^s co
14、nfer, open ncvcn d?y?? week.
(:. Yciit thrrr tiu The hotel providcn a free shuttle Hum to nnd from the ■irp<)”? departing every half hour
20. —Could I ee that ?hin? please?
Which one?
K Thin in a beauty*
A. You hnvc good taste> nir.
C The plmd one.
Qe Dirvctioiu:
For 15、he following pjumirc. then? urr four choicer markccl At B. C and D? ChfMHc the beM one and murk ynur Answer mi the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
Hove you ever 21 to decide whether to go shopping or miy home nnd wntch TV on weekend 1 Now you cun do 2 nt thr nmr timc< Homo shoppinx telrvition networks hu 16、vr hccoinc way for many people to ahop without ever having to Imve their homeji.
Som「shopficrB arc tired 23 dr part merit stores and chopping mnllji.ftghting thr crowd、,waiting in long lines, nnd Rometimrn not even finding atiyfhinK they wnnf tu buy.
They 2A rather it quietly nt home in (runt of 17、the TV set nnd watch ■ friendly announcer
25 an item while n model displays it. And they can shop around the 26 . purrhnAing
an item simply by making a phone coll nnd charging it io ii credit card# Home chopping networks understand the power of nn enthuMiaatic hoi the glamour o( celebrity guests e 18、ndorsing their products* and the rmolioxuil pull of a brgain<
Mnjor fashion dctgnrr^t deprtrtmrnt Ktorcs* nnd evrn mnthorder cntulogue companies nre t.^grr 27 in the buccc^a of home 《happing. IrArge dcpnrtnirnt slorcs nrr expcritTicnting with th
19、 to introdiicc
2h TV shopping in the future. Then viewers will hr nblr to communicate with their own perbunal nhupperst a^kinu questionii about products and placing orders? all through their 1 V sets. Will shopping by television 29 shopping in utores? Some industry executive^ claim thnt home ^hop 20、pinu networks represent the ^electronic hhoppinR mall of the (uturCe 〃 Yet for many people, going out and shopping at n real More i a way to rrhx nnd even be cnicrtainrd. And for many shoppers it i still important to touch or try on items they wnni to buy. Thin 30 expert sny ihnt in the futurr* home 21、 shopping will cxiM alonKnidr store shopping but will never entirely replace ih
2L A. have
22. A. all
23. A. in
24. A. would
Z5. A. (leMcribc
2”. A. time
27. A? to joining
2& A. interactive
29. A? place
30> A. what
IL hud
11 each
11 on
K hud
Ik described
Ek doy 11 to join
IL active
H. intead
K why
a hs
C. either
C of
C? h^ve
C. dccril>c
C< wrrk
C join 仁 helpful
C replace
Q thnt
IX having
D. both
D. to lh even
IX to describe
D. dock
Il of joining
D? boring
D. tnkc
IX which
IV. Direction*:
Each of the below Is followed by Mime questions. For each quc^lian 23、 there nrr four
Miivwm marked A. B. C and l>. Rend the piusiiRes cnrcfuliy unci chuo the best iinswur Io each of I he qurtllon^. Mmii your answer uti the ANSWER SIIEE1. (20 (MilnU)
(/Mex/Wfii 3l~35 are bated on the following patiag^.
To br a goad icachcrt you need wome of the uifti of n qcod ncto 24、ri yau rnunl be wblr to hold thr altrntion and intercut of your audirncvi you rnuftt br a clvnr ?spenker# with a good? trung# pimping voicu which im fully under your contruli and you muni be rtblc to net what you tire teaching> in order lo muke hn mcAning ckan
Watch a good lent her ? and you will n 25、ee thnt he docs nut、it Rtill before hi。rlnn^i hr Atnndn the whale time he is tcnchirigt he wnlk^ nbcn” . tininft hi nrniMt hnnds and fingers to hrlp him in hts expUrmtions# And hi# (acc to rxpreM (eclinK< Li^cn to hnn nnd you will hour thr Iou 26、z voii?c nlwny rhnnginii according to wht hr talking About<
Thr fnrt that n -ood irarlicr hast name of the of a good nctar doesnt fnrnn thnt lie will Indeed be able to act well on the for there nrc very importnnt diffcrrnccx Iwtwcrn thr teachrrfM work nnd thr jictorf h. The eictor hnn to Apeak word 27、u which hr hn learnt by hcurt i hr hn to rcprnl exuclly thr Mime words rnch time hr plny-< n ccnmn pnn ? even hm movvmenU nn 28、uchrr works in quite n different wny. Hi oudirnre tnkr^ an active pnr( in hi# play i they auk nnd Hnwrr queNtionst ihry obey ordrrnt and i( they don # t uridrrntniid HornrtlnriKt they miy The trnchcr ihrrrforr Iiar tn mcri the nccclu o( hin Audience> which in hi* dnsru Hr cannot lenrn hi* parf by he 29、art ? but rnusit invent h he RoeB nlonga
1 hnvi known many icnrhert who wt-rr fim Artorji in rlAim but were unnhlc to tnkr part In ? utAgr piny because they could not keep utrictly to what another hod written.
3L Whiit is this text nbout?
A. How to become a Rood tcachcn
It Whul u Hood icachcrr n 30、hould do out Hide the chiMMroorn*
C What ti^nehrriu nnd MCtorU could lenrn from ciwh uthen
(X The simiUritieA and diffcrrncen between a lewchrr S work and an actoreiu
32. The word *AudicnccM in the firM pamsruph mcnn?
A. Atudcntii
B. people who watch ? piny
Ce people who not on the ttARe
D pe 31、ople who listen to something
33. A good tcachrr ,
A. known how to hold the intrresi of hia wtudrntii
11 de|>cn(lA on a good voice
C knows how to act on the Mtagc
D. utandt or situ still while teachinx
34. tn what way it ■ teacher9* work different from tn actor9b ?
A. The teacher munt learn ev 32、erythinK by h 33、 keep nilent while theatre audience nrednft Q no memory work In needed (or the utudentw D. thr tudrntfi muM tuke part tn flwir tcuchrrft* ply
Quttliom 36~4O orr kiied or 血 following pa "a”.
ShundnRnrh In a vilingc on Indinii enMt furing ccst. It in n villngr of simple inucl And grann houw buih on 34、thr hcni:h )umi above I hr wnfcrlinr. The Khadrn Kills rinc immedintrly behind the vHUk< ta * height ol our hundred nnd fifty meter*. A wimple. ood-hrnrud aid tnMi. whone name wnn Jalpiir> hniird two tniAll lirldii on lhe very rdgr of ths,hill~ hi* fields he could ec thr hthing boat* that truvelled 35、 up and down the coast. He could thr rhiidren pUying on the Mm如 their mothers wnnhing clothe* on the (Int mom?n where thr Shivn River (lowed into the scai nnd ihrir hthera InmhnK the latent cntch or rrpdrinR nets nnd telling stories ihut hud no mid.
All Jolpnr owned in thr world were thr clothrjk h 36、r ware day in and dny out# the miserable (W !y 建腳的 > hut that he slept in nt night ? ■ few tools and cooking potiMind his "dd? fhr corn that lie grew w^is nil that made life po^Mtblc. If the wrulhrr wna kind mid the harvest wg Kuod> Jaipur could live huppily enough ? not wrIL but hnppily. When the < 37、un wm fierce9 and there w?n littlr or nn rain, then hr ctimr cloMr to the line between life and death.
year thr weather h 38、hinking About doinR thi for Home yrnnia II wam hi* den rent wirth to ?pcnd his Unf dnys with hin son and hi wi(r. But hr would go only if hr could givei hr would not ho if h meant taking food out of thr moutht of hm xrnndchildrzn. He would rnthcr die hungry ihiin do this<
thf? day when Jnlpur decid 39、ed that he would hnrvrHt his corn, ^cli n ? nnd move up the ? hr looked out to jsen And naw a hiif4r wnvrt nrvcrnl kilomrlrrn oul > ndvnnrinK on (hr and on the villngc ol ShundaRarh. Within ten minuter everyone in Shundngarh would b drowned. Jaipur would hnvr uhoutrdi but the people were too (nr n 40、way to hrnn Hr would have run down the hil! ? but hr wmn too old io run. Hr wan prepared to do uriythinK to suve the people of Shundugarh* o he did the only thing that he could dot he set fire to his corn. In ■ mutter of nccandn the flames were rising high and mokc was n%ing hinhen Within a minute t 41、he people of ShiintlHgHrh wrrr rnciriK up the hill io si e what had IvippmeH. 1 hurr? tn ihc middle of his blnrkened cornfieldt they found Jaipur) and there they buried him.
On his gravet they wrote the wordni Herr lies Jaipur9 a man who gnvr< living] h mun who died, giving*
36. Which of the follo 42、wing could Jnlpnr N()J * from htw Firjch?
A. Mothers wnnhing clothes^
K Father* taking thrir corn to markets
(:? Fishing bom trnvcling on the sen.
I), (hildrrn phying on the *nd、?
37. Why didn9t Jaipur live well?
A> He didnt work harcL
It He had too many children to leecL
C. He only depe 43、nded on k(h) The villnKeni kept takinx his corn.
38. Jaipur1* dearest wi?h wma to.
A? move awny from hi> non
K lake a vacation up thr coant
(、make a rcat dcnl of money in order to live an emy life
IX Bpcnd hi* Unt dyM with hin non And hm wife
39. Wht di 44、d Jaipur do when he mw the huge wave?
A> Hr wrt fire to hi? ct>rn no thr people of Shundagarh would Ikavc the brach.
11 He tcreatnrd loudly to get the vilUgern^ Attention^
C\ He ran down the hill to tell the people
IX He ntCMxl will, not knowing whm to do.
40. The villagers were thankful to Jai 45、pur because ho had .
A. given hin life in order to mvc theira
B> waved their villngc from being drowned by the wave
C Hivcn them mnny thing* during hin life
Fl Riven fhrm hi* earn In order to mvc them from hunger
V. Dirvctionut
Put meh of the followlnu wnlcncc* into Knglhh or Cbinaic, uwins th 46、e word ulvcn In Ihc lirurkct If uny. Write your aaibwcr on the ANSWER SHKET. (20 poInU)
11. He prrpur^d ta pmpom dc^dlinrM yourAcll rnthrr thnn huvc them imponccL
12. Krep h/illwayA und ■Inin* well liKhlrd and frrr from clunen
13. I thought you were SpAnish>
試 47、題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
1. (20%)
1. A
3. H
5. 1)
6. C
9. B
10. H
U. (20%)
12. A
13. B
H. A
. ,
15. C
16. A
17. A
18. B
20. C
21. B
22. D
23. C
25. C
26. D
27. B
28. A
30. B
3!. D
32. A
33. A
48、34. C
35. D
36. H
38. I)
39. A
40. A
V. (20%)
(答案并不一定要求與所恰答案完全一樣.荷合句建.無訥法健誤?得3分■基本符合句 意,無市大沼法佛供.用2分j不太符合句怠?有明俏法情詼.招I分8不符合何息?句(尤法 讀W.TO0分.其他情況,的情扣分.)
11. H< prepared to propose dcadlinvft yourjiclf rather than have them impure*(I.
12. Keep hallways and Atairx well lighted nnd free from clutter.
43? I thought you were Spanish.
44. 我們的兒子是在香港出生長大的.
45. 劉不起?我不謎意成聽到你們的*?
42 .保待門廳部樓悌處的燈光耐亮?不■放**-
?14.()ur iu)n wa* born and brought “p in I longkong.
15. Kxcunc me* I couldnt help overhearinH your convcmution.
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