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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大??啤队⒄Z閱讀(2)》2023-2024期末試題及答案(試卷代號:2156) -10 arc haseil on I小、?如」 — points. < pi'inis rm h i 1 I h about I hr Channel 1 unntl which was ofncblly opened on 6 May 1991. Channel > rrgninr 21 h n tiny? 粥3 tlays & year nervier I nnncl 11K lermina! 150 Arr/am in urea I:. Z 卜m uj f aihn

2、u k 23 knt nJ nmd H /cuh/iwx / tinhMtdtn/:, plulfnr tn\ French Icrmhuil 70() hecturri in urru )0 km o / rn Utriu k 4 : km ii I K bnuluiK /unluntiiny. 心 ? \i lru5i ent iJvpnrtun prr hour ihrougli I he night ? Vor loment a shunlc It .iVcA ? very ;!0 nnninr .il | 心k timv5 when fully ep5血頑 j

3、Hive on. drive oil ? Estimated mnxtnnini lujnling tune 8 rninule-i ? Eslin 山 hd maMmimi nnlonding nine 8 nnnutv5 j I wo 5iuglr irni k rail I urinrlx. one 1 tirincl for ?su4| dlrrrlion^ itacb 5( kni long ?<()(! 7. h m in dtnmetrr ? linked to I he QTVHT t imtu I by ez {xKtg vxvty 375 m □ Kurnsiu

4、r hlfjh h 5prcxi ? L< Shuitie lor Mi kinds of cfii* :l」, Shut (lit rnrrio mud vrhiek$ Irnni onr fcrtninul in 11k nr hi r in juf-r 3, mirmies ? M/ixiinuni speed: 140 kph . ? Carnes roaches 辰 wpII .冷 nt rs Special ircjghi idiuttles for lotries jSttfvjet for 3,%? ertravnns nnd roArh(r5t every

5、!u niiniiH-s al penk iintcji ? ( her :1 ?(??)(* |;Mg心g 時 lh?ur van hv rmrkd pctd pnisrnger ir;nns can I ravel at 160 kph jAu duett ia prevem pr< >:uirr build up .:Nnn ^top iaurnvy<: ? Pnris l-on

6、fel y ?n

7、L 1. I low long l§ the (^luinnel Tunnel opvn n day? 4 ( r>uld people dnve then own c^r> through \he Channel I urinfdY 3. Mow Inst ibi thr Knrf)5t^ir passenger imins roY l? How r|Uiukly ran gel 10 London itam Biushcls? 5. What xvtll happen if lhvrrf* >i fin in the tunnrl? Reaci Passage I again

8、and decide whether the following statemtnls are True or Falser. Write I For I ruc and E for False against the nunibrr of each

9、 8. At peak limes over 4 <000 passengers can bt carried pet hour. 9. Lr Shuttle will only Uikr H minutes to lond and unload, 10. A luunsi who only knows English couldn^t rend the signs when he arrives nt Paris StatioiL Pari II Midliplr Choices Read Passages 2 & 3 and then choose the best answer

10、 to each of the questions 11-20. Write your nnswers on lhe Answer Shock〔30 poinlj 3 points# each* Passage 2 CHINA'S computer market recorded ii 39? i-per-crni invn-as^ in the first half of lhe yciiFt rnnkinfl :he country thr world *5 growing consnmrr i>l personal com|HJiers. China grabbed 23 per

11、cent of VC sah* in the 八口比Pri山廣 rvgn>n< with the excepuon of Jnpant I id ween January and Junt% Thi? represents tin Inrgt^i buying fiirec in Jir region, n survey i rpurt from Daiuquest < m inirrnalKinnlly rennwnrd I *S nvirkrt surv?:y {irrn. indicjitril. Meanwhile? ihf Lvgrinl Group. I he b>|4^vsi

12、PC seller in China? ranked c^hlh nruDnj{ (he n i?iorrs top 10 cnff

13、I Im* I /i Icadinn nunpuirr nH^nf in I hinnt unwilrd if?>wji P( hrnnd it tin ftul of Augu>i in Shsuhm .mil ibrer r?ihrf ( hme” ciiiri. I hc cmmwiriy n|M?iu d tnnn ihhn 3() i/ihy and ?m innnilvnnn( r ccnir

14、y k ?chhrin lb<* tnnrkvlplnc

15、r? InrKr^t linuM*hiil

16、ty for tnoai rariiptHi f tnnkrrn. I hr (Yirnpnny uprnt $ ?5 milln n >h is prnduciion in Wuxh JinngKii Provinrr? l*?1 yiuift null Srn^nirS ifncMinmt will rmrh $ 2H0 nulhnn in thr(/binc^c nimkE thi5 yrnr. hr 3"L Question* 11- 15 nrr bwd on PttMHjtc 2. 11. Ae

17、kri tn (*hi!in . A in the fastest computorei iti I hr world It lui> wn 4 rrrurd ?rnwlh of 3A 1 % in finr 加r (? hftfi >:mwn to br lh< hi^^rsi Iniyrr in ihr A >inn PnrifH 11 hii5 Krnlihrti 23j d ol ihi AMunPanlh n ^inn *s Pl* sales !ron> Jiipnn 12. The Legend (iroup from China ? A. h/in tnppvil

18、Oic 10 biKK* ?'I rnnipiili-r tnnkrrb in I hr AitiinvPttctfic aren !< hi>lrln 2. 15?應(yīng) of the tnniphny V* nh/Ht iti the 八Irmk nuirkrl (\ Iiam brroniv llir P( *山 r in ihin/i l>? i?"小。貝"in hh in I In* inar k^t I3> VUny new rnrnpnnic% hnvr jcnmul ihK rnfttkvi? A. 心 iht*y mm- rhr oppiii tmiily for hi

19、^h pn>hl in H Ik lirrnuM* ihrrr in tmn h b?i

20、* hi^h ijunlity fiiAiiilrhiinvM 11 for g I ( pnulm tinn cdpucny C LS (lie 5 : u|i|llluj ol hard dim $ Il a? i\ lcadn)K i fMnpni? r wm I ?. H> mi nunfnrig thm < niilhon i'( 、will L???l」m i hin-i this ymrt Im I SicaiI iihIk ^ic> ih*r . A. ilirrt will In luntlvr crfrn|M-ililnt? |nr lf( nqiipnme>

21、ti> nwilcr(? iiruiii Il bin eompanics cun invent of mnn^y aihI profil lnnn h C. it r.m Ixi n worulcrful opportunity li>r VC cntnprtnio e fiuikv a pn>lit IX hi* company is Mulmfinl wilh the celling frcnnl ii hns let Phswiui 3 Arc t hr British jirnple I hi, nmy >r< rn n snafinc rpz條?o Alrinin^ uml

22、Ahian-it who 泠nJ to think of nil while mrn HnrnpvAn . But Uic Hrn話h? whi?n they nrr in lintnin. ?!<> nut rr^nril ihrmnrlvcA Eurnpran^ Tht? EnropcHnst to ihr ni# a" rhox rnthcr i wiluhlr lorci^tHTp Ituiii th< ?dhrr the EuglKli ( IwnnvL who hnw mm Ii irnl linw to ftpfnk Enuhslb Eurnpr is * Un ("inihru

23、 nT*. j piu^r full dI inirn ^t fri: British but iihn lih- sourer nf nlrnt^l all I he , iti winch Ihil/nn hnh ever htn n uhtiIvi(L J nhhowh ?engf aphicdllyBritain ih u pnrt of Kuroprt yet I hr Uet llvn II is a se;mraic I Jnnd hub rii ulr (>ro|*lv Irrl vrry t very ir?5iihn 1 hry ft r|> nnd tn nuiny w

24、八y? nrr> rvn! from I hr tr I nf Kurnpf ntul they %omfUrnr? annoy cnnnnrntnl nnnaris by failing io 5dp|H!in tlu/rnw or evm in Hikdrr5Hin

25、vatlvd IVitnin ;it vannt^s utur^ from Euiopi% Nobody kr)nw5 vety much aIjcxH Britain ht4?iri! tht Rnnuin?* rnrnc duritiM ihr (trsi century Ik t ? bm there hnd hum of knM three invuaion^ bclurr iluiL Vhe first of llir>r W3* liy /i ihir k luurril \h(litrrrnn(.7in rnev culled iht: 1 iir r>lhrr iwn wvrr

26、 hy Critic tribrx first iht: finrk. whr it ilrscrnd/inK an1 fhr inodrrn Scot% and I門sh? ol wham still eAk tlir (iM-hr In”以mu。i ^n who unvr ihi ir nnmr to thr whe l< isLmil >f IVnt MH. I hr m< wm iIh iM-npJr whom ilu^ Roman* ionqur?tn|t Pin Ronvin? 卬八的 ihi lirnnie n uh(ilI tlu

27、ul ol Ibulr ? :viliz/iiiCru hut lhi?y tirvcr nrillnl in Hritnin in verv Inr” huiiibvrse ?,□ tlit Brtlt h r^rr hnrviwd ihhi! iht iivtfthrow ul i!h- Raninn ICmpirr hy ilir Mlinrl?nf!;ins>,- r. ? IIh

28、 I tie rlic plltpOM ol ihf ?■中f In _ ? A. lalk hI^hii Kmupi nn* K 山hwf \hv iitixih(i( Brdi>h pvi .pb- < .”川i礦:>>r ihf Hiipfiinnry(?f Bril?- h r>|i|r !>? ihr l It br kntHVn ll^lh llie “皇?■'■ml ib/H ? A iltii l pvtipb t hltik ivlulr |II nplr iirr Klini|it

29、 lillft Ik ihrn art ninny Afrlnmn uni A ?:m living ni Europo ( white mm nir Eiiropinn> in ilw ??y?,of \lnninj* Arid \viarr. I >? ih< Briuvh pr(ipl< think M I lirinst lws Eurn|ir4ir< IK. Il mu Ih iideurd ftiHii llic thiit A. l urv llinxi wh

30、in r/iint Innn ihr inhrr snlv id ihr I- ti^lr h( hnriTiri (\ Briinin 1* ,plno- lull

31、-y oTiirtirm、fail E Mtpprrl I hi rahiihi tilfcl count rir> Hi hnic of rim(L C I In y flU4 rpJHAii(I ^t i^rupluridly Imm iIh CMnilhrtit. IX Tilt ? in cun?iilvreil vt?ry diflicuh ?< mulct >i/hhI ?n Wlitvh of I In- lidtowiug ihimIiI 2 ihmwwd Afb-r ihr 心睥*t ?: A< I hr (Hrniiinir Iribo wliirh inviidr

32、il Hrilftiih B tin i iviliriition llu4 R?unnm Hfiiniti ? i I n Rcirnnnn who did tint *v

33、t rnri hi viuy Itplplul tn pru)pli who enn lully i hnnsf the Ju)w> tlbit ihvy svAtvh I rlrvrimi? enn iih4omm (Hir knowlrd^t of thr oui*mlv wcirkli ihrn /irr hinh qniiliiy |,”卞口“門、Hu hrlp in winh rNtaiul nwiny lirhh of Jitinlyi Hrirmre< rut flirim-t I ht- nr I . Utul 小 >fh Mori 小? r ? I \ hrtirlit -

34、 Vr r v ulrl pi^,pli wht? <#nnf I ohrti h w I hr hfHisr< h w<*ll .in pniH*in< in Imjdlnb- li m也 native “Mwk山% ih< mlv/HHiiMr of ilnily tiilmnul l/inuiKiuv pm. in t i ilirt i ;m nr ri i5t Hlrir vixaliulinv iiihl pr/ii hntrnhig. ()n ihi mhcr haniK nro m veral

35、ovides U5 with n plra^nnl wwy in rrhix ?、ml s|H!fid our fret linir? Inti hi sninr fnuninr^# pt-oph walrh llv* T\ for nn nwragr nf 1 ixlyitig and 對以勺山比 h *5 clei?

36、r lhE ihr I V ha> a powerful inlhicnci on thrir lives and ihnt 11? influenct is oltrti (iLjja tivf\ Rriu tH st i:f *1 V (>n the hurnftii hrni

37、n is thnt it to rjiu^tt poor conrtrntration- Chihirrn who vit^w lot of I V con oflrn conrenirnie on a subject for only (iltrt n u? twenty niininc^i lhey um pay dttrniion only for the amount of titne between dnmmer血Ik. Another disadvantage 詰 that I V ofien causes people to beeame dissalisfieil with

38、their own livcM. RcaI lilc does not seem as exciting lo these people as the livch of ncton on ibe 5rrceth To rnimy peupb . TV hemmed more real than reality, anil ihrir own lives sveni boring. Also, rnany j>coplc gel upset or depresned wh《n tlwy solve problems m rcnl life ;ii; quickly as IV acinrs wr

39、n lo. <>n die screent nciors solvr serious problems it\ a hnlMinur program or n thirty second commurdnl. Before a < hild 卜(nurfccri yesrs ol(L hr or ^he vi-WF t irvrn靜md rnurrlcr> in ihf 丁\L ilc cr bhc begins lo ludirvc tFtat ihcrc is strange ;:hout hghtH# killiiigs# nntl other kinds of vinlrncr.

40、Many <1 udirs show that pt-DpIr hrcnrnf rnorr vioirnt after ccrlain progrnnv^ I hry tnsy even do the things ihat they mw in a vtolesil show. I hr niO5i negative effect of the TV might be peoplefs addiction tr if People often feel i strange and powerful need io svaich W even whtm they Hou 11 enjoy n

41、> Addiction to n TV screen is sinuhn to drug or nlcohol mJilictian: people alrnoal never believe they arc addicied. Rend Passage 4 and decide whether the following statements arc True or False. Write 1 for Frue and F for Fa he ngainst the number of each of fhr stalemcnK on your \n5wcr Sheet 21< TV

42、 pro^ram^ arc definitely hclpiul tn anyone^ 22. There Mrr po^itire ol rV nn ouj hvc>. 23- l \ can help improve onra5 ion 厚袂5". 2L Wmchnig a Im of T V helps improve our( tHk> ntration^ 2a. Some chddrvn spend tnorr imiv wnu hing 1 \ than sludying and

43、 lives of pvnpie in I \ ^hnws scrni tn be very cxcitinp. ?7 I V prng/Htu> ran help pvnple vilve prohlen)5 as quickly ihe actors^ 28> I V vic:l< uci nnikvs sunn: jwnidc. especially cliihlrm. tnkv violence iti real lift for grantrnr !rong

44、desire to watch it ttven if the prrmrani is not mtvrcsfing< 30. Lhc nninly di^usHes lhe advantages nf TV. Pari IV Short Answer Questions 31-35 lire based on 5.(20 pcnnls# I points each) Passage r A Man of the Forest Long -igo in England there was j strong nnd hrnvc man. I lis name wn> Robin Ho

45、od. He end his f:iernl< made thvir home in lhe ilept under trees and killed wild animals for ihnr fo in need )( h』p? Kohin Unotl appeared. Xaw Jet him trll his story.

46、 One day I wns walking through Sherwood Eoresh i knt w that Rohm Hood and his men hvt-d there. But I was lint ^fraiil. I was hap[?y becausi! 1 wus going to my wedding. I hmi a gold ring with rnc (or tlir wcddifig. I did na; see Robin Flood that dwy. But he saw mr. 1 he:? wg nu wedding tliut day. M

47、y bnde1 % f^lhrr did not want her 10 nmrry nir. I I m. rry n nrli matu Shr did not hkr tin rirh rn;m bi ^nsr hr whs vrry nhl. S> 1 walked buck IiCihk rhr next day# I ^xlkril through (he sam, (ore^f ? feeling very sad- Wbi n Rnbin Hnnd saw me hi stc^ipi d mr. “1 f?uAv yon yrslerdn

48、ytM lie u going and W hen I udil Robin Hood my joteny. In wiL "My 」md I cut) help you. But lell tnce do yon lnv<< t hr- Rirl?H I QL - Ye s ” And hi n>kr(L whe lave you?" ?? \ 3" I HnbwrmL 'When ,h? 10 nmrrv ihn old rndn?" he I n*plirci. Rfil m I In

49、rnl thonghe of >nnirthing and “id. K I onhiimw ynu will hdve your hm"" Ul cnlkti his nirn anil ^aliL " We hnvc sonic work tu do iidw< Wv mui5t sio; nnv wedding and hivr 3rw>lhrr- ! want lvf idw men 10 go wnh me mmorrnw. Wr- will ga Io the rily rhunh and sit ihrre.” Th

50、ir rhun II When ihv hrulr camr m? Robin lined nnrl kukmI " I hrn Rabin I load callrd mr ?i:ui ?skul 1 hi hrhh、"Do yuti love thin

51、younK man; " She said* M Yr a." Anti wr luid the her ! wedding n: the rity. Sonn penph- ih> no: like Rubin I food. I hkir htrn very much because lie ga%*v nir Iuh k my in Hutiiul briik. Read PiiNsi!只e 5 nnd then try to give short answers to Vueslions 3I?J,. Write y(n)r answers on the Ansuer Sheet

52、. 3 L Where ditl Kolmi I land nnd hi- fnt nds hd 叩 3Z? Whut kind n! Ii[r did Rcihm I luod and hi< friends hvr; 33. Why ihil ihv pocir man ivtl hhppy when he Was walking iliT

53、 was. happy in :he rnd Why? 試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (僅供參考) Part | (30 points* 3 points each) 1. hl open 24 hours a dh” 2. Na> I hey couldn't. 3. The wmnEKcr Irninb cun truvcl i\\ 160 kph. 4. Over 3 hours. 5. There*ft n service tunnel which enn be uncd IO ?vacuatv people in case o( fire. 6. E 7. F Pari

54、|| ( 30 points. J points cnch) 13. A 16. H 20. A Pari III < 20 p

55、hr wm? goinft to his wedding. 34. Twicr. 35, Ym. he wan happy, bccnu*e Kobin Hoch! guvc him buck In* benutilul hridi:. 怦分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(教師閱卷時,可備一份試題作參考) ⑴第一部分有1。也明.每小題3分?共計如分.以參一答;K" .卅小建做對得3分.他 常不得分.1-51?評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)如下* 得分 標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 3分 回答問題全面正勘(不一定與參考答案完全一致.表達(dá)正蜿?拼號及標(biāo)點 符號全部iE確). 2分 回答比較全而,有個別語法梢識. 1分 回容不全面,有較多的i

56、flift稍漠. 0分 回答完全帝誤,與問履嗟無關(guān)系. 對于字母餅寫,大小“ W^.W處扣 3分?5于蹲素什扣分不陽超過5于. ⑵第二部分宥1。近第.每小題X分.飛計30分.技壑孑一案閱卷?每小匙做對仰{分出 常本得分. ⑶第三部分W 10 ill止誤判斯地?每小題2分.共計20分.按參考爸案I" 母小?I做耳 物2分?做糟不得分. (4)第四部分,5道荷答題?fij小Bl I分.共計2。分.!《部分四部分分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)如b 得分 標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 4分 回寄問題全面正埔(不- ?定與參&署案黨主?致.左達(dá)正雄.拼弓及懷點 符號全部正確)? 3分 回答比較全面.有個別語孩帶0L 2分 網(wǎng)答不夠全皿,有少m的雀法情?誤. 】分 網(wǎng)答不全面.有較多的語法帶誤. 。分 網(wǎng)答完全信誤?與問題卷無關(guān)系. 對了字毋拼寫、大小寫等錯說腳處扣0.5分.5iflfiS?HJn分彳瀏的過5分.

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