3723 旋鈕注塑模設計,旋鈕,注塑,設計
河南機電高等專科學校畢業(yè)設計說明書摘 要本設計的題目是旋鈕注塑模設計,通過塑件的工藝分析、注塑模結構設計及有關計算、模具閉合高的的確定、注塑機有關參數的校核等,該模具基本符合要求。該塑件要求表面沒有毛刺、凹陷等缺陷,內部不得有導電雜質,沒有其它特別要求,故注塑較易實現。根據塑件的成型要求及模腔的排列方式,選用側澆口比較合適,設計時,考慮選擇從壁厚 3mm 處進料,料從厚處向薄處流,且該模具型芯采用組合式結構,有利于填充、排氣。凸模主要是成形制件的內表面,考慮加工的難易程度和材料的價值利用、塑件的形狀和尺寸,并考慮到塑件的生產率,本模具采用一模四件的結構形式;凹模主要成型塑件外表面,結構較簡單,將凹模設計成組合式結構,既保證塑件外觀與質量,模具加工也比較方便。由于設計者的能力有限,設計中存在很多不足之處,還望老師給予指教和諒解。關鍵詞:塑件表面、一模六腔、組合式型腔、側澆口。河南機電高等專科學校畢業(yè)設計說明書The topic of this design is a knob to noteAbstractThe topic of this design is a knob to note the mold of part designs, the piece of part craft analysis, and the mold construction design and relevant calculation, the molding tool shuts to match high really settle, note the machine of the concerning parameter etc., that molding tool is basic to meet the request.The part's piece requests the surface has no the hair stabs, hollow etc. blemish, inner part cannot conduct electricity the miscellaneous quality, have no other special request, so note the part than realizes easily.According to an alignment for modeling request and moldings method, choose to sprinkle with the side comparison accommodation, design, consider the choice from the wall the thick 3 mms enters to anticipate, anticipate to flow to thin place from the thick place, and the molding tool's type 芯 adopts the sectional construction, benefitting to fill , row spirit.The convex mold is a difficult easy degree to take shape a the piece of system inside surfaces, consider to process primarily with the material of worth a make use of, a rate of production for of shape with size, combining in consideration of the piece of the part , this molding tool adoption is sectional to model a mold six pieces constructions form;The cave mold models the part an outward appearance primarily, construction than simple, design the cave mold sectional construction, since guarantee the part an external appearance and quantity, the molding tool processes too more convenient.Because design of ability limited, design inside exsit a lot of not enough places, still hope the teacher gives to advise with understand.Key phrase:The part have sixe, molding sectional types , sides sprinkle.