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摘 要
Numerical control technique is the basic of automation, flexible, integrated, production in manufacturing, modern CAD/CAM, flexible manufacturing systems, computer integrated manufacturing systems are all built on the basic of numerical control technology. At the same time, numerical control technique is related to the strategic importance of a country and it is one of the important foundation industries to reflect the overall national strength of a country, the level of which is the core signs of measuring the modernization of a country’s manufacturing. The realization of the processing of CNC machine tools and production processes has become the development direction of the manufacturing. Popularizing and using numerical control technology is a strategic task in our mechanical manufacturing industry. NC machine tools, which can produce parts with high repeated precision and manufacture complex shape parts with reliability, need no more time to prepare, have more flexibility to alteration of parts, and clamping apparatuses of NC machine tools are very simple. Consequently, NC machine tools will play an important position in mechanical manufacturing at now and a period of time in the future.
The topic is the design of CK6163 vertical feed system. First of all, the solution of transmission will be determined according to the typical technological data and combined with the formulation parameters. Design the main structure of the transmission system, including choice the ball screw and design the structure of the slowdown box, so as to complete the design of mechanical structure of the whole system. Then, choice the stepping motor by calculating, drive the ball screw, which led campaign table. In order to complete the design of feeding system, design the control system of stepping motor based on AT89C51, so that the motor to achieve positive or negative rotating, rapid positive or negative rotating, ensure the control of the transmission system.
Key words: CNC machine tools;ball screw;stepping motor;single-chip
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 緒論 1
1.1 數控機床的發(fā)展歷史與現狀 1
1.2 發(fā)展數控機床的必要性 2
1.3 數控機床的結構與特點 2
1.4 數控機床的發(fā)展方向 5
2 設計任務與方案確定 7
2.1 設計任務 7
2.2 設計技術參數 7
2.3 總體方案的確定 7
3 機械傳動設計計算 8
3.1 計算內容及步驟 8
3.2 滾珠絲杠設計計算 8
3.2.1 切削力的計算 8
3.2.2 滾珠絲杠螺母副的計算和選型 8
3.2.3 滾珠絲杠螺母副的驗算 10
3.3 步進電機的計算與選型 12
3.3.1 步進電機選型 12
3.3.2 傳動比的確定 13
3.3.3 轉動慣量的計算 13
3.3.4 步進電機轉矩校核 14
3.3.5 步進電機性能校核 15
3.4 滾珠絲杠的預緊和消隙 16
4 環(huán)保性與經濟性分析 17
4.1 經濟性分析 17
4.2 環(huán)保性分析 17
結論 19
參考文獻 20
致 謝 21