17.2 瞬時(shí)中心的定義
側(cè)傾中心與等效擺臂的長(zhǎng)度與高度有關(guān)。外傾角的變化率僅與等效擺臂的長(zhǎng)度有關(guān)(見(jiàn)圖17.9)當(dāng)我們可以把懸架的橫臂簡(jiǎn)化為一個(gè)擺動(dòng)的桿時(shí),這個(gè)輪胎外傾角的變化率就可以由這個(gè)式子求出了arctan(l/fvsa length) ,即車(chē)輪每運(yùn)動(dòng)一英寸對(duì)應(yīng)的車(chē)輪外傾角變化。由圖2-3我們可知,短的臂長(zhǎng)會(huì)造成大的外傾變化,長(zhǎng)的臂長(zhǎng)造成小的外傾變化。注:這個(gè)是不同于靜態(tài)車(chē)輪外傾設(shè)置和定位的。
Suspension Geometry
Designing suspension systems for production or racing cars requires technical knowledge in several disciplines. This chapter will cover only one of those disciplines-the study of suspension kinematics or "geometry."This chapter does not cover the effects of compliance or deflections of structural components under load ; these effects are discussed in Chapter 23.
When we talk about suspension geometry it means the broad subject of how the unsprung mass of a vehicle is connected to the sprung mass. These connections not only dictate the path of relative motion, they also control the forces that are transmitted between them.
Any particular geometry must be designed to meet the needs of the particular vehicle for which it is to be applied. There is no single best geometry.
17. 1 Degrees of Freedom and Motion Path
For an independent suspension, be it front or rear, the assemblage of control arms is intended to control the wheel motion relative to the car body in a single prescribed path. That path may have camber gain, caster change, and toe change as prescribed by the designer but it still follows only one path as it moves up and down. In engineering terms we could say that the wheel has a fixed path of motion relative to the car body. It is not allowed to move fore and aft laterally relative to this path. The knuckle is not allowed to rotate other than as determined by this fixed path (of course the wheel is allowed to roll around the spindle axis). The suspension linkages are expected to position the knuckle (wheel) very accurately in all directions while allowing it to move up and down against the spring and shock. In front suspension we do have a steer rotation degree of freedom but only when it is demanded from the steering system.
For any body moving in space relative to another body. Its motion can be completely defined by three components of linear motion and three components of rotational motion (see Figure 17. 1).
A single body is said to have six degrees of freedom of motion in a three-dimensional world. We said above that any independent suspension allows only one path of motion of the knuckle relative to the body. Another way to say the same thing is that the suspension provides five degrees of restraint (D. O. R.), i. e. It severely limits motion in five directions. In the real world, the mechanical components that supply the restraints are not "perfect” in the sense of restraining the motion to a particular degree of freedom. Therefore the study of independent suspension geometries is to determine how to restrain the knuckle to limited motion in live directions.
If the only components you could use to design a suspension geometry were straight links with rod ends (spherical joints) on each end, the required restrains can be provided with five of them. In other words to obtain five degrees of restrains requires exactly five tension-compression links.
To relate this concept to more familiar hardware, we need to understand how typical suspension components provide their restraining function. Looking at Figure 17.2
You can see that an A-arm is really equivalent to two straight links with their outer ends coming together at the ball joint. A Macpherson Strut is kinematically a "slider” mechanism which is equal to an A arm that is infinitely long at right angles to the slider travel.
Now, with this in mind, we can look at most independent suspensions and come up with a count of five links in every case(see Figure 17. 3),
The standard racing double wishbone suspension has two A-arms plus a tie rod Thus two links for each A-arm and one link for the tie rod adds up to five. A Macpherson Strut suspension has two for the strut, two for the lower A · arm and the tie rod makes live. There are some suspensions that are less obvious because they have fewer links, but what they are usually doing is introducing a bending requirement to achieve restraint of motion. An example of this is a semi trailing arm rear suspension. There is one arm that does the job of live links, but in order to do it, it must be strong in bending and torsion in the three directions of rotation. For solid axle (or beam type) rear (and occasionally front) axles, the two wheels are tied together, so motion of one affects the other (see Figure 17. 4).
When two wheels are tied together, they have two different motions relative to the body ; they can go up and down together (parallel bump motion) or they can move in opposite directions one up and one down (roll motion). In kinematic terms the axle has two degrees of freedom of motion relative to the body. There is a total of six degrees of motion in space ; we must restrain four when we design a beam-type rear suspension. This can be accomplished with a linkage having just four tension-compression links.
17. 2 Instant Center Defined
throughout the rest of this chapter the term instant center (IC) will be used in describing and determining several common suspension parameters, To help achieve clarity in these discussions some comments about what is an instant center, are in order. The word “instant" means at that particular position of the linkage. “Center” refers to a projected imaginary point that is effectively the pivot point of the linkage at that instant. Figure 17. 5 suggests how two short links can be replaced with one longer one. AB the linkage h moved, the center moves, so proper geometric design not only establishes all the instant centers in their desired position at ride height, but also controls how fast and in what direction they move wide suspension travel
Instant centers come from the study of kinematics in two dimensions (in a plane). They are a convenient graphic aid in establishing motion relationships between two bodies. In suspension design it is convenient to break down this three-dimensional problem into two, two-dimensional problems. We talk about the front view and the side view geometry. What we are doing is cutting vertical planes (9oe to the ground) through the wheel center, one parallel to the centerline of the car, and the other at a right angle to the vehicle centerline. We then project all the suspension points onto these planes.
when we connect a line between the ball joint and the control arm bushing and project it across e plane both for the upper and lower control arms they will usually intersect at some point This intersect is an instantaneous linkage center. If you do the projection in the front view the instant center defines the camber change rate, part of the roll center information scrub motion, and data needed to determine the steer characteristics. If you are working with the side view, the instant center will define the wheel fore and aft path, anti-lift and anti-dive/squat information, and caster change rate. As with any three-dimensional objects, three orthogonal views are possible : because the third view (top view) is approximately along the single (ride) degree of freedom it contains little useful information about the path of the wheel.
Instant Axis
In true three dimensional space, instant centers are replaced by instant axes. If we take the instant centers defined in the side view and the rear view and connect them together we get a line. This line can be thought of as the instant axis of motion of the knuckle relative to the body (see Figure 17. 6). Independent suspensions have one instant axis of motion because they have five restraints ; of course, this instant axis moves with changes in ride height. Rear axles have two instant axes, one for parallel bump and one for roll ;these also may move with changes in ride height So whenever we are studying a particular suspension system we need to establish the instant centers and/or the instant axes. The remainder of this chapter will be devoted to the determination of these axes for many common types of front and rear suspensions, with additional comments in regard to their adjustability to meet the needs of race cars.
17. 3 Independent Suspensions
For all independent suspensions there are the two instant centers (which change with bump and droop) that establish the properties of that particular design. The side view instant center controls force and motion factors predominantly related to fore and aft accelerations, while the front view instant (or swing) center controls force and motion factors due to lateral accelerations.
Front View Swing Arm Geometry
The front view swing arm (fvsa) instant center location controls the roll center height (RCH), the camber change rate, and tire lateral scrub. The IC can be located inboard of the wheel or outboard of the wheel. It can be above ground level or below ground. The location is up lo the designers' performance requirements.
Roll Center Height
The roll center height is found by projecting a line from the center of the tire-ground contact patch through the front view instant center shown in Figure 17. 7 (a). This is repeated for each side of the car, where these two lines intersect is the roll center of the sprung mass of the car, relative to the ground. It is not necessarily at the centerline of the car, especially with asymmetric suspension geometry (Figure 17. 7 (b)) or once the car assumes a roll angle in a turn. It is obvious that the roll center location is controlled by the instant center heights above or below ground, the distance away from the tire that the instant center is placed, and whether the instant center is inboard or outboard of the tire contact patch.
Now that you know how to find the roll center, what does it mean? The roll center establishes the force coupling point between the unsprung and sprung masses. When a car comers, the centrifugal force at the center of gravity is reacted by the tires. The lateral force at the CG can be translated to the roll center if the appropriate force and moment (about the roll center) are shown. The higher the roll center the smaller the roll moment about the toll center (which must be resisted by the springs) ; the lower the roll center tile larger the rolling moment. You will also notice that with higher roll centers the lateral force acting at the roll center is higher off the ground. This lateral force the distance to the ground can be called the nonrolling over moment. So roll center heights are trading off the relative effects of the rolling and nonrolling moments. (See Chapter 18 for another explanation of these effects.)
The above part is simple and straight forward. There is however, another factor in establishing the desired roll center height, and this is the horizontal-vertical coupling effect. If 1he roll center is above ground level the lateral force from the tire generates a moment about the instant center (IC). This moment pushes the wheel down and lifts the sprung mass; it is called jacking (see Figure 17. 8(a)). If the roll center is below the ground level (possible with SLA suspension) then the force will push the sprung mass down. In either case the sprung mass will have a vertical deflection due to a lateral force! This is most apparent on older cars with swing axle rear suspensions such as the Formula Vee. An alternate way to analyze this situation is shown in Figure 17. 8 (b). Here the total force at the contact patch is drawn to its reaction point at the instant center and the lateral and vertical components are indicated ; the vertical component in the case shown will lift U)e sprung mass.
Camber Change Rate
While the roll center is a function of the fvsa length and height, the camber change rate is only a function of fvsa length (sec Figure 17. 9). If you replace the control arms of the suspension with a single link that ran from the knuckle to the instant center, the amount of camber change that was achieved per inch of ride travel would be camber change (deg./h) = arctan(l/fvsa length). Note : This is different from the static camber setting or alignment